Do you believe in things like ghosts?



I DEFINITELY believe in ghosts. I live in a city that's quite known for all of its hauntings and even though I've never experienced anything personally, I've known of other people that have had crazy experiences, including my grandmother, who wouldnt have made this stuff up.


Well-Known Member
I have had some crazy shit show up on photos man, I have a few interesting experiences myself and don't believe in ghosts but believe that there is much more out there then we can ever imagine possible. they could be spirits that are in another dimension that we are accidentally able to see. I believe I have heard that suppossedly there is parallel universes and shit like less than an 1/8 of an inch away from us. I don't really understand how that shit works though, hell no one really does. I love thinking about it though when Im stoned :)


Well-Known Member
I've seen some stuff. I still debate about what caused it though. I've had some cool experiences with quija boards and stuff. I don't know if it's some sort of energy from dead people or just a pure creation in the minds of those involved. Either way I can say it was kind of scary at the time but really cool at the same time. I love looking for things outside of every day life and I'm pretty sure most of you do to. Otherwise why would you smoke weed and use drugs in general?

I'm not sure, I'm only 22 and hopefully have a lot more to see..


Well-Known Member
Ouiji boards scare the shit outta me. I'll never pick on up again. Can't say if thier legit or not. My friend's friend had recently passed away. When we picked up the ouiji board we (or I) had no intention on contacting him. Sure enough somone asked for "the spirits" initials. Sure enough M.S comes up. I know I didn't do it. I think her mind was set on it, so thats what came up. If nobody was touching it, I might believe but I just can't trust that it did it all by itself. Messing with ouiji boards and calling on spirits is bad. Your inviting the unknown in IMHO.


Well-Known Member
your thoughts live forever.

I remember as a younger lad, reading a series of books by Jane Roberts and her friend, Seth. Was interesting to say the least.

I'm thinking of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich spaceship on a collision course with a planet of marshmallow fluff. There, now it's out there forever, floating in space.


Well-Known Member
i still sleep with the tv on to cover the cacauphony
the house was built in 1835
the original owner and family were in the civil war
the racket those guys make is enough to get the gun (until you realize who it is) on a daily basis!
they have broken, hidden, and manipulated my things numerous times
in my mind there is no question


New Member
your thoughts live forever.

I remember as a younger lad, reading a series of books by Jane Roberts and her friend, Seth. Was interesting to say the least.

I'm thinking of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich spaceship on a collision course with a planet of marshmallow fluff. There, now it's out there forever, floating in space.
Sure it is.....