There are so many other areas that can be improved upon before getting government involved.
FACT government fucks up 99.9% of programs they start.
they won't tackle the malpractice issue, they don't want to fuck over the lawyer buddies (themselves)
They won't support doctors setting up clinics to treat people on a monthly fee basis. I. E. no hmo except for catastrophic care policy. (they shut one guy down on the east coast)
They won't allow insurance companies to sell insurance across state lines.
WE spent 10 billion last year on illegal aliens health care. ENFORCE THE LAWS, maybe?
There should be a law that govt. must release all restrictions they put on companies for 1 year before they can get involved.
Simply, more govt is not the answer. the last 60 years has proven that the govt. is part of the problem, not the solution.
Until we are given candidates that will use common sense, not political sense, it will not get better. Time to wake up people, you are doing just what they want, arguing amongst ourselves
If the people worked hard to find a TRUE leader, and businessmen who vowed to right the ship, both parties would snap in line when the 3rd party hit 40% support. Until then we just argue pointlessly on the internet.