i'm guessing you guys believe in aliens too? and no i'm not talking of the people who have entered the country illegally.
Is it any more crazy to "believe" in god? personally I find it far less plausible!
Well how about this. Even IF what you are saying is true. Does it matter anymore? no. And i forgot who said it but the war in Iraq just costs us money. The way USA makes money is because we sell weapons to OTHER COUNTRIES. And we have been doing that for years, even before 911.
There are over 4,000 US families that would argue with your statement...and foreign countries literally own trillions of our debt= they hold US soil as collateral...How will we pay this back?...How long until foreclosure?
I think if you don't believe in aliens you are not thinking logically.
Out of billions of stars and billions of planets there isn't one other planet with life on it?
Believing in aliens is logical. Believing they come to Earth and anally probe rednecks is a bit far-fetched.
If I was an alien...this would be high on my "to-do list"...
Using the alien thing to discredit "truthers" is classic. I over heard a history teacher, before showing the 9/11 ground zero video, telling the students about how mad it makes him that people think that there is a conspiracy...he used a very compelling argument...He said that most of these conspiracy theory nuts, also believe that the lunar landing was faked...then he talked about the space race, and how if the US had faked the moon landing...don't you think the USSR would have called us on it?...good point.
As for the fire weakening the steel...I saw the pre 9-11-06 "loose change"...the narrator gives about 20 examples of high rise buildings, built in the 70's, that burned longer than the towers...some for days...and did NOT collapse...The fire following the B-52 crashing into the empire state building...burned longer...and it is STILL standing. By the way, I highly recommend the first 15 min or so of this film, starting with Mcnamara's involvement with previous planned terrror attacks to justify an invasion of Cuba...the FEMA and Justice Dept's Terror booklets printed with a picture of the twin towers in cross-hairs ('98 and 2000 respectively)...the study of the effects of a 757 hitting the pentagon (complete with pics of scale models) with consultation from the then pentagon employee/future pilot of flight 77 following his retirement from the navy and taking a job with American Airlines...Oh and then there is flight 93 landing in cleveland where ~200 passengers were evacuated (close to the # of people on the 4 planes)
And since when do planes that hold 200 passengers fly at 25% occupancy?
In general, firefighters are damn fine citizens. I have worked with many.
When these guys talk about fire...they know what they are talking about. The flashes and explosions reported...lots of them...what they are lying?
One of the towers fire was so minimal that the FF on scene said it could be knocked down with
2 freaking hoses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The 2nd tower hit fell 1st after a relatively short burn!!!!
TruTV 10pm tonight...lets see how brave Gov Ventura is...