Oh Goodie! ... More on 911 (inside job) :)

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Man Keenly, I agree with most of what you say, but come on. 9/11 an inside job? That's ridiculous. Maybe you should watch some south park, that might help you understand.

You watch alot of southpark eh? I take it you have seen a few mainstream media reports on this subject?

you might wanna lay off the southpark for a few days and read. whats "ridiculous" is the mainstream is not using science in their equation.
Did you see the 911 commissioner who admitted he had the "most knowledge on the subject" ? (lets just say that you know more/as much as he does, THAT is ridiculous!
Well how about this. Even IF what you are saying is true. Does it matter anymore? no. And i forgot who said it but the war in Iraq just costs us money. The way USA makes money is because we sell weapons to OTHER COUNTRIES. And we have been doing that for years, even before 911.
Well how about this. Even IF what you are saying is true. Does it matter anymore? no.
:spew:i guess ur right , it dont matter no more , :spew:no big deal , i guess that is minor compared to what you would let them get away with.

And i forgot who said it but the war in Iraq just costs us money.

Yes with "us" being the key word, you are right we are paying for that war.
They , with "they" being the keyword have made billions off that war. (all profit, except a minor overhead of a ton of lives)

just read this thread (it starts on page 1 :wink:) that should get you current on things.........
I think if you don't believe in aliens you are not thinking logically.

Out of billions of stars and billions of planets there isn't one other planet with life on it?

Believing in aliens is logical. Believing they come to Earth and anally probe rednecks is a bit far-fetched.
WTC building number 7 not even included in 9/11 Commission report. Omitted. For what reason? Videos never released of the 'plane' hitting the Pentagon. Why don't they want us to know the truth?
i'm guessing you guys believe in aliens too? and no i'm not talking of the people who have entered the country illegally.
Is it any more crazy to "believe" in god? personally I find it far less plausible!

Well how about this. Even IF what you are saying is true. Does it matter anymore? no. And i forgot who said it but the war in Iraq just costs us money. The way USA makes money is because we sell weapons to OTHER COUNTRIES. And we have been doing that for years, even before 911.
There are over 4,000 US families that would argue with your statement...and foreign countries literally own trillions of our debt= they hold US soil as collateral...How will we pay this back?...How long until foreclosure?

I think if you don't believe in aliens you are not thinking logically.

Out of billions of stars and billions of planets there isn't one other planet with life on it?

Believing in aliens is logical. Believing they come to Earth and anally probe rednecks is a bit far-fetched.
If I was an alien...this would be high on my "to-do list"...:hump:

Using the alien thing to discredit "truthers" is classic. I over heard a history teacher, before showing the 9/11 ground zero video, telling the students about how mad it makes him that people think that there is a conspiracy...he used a very compelling argument...He said that most of these conspiracy theory nuts, also believe that the lunar landing was faked...then he talked about the space race, and how if the US had faked the moon landing...don't you think the USSR would have called us on it?...good point.

As for the fire weakening the steel...I saw the pre 9-11-06 "loose change"...the narrator gives about 20 examples of high rise buildings, built in the 70's, that burned longer than the towers...some for days...and did NOT collapse...The fire following the B-52 crashing into the empire state building...burned longer...and it is STILL standing. By the way, I highly recommend the first 15 min or so of this film, starting with Mcnamara's involvement with previous planned terrror attacks to justify an invasion of Cuba...the FEMA and Justice Dept's Terror booklets printed with a picture of the twin towers in cross-hairs ('98 and 2000 respectively)...the study of the effects of a 757 hitting the pentagon (complete with pics of scale models) with consultation from the then pentagon employee/future pilot of flight 77 following his retirement from the navy and taking a job with American Airlines...Oh and then there is flight 93 landing in cleveland where ~200 passengers were evacuated (close to the # of people on the 4 planes)

And since when do planes that hold 200 passengers fly at 25% occupancy?

In general, firefighters are damn fine citizens. I have worked with many.
When these guys talk about fire...they know what they are talking about. The flashes and explosions reported...lots of them...what they are lying?

One of the towers fire was so minimal that the FF on scene said it could be knocked down with 2 freaking hoses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The 2nd tower hit fell 1st after a relatively short burn!!!!

TruTV 10pm tonight...lets see how brave Gov Ventura is...

WTC building number 7 not even included in 9/11 Commission report. Omitted. For what reason? Videos never released of the 'plane' hitting the Pentagon. Why don't they want us to know the truth?

The CIA, FBI, and FEMA...all had offices in bldg 7....

Oh...and the same demolition company that was on scene for the Murrow Bldg recovery/clean-up...were hired for the WTC...FBI, ATF records taken care of there...and voila! no more public questioning of the NWO and corrupt elements of Gov/finance.

Or the portion of gold from the WTC found in a 10 wheel truck and motorcaid found abandoned in a basement tunnel...where was the gold going...what happened to the rest?

Conspiracy Theory 9/11 Jesse Ventura Part 1 of 4 Episode 2

Conspiracy Theory 9/11 Jesse Ventura Part 2 of 4 Episode 2

Conspiracy Theory 9/11 Jesse Ventura Part 3 of 4 Episode 2

Conspiracy Theory 9/11 Jesse Ventura Part 4 of 4

After you guys watch this please post your comments on what you thought of the show.:hump:
The CIA, FBI, and FEMA...all had offices in bldg 7....

Oh...and the same demolition company that was on scene for the Murrow Bldg recovery/clean-up...were hired for the WTC...FBI, ATF records taken care of there...and voila! no more public questioning of the NWO and corrupt elements of Gov/finance.

Or the portion of gold from the WTC found in a 10 wheel truck and motorcaid found abandoned in a basement tunnel...where was the gold going...what happened to the rest?


along with the whole cali power scam........all gone with the wind. How do we loose a building of that much significance, without even putting ANY reason in the official report ?
The few things we just named are just millions of dollars that someone profited.
thats just a tiny bit of profit from building 7 alone.................then the war starts , now we owe china more then our land is worth.
Why, why is china gonna keep funding the terrorist?
Cant say i know the answer to that one, but i imagine it has something to do with power.
i bet one thing, i bet we dont run into china fakin wars.

alright , i been holdin this one in for years just because i wasnt sure, now im gonna put it out there..... There were no "hijackings" them planes took off knowing what they were gonna do....... If there were people on them planes like they say, then i guess there should be some pretty pissed off family members?
You can do all the research you would like and you will never find a family member from any one of those folks supposed to be on a plane. IF there were innocent folks on them planes then yes i will feel stupid as fuck for calling out somethin so important. I can honestly say i have done as much research as they have avalible and there is no family members of passengers... NONE. (just a few un-burnt ID's of hijackers)
geez Reb, i was just about to go to youtube but u already got it posted. Nice.:joint:
lets see what jesse says, i dont have much confidence in a former governor , but i like what i seen last week, so we shall see.....
The thing I found most interesting is the black boxes and the government lie that they were never found ... when in all history no black box has ever NOT been found ... yet they couldn't find all four? Plus the fact that Mike B was an eye witness to seeing the recovery of one of the black boxes ... and was told that two others were found as well.

And why can't people look at the evidence they have stored in hanger 17 at Kennedy airport? If they are not hiding anything why isn't anyone allow in that hanger?

What about the witnesses that heard the explosions ... why was the one guy's testimony about the explosives behind closed doors and why wasn't it put in the obviously bogus 911 report?

For me the show wasn't long enough ... there is so much more that could be covered, but it was a good show. Spread it around. Let folks see for themselves the lies the government is putting out.

And what did you think of Mike B statement about a hijacker was on board before the plane took off and they knew about it yet allow the plane to take off anyway.

Why wouldn't those people that worked for the airline talk to Ventura ... were they really in fear of their lives?

Excellent show ... no doubt about it.
[URL="http://www.bushstole04.com/911/911_plausible.htm"]How 9/11 Was Done-One Plausible Explanation[/url]
9/11 was a master plot, concocted by a handfull of Israelis and dual passport Americans and carried out by the resources of the Mossad.
Larry Silverstein leases a nearly worthless dinosaur WTC building complex (worthless due to the asbestos the buildings were stuffed with and needed to be cleaned up, the cost of which may have rivaled the value of the buildings themselves) weeks before 9/11, makes sure it is over insured against terrorist acts and hires an Israeli security firm. From that moment on the coast is clear to let a team of demolition experts from the Israeli army led by Peer Segalovitz into the WTC buildings. These charges plus detonators had been prepared at the premises of the Urban Moving Systems company, a Mossad front.

http://www.bushstole04.com/newworld/mind_control.htmhttp://www.bushstole04.com/newworld/mind_control.htmControlling The Minds Of The Masses: How It Is Done And Why
“Mind Control” is a loaded term, often associated with science fiction and the fantastical by people who are not aware of its very real history. Images of Orwell’s “1984” or Aldous Huxley’s “Brave New World” are conjured; dystopic nightmare landscapes assumed only possible in pulp literature. What many people do not know or realize is that these books were based on actual ideas and theories that had been put forward by social and scientific elites for decades, and in some cases, centuries. The desire of the “ruling class” to understand the mechanics of the human mind has left a trail of misery dating back to earliest recorded history. It was not enough for them to subjugate the masses through force; the Elites wanted the people to accept their slavery, to integrate it into their psyches. They wanted us to be “thankful” for our servitude, for only then, would they truly be in control of the world.
After you guys watch this please post your comments on what you thought of the show.:hump:

Great information. However, i don't like the way the show is set up. It's too corny. It's similar to a "ghost chasers" show. Wish it was set up more like a documentary... :(

The thing I found most interesting is the black boxes and the government lie that they were never found ... when in all history no black box has ever NOT been found ... yet they couldn't find all four? Plus the fact that Mike B was an eye witness to seeing the recovery of one of the black boxes ... and was told that two others were found as well.

i agree, this is huge for us.

What about the witnesses that heard the explosions ... why was the one guy's testimony about the explosives behind closed doors and why wasn't it put in the obviously bogus 911 report?
Their were hundreds of witnesses to "hearing explosions" but we know that dont "fit" into their story.

... there is so much more that could be covered, but it was a good show. Spread it around. Let folks see for themselves the lies the government is putting out.
I just hope Jesse follows up on this one..... he said he would ? At least is out there to see though.

And what did you think of Mike B statement about a hijacker was on board before the plane took off and they knew about it yet allow the plane to take off anyway.
not sure if i believe that one, but it is very plausible.

Why wouldn't those people that worked for the airline talk to Ventura ... were they really in fear of their lives?
Well after seeing Barry Jennings just come up dead, with STILL no release on why, just very shortly after telling his story, i would say YES they are very scared for their lives. (if there is a "they" .....again , i just like to stick to the "hard evidence")

Excellent show ... no doubt about it.
Yes, more and more of this just might persuade the folks who simply do not pay attention.

Why Is There So Much Resistance to 9-11 Truth

Ostrich Head in SandSuch reactions are emotionally based. 9/11 is a very emotionally charged issue. The source of the denial and resistance is FEAR. The implications of 9/11 Truth are very scary for most people to take in. Given that a part of our government's job description is keeping its citizens safe, it's terrifying to consider that a secret rogue part of our government will do just the opposite -- mass murder those very citizens, in order to advance dark agendas -- like wars for corporate empire. To further consider that associated 'secret teams' would then put out corporate media cover-up stories, in the form of an elaborate fantasy story backed up with planted evidence, and to think that story was nearly universally accepted without question -- this is the stuff of nightmares.

Then there is the difficulty of accepting the self-image shattering realization that we were duped by such cover story lies. 9/11 Truth suggests a very uncomfortable and disturbing worldview, especially to those new to such concepts. The intensity of fear brought up by these vast implications causes defense mechanisms to take over our rational thought processes. Such denial most often overrides rationality.

How many times has this happened to you?
You are explaining to someone some of the rational, logical reasons why the official story of 9/11 can't be true, perhaps explaining how WTC 7 fell in the exact manner of a professionally planned controlled demolition -- a job which would typically take weeks to prepare -- when out comes a 'thought stopper' phrase like:

"That's just another conspiracy theory!" or ... "Do you also believe in Big Foot and tin foil hats?"
The deniers favorite line of denial!:dunce:
Or perhaps the person gets angry and/or agitated. Facts no longer matter at that point, and you can tell the person does not want to hear any more. For example, the following response came from someone after they were given a 20-minute summary of 9/11 Truth information:

"I wouldn't believe that, even if it were true!"

That reaction defies all logic and reason. But it clearly illustrates just how irrational some peoples' defenses can be. Here are a few more honest responses/defenses:

"As long as my wife and kids are fine and we can live the life style we have, the truth is, I don't really care what happened on 9/11."
These deniers don't give a fuck about our country ...
"I would not want to live in a world where such a thing could be true."
"You can't expect someone to listen to information that turns their world upside down."
"I'm not sure I want to know. If this is true, then up would be down and down would be up. My life would never be the same."
"Look, I have to admit that I seriously resist anyone messing with my worldview!"

NIST Admits Total Collapse Of Twin Towers Unexplainable
The National Institute for Standards and Technology has been forced to admit that the total free-fall collapse of the twin towers cannot be explained after an exhaustive scientific study, implicitly acknowledging that controlled demolition is the only means by which the buildings could have come down.

Stay tune for more 911 news.:bigjoint:
i liked your post on the 757's door being closed the entire time.... it's basically all the evidence needed to prove that nobody ever entered or exited the cockpit of that aircraft... not when it was in the air....

so the claim is that a bunch of highjackers took over the plane, but the door never opened... it says it updates every four seconds... i would think that it would take more than 4 seconds to make the pilots take their buckles off, get them up and out of their seats, and out of the cockpit... so that should say the door is open, at least at one instance during flight... yet it doesn't open... it's a nail in the coffin for me... there is no way group of terrorists would take over the plane without that door opening at least once....

nicely done.... i want to see someone refute this one.....................................
i liked your post on the 757's door being closed the entire time.... it's basically all the evidence needed to prove that nobody ever entered or exited the cockpit of that aircraft... not when it was in the air....

so the claim is that a bunch of highjackers took over the plane, but the door never opened... it says it updates every four seconds... i would think that it would take more than 4 seconds to make the pilots take their buckles off, get them up and out of their seats, and out of the cockpit... so that should say the door is open, at least at one instance during flight... yet it doesn't open... it's a nail in the coffin for me... there is no way group of terrorists would take over the plane without that door opening at least once....

nicely done.... i want to see someone refute this one.....................................

don't hold your breath on that one ... the deniers will do what they always do ... deny and ignore the facts.:eyesmoke:
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