Grape Krush HELP!


My plants are Yellow and have burnt tips. I have flushed them. I am now putting them back on nutes. Should I add super thrive? This is the 5th week of veg on the 5th and 6th node. Two of them have the crinkle. Should I start to induce flowering or wait til i looks healthy again>?:-?


Is this DJ Short Grape Krush? I used to grow this, not tasty by any means but man does it get purple and shiny. I would wait until it is stable again then flush 1 more time then start transition when lookin all good.


Is this DJ Short Grape Krush? I used to grow this, not tasty by any means but man does it get purple and shiny. I would wait until it is stable again then flush 1 more time then start transition when lookin all good.

Yeah this is Dj shorts grape Krush and i also have two sweet tooth 1.1s but the Krush isnt doing well. This is my first grow. How do I stablize it? Should I cut of the dead leaves?Do you recommend super thrive?


to be of assistance it sound like you have a bit of build up in your medium. If you u have the means, you should check your runoff and see your ph and tds, assuming your in soil. From there you can really determine your problem, but it sounds like a bit of nut burn. You should flush your medium at least three times the volume of your container with reverse osmosis 7.0 water and things should start looking better. If your still getting lots of yellowing then u have nitrogen def, and i would recommend a bit of a great plant aid product called Revive by Advanced Nutrients. On the other hand, i myself have been striving to learn and perfect dj shorts true strains and have found that the majority of the dj line dont like nutes, they are very sensitive, and burn easily if not monitered. They simply grow the best organically with no additives. Dj is all about old school organic dirt growing and his strains are geared towards this, hence old school......Dirt....people are gonna hate but i say fuck hydro and nuts, srry im getting off And btw the crinkle you see on a couple of your krushes, totally normal my friend. Its a trait common within the dj line. its actually a way u know u got a true strain. hope this helps!


to be of assistance it sound like you have a bit of build up in your medium. If you u have the means, you should check your runoff and see your ph and tds, assuming your in soil. From there you can really determine your problem, but it sounds like a bit of nut burn. You should flush your medium at least three times the volume of your container with reverse osmosis 7.0 water and things should start looking better. If your still getting lots of yellowing then u have nitrogen def, and i would recommend a bit of a great plant aid product called Revive by Advanced Nutrients. On the other hand, i myself have been striving to learn and perfect dj shorts true strains and have found that the majority of the dj line dont like nutes, they are very sensitive, and burn easily if not monitered. They simply grow the best organically with no additives. Dj is all about old school organic dirt growing and his strains are geared towards this, hence old school......Dirt....people are gonna hate but i say fuck hydro and nuts, srry im getting off And btw the crinkle you see on a couple of your krushes, totally normal my friend. Its a trait common within the dj line. its actually a way u know u got a true strain. hope this helps!

Yes thank you! you did help out I was wondering that and my PH tester needs to be calibrated. I am going to stop using the nutes all together and flush more this time. I knew the crinkle was normal its on actually two. I am using a 400w MH and its about 18 inches away you think its too close? you cant feel the heat until about 8inches away from the bulb. What organic soil do you recommend using?


foxfarm ocean forest, i can go 3 months with no nutes, just water and calmag. i dont use anything else, but i used to use happy tree frog with good results. remember with nutes less is more let the plant work off osmosis.


I wouldnt recomend using fox farm as the ratios in this mix are not geared towards cannabis. Its super hot and doesnt do well on our high end strains. This stuff time and time again has burnt my plants up, especially on dj's strains. Theres an awesome thread a breeder by the name subcool that did a thread or post on an organic super soil that is the shit! Hands down the best soil mix anyone could use to get the full potential of a plant organically. Search for subcools super soil and follow directions carefully and you will not be dissapointed. As for your mh lamp 12 inches off the canopy should be just fine...just keep an eye on them.


I wouldnt recomend using fox farm as the ratios in this mix are not geared towards cannabis. Its super hot and doesnt do well on our high end strains. This stuff time and time again has burnt my plants up, especially on dj's strains. Theres an awesome thread a breeder by the name subcool that did a thread or post on an organic super soil that is the shit! Hands down the best soil mix anyone could use to get the full potential of a plant organically. Search for subcools super soil and follow directions carefully and you will not be dissapointed. As for your mh lamp 12 inches off the canopy should be just fine...just keep an eye on them.

Is there anything pre made that is close to that super soil i dont have anywhere to make that much soil and it seems kind of complicated. you can't even directly plant the plant in his soil. I am using Jungle Growth Professional growers mix. What is foxfarm geared toward growing? It seems like its made for pot!?:wall:


Well-Known Member
Fox Farm has burned plants I've seen as well. If you want to use nutes then switch to Happy Frog. It is made for nute grows.

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