3 weeks flowering CFL: What do you think?


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NEW PICS on last page!

So, this is the only female out of the six plants that I started in September. I switched to 12/12 on 11/12/09, so its been flowering for about three weeks.

Anyways, I was wondering if I could get some input, and if anyone could tell what they though? Do they look pretty good so far? When do you figure harvest will be? I was thinking probably in another 7-9 weeks as I think this is sativa, but I'm new at this so I really have no idea. I have a microscope for when the time comes, but educated guesses are appreciated.

Any input is appreciated.

If you are wondering about the string tying down one of the branches, its because its starting to outgrow its space (mini-fridge).

BTW, this is only one plant, just multiple angles.


Active Member
I almost forgot to mention, I am flowering under one 68w 2700k and 3x14w 2700 CFLs. Temps are at 85 F, humidity is 19%.


looking good so far... you asked for a educated guess, here is mine.
i would say 9 weeks total and you can harvest... unless it just straight up is still growing growing growing.
it will show the signs of readyness

one suggestion is to for sure get rid of all those dead leaves at the bottum and on the soil. this will cause mold and in some cases bud rot. its too short of a period to turn to compost.

check out my current grow https://www.rollitup.org/cfl-growing/280639-mthemonstars-current-perpetual-closet-cfl.html

much luck


Active Member
looks nice just start checking trichs in about 8 weeks but like he said get rid of them dead leaves laying around there. also a couple more lights around it would help and you can cut off them really small skinny branches on the very bottom. their not gonna produce much and itll make the plant put more into the ones that matter


Active Member
looks nice just start checking trichs in about 8 weeks but like he said get rid of them dead leaves laying around there. also a couple more lights around it would help and you can cut off them really small skinny branches on the very bottom. their not gonna produce much and itll make the plant put more into the ones that matter
looks good man..all of the above keep this updated


Active Member
Thanks for the replies, I'll be sure to keep this updated.

I was wondering, with the skinny branches at the bottom, would it be possible to clone those?

Also, I'm kind of running into a height issue, as you can see I have one of the main branches tied down, is this a good method for controlling the height of the plant, or should I do something else? Space is kind of limited, its in a large mini fridge.

In terms of adding more light, that usually messes with my heat, and I think I could probably only afford to add maybe one more 14w bulb before I would be going over 90 F. I don't know, I'm sure that my yield will suffer because of that, but I wasn't expecting a whole lot in the first place. I'll just be happy to have a couple of grams of my own home grown to smoke.


Active Member
well its still a little early in flowering you could just cut the tops off. and yes them small bottom branches would be great for clones but theyll take longer to root and reveg since their flowering already. you dont need to add more lights if you cant it would just help if you could.


Well-Known Member
looks damn good i would say. i also would start adding more light what is your set up like


Active Member
My set up is pretty cramped. Its in a tall mini-fridge. Probably the best I could do without pushing my temps past 90 F is add one more 14w bulb. If I can I'm going to try to get another 68w because those put out almost no heat in comparison with the smaller CFLs, and I think that would be more than enough light for a small plant in a small space like that. Unfortunately sacrifices must be made when it comes to growing in confined areas. I mainly did this as an experiment.

This month I plan to build a second box and use both the fridge and the box to start some plants to plant outside this summer, that way I can get a really good yield by October or so. After that I think I'll use the new box for starting and the fridge for flowering clones.
Looks pretty good, you said you were growing in a mini fridge? you should post some pic of your set up if you can, I've done a similar set up before and I'd like to see how you did it. How is the smell?


Active Member
Okay, some of you wanted to see my set up, so I've got a pic for you. I added two 23w 6500k cfls just now, so we will see how the temp holds up.

On that note, what is the highest temp I could risk at this point without causing major damage to my plant? If need be, I could probably find a way to keep the roots cool.

Okay here is the pic:

With the four bulbs I had before I was at 80-85f..would I be able to go to like 90-100f without causing a problem?


Active Member
you could do 90 with proper co2 setup or whatever i dont know all the specifics on that just read about it but without that its best to keep under 85 tops


Active Member
What if the temp around the buds is around 90f or so, but the temp at the roots is only like 80-85f.

Does that make a difference?

For some reason I thought I read that the reason plants survive in the intense heat of the summer (like when it hits 90+) is because the temperature of the soil around the roots is actually much lower. I don't know if that is true, however it seems to make sense as plants exposed to the heat of direct sunlight would experiencing some seriously high temps and thus plants being grown indoors under lights should be able o cope with the same stress.

Anyway, I don't mean to sound argumentative or anything, I'm just super blazed and having a difficult time thinking of good ways to phrase things. Anyway, I was just wondering if that seemed logical to anyone else? Or am I being an idiot? If this sounds like a bad idea, let me know because I would rather have less yield than no yield.


Active Member
i dont know all the specifics of it just from what ive read most stuff has 85 as the highest temp you should have. you could always just go for it and if the plants dont get all heat stressed just let it go


Active Member
Well, I tried it with 23w bulbs, but it got pretty hot, 88 at root level so that won't work after all. At 9pm when the lights come back on I'll try it again with a couple of extra 14w bulbs instead and see how that works out.


Well-Known Member
you should clean up those bottom leaves the dried shrived ones and the ones in the pot. You should of started flowing earlier since it's colas are hitting the top. but other then that good plant


Active Member
you should clean up those bottom leaves the dried shrived ones and the ones in the pot. You should of started flowing earlier since it's colas are hitting the top. but other then that good plant
I know man, I really should have started earlier. Total bone head move on my part, but I'm going to have to make due I suppose. I'm just going to try tying down the colas when the get too tall, already done that with one. also, I just burnt the hell out of one of my buds (a small one) with my light, so I guess I'm going to have to do a lot of tying down.

I was wondering, do I need all the fan leaves? All they do is touch the light, could I just cut them off?