• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

SHOCK POLL: 44% want Bush back over Obama...

Big P

Well-Known Member
SHOCK POLL: 44% want Bush back over Obama...

December 09, 2009

Bush closes the gap

Public Policy Polling:

Perhaps the greatest measure of Obama's declining support is that just 50% of voters now say they prefer having him as President to George W. Bush, with 44% saying they'd rather have his predecessor. Given the horrendous approval ratings Bush showed during his final term that's somewhat of a surprise and an indication that voters are increasingly placing the blame on Obama for the country's difficulties instead of giving him space because of the tough situation he inherited. The closeness in the Obama/Bush numbers also has implications for the 2010 elections. Using the Bush card may not be particularly effective for Democrats anymore, which is good news generally for Republicans and especially ones like Rob Portman who are running for office and have close ties to the former President.


Well-Known Member
I've avoided all the political arguments but all I have to say is "We told you so"

McCain and Sarah P would have been better.

Ooh well ?

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Yet another headline brought to you courtesy of:


On sale at newsstands near you. The National Enquirer. Dispensing with facts for over 50 years.


Well-Known Member
Both are puppets of the elite ... so what would be the difference?

Just shows 44% of the people are :dunce:

Big P

Well-Known Member
By the way stoney this was a Gallop Poll not national inquirer:bigjoint:

the reality is that under President Bush the umemployment rate never exceeded 6.3% until the very last month of his presidency. The Obama deficits are much higher than the Bush deficits. People think Obama is better simply because he's a better public speaker.

Obama makes Bush look like a penny pinching deficit hawk. Obama is like a kid in a candy store with no control or regard for our grandchildren.

What's happening is that more and more Americans are realizing that President George W. Bush was a very good president, and that Obama is an inexperienced and incompetent windbag, whose Communist policies that he's put in place in the last 10 months, are what has been the primary cause of our tanking economy. It's dawning on them that Obama's and his Obama--worshipping lemmings going over the cliff with him, excuse that it's all Bush's fault is just more Obama BS.

Let's see.... Obama's deficit is 3-4 times that of Bush's; Obama's unemployment rate is many points higher than Bush's; Bush did not travel the world blaming the USA and kissing the ring of tyrants; Bush did not generally raise taxes, and everyone knows Obama is aching to levy massive new taxes; Bush did not adopt the silly notion that windmills can replace nuclear plants and oil; Bush did not try to take Americans' health care decisions from them, while Obama can't wait to have the government decide who gets what treatment; and Bush could make a decision about national defense without taking four months and acting like Hamlet in doing so. I am not surprised at these numbers. Indeed, I will be surprised if another year of Obama won't make most Americans positively long for a return of Bush-Cheney.

Obama.... The constant lying. The childish whining. The disgraceful bowing. The staggering arrogance. The poisonous radicalism. The dangerous narcissism. The astounding incompetence. Obama wants to put as much of the private economy under government control as possible to create his nanny state utopia where he is the boy king. Let's continue to stand strong against Obama in every way and get Congress out of the hands of the insane Pelosi and Reid in 2010. Obama is a smug, smirking con man. Nothing more.

Obama's deficit in first two months of the current fiscal year is almost $300 billion. People contended that Bush was dumb. Maybe he was. But Obama does not appear to know basic arithmetic, or to possess enough common sense to understand that running a DAILY federal deficit $4-5 Billion will seriously impair the long-term financial health of the country in ways previously known only in banana republics and failed socialist states. The American people have come to understand the massive irresponsbility of Obama, hence what Gallup calls the steepest first-year decline in any president's popularity.

Some other goodies from the poll of 1253 Registered Voters. " For the second month in a row we find Barack Obama's national approval rating at 49%, with 47% of voters disapproving of him." The White House and the Democrats cannot be happy with the poll cross tabs. And 20% of Americans think he should be impeached ??! That's interesting. Including 6% of liberals and 12% of moderates. As with all polls, the majority of respondents oppose his health care plan

what a strong black man flying around the world bowing to lite skinned folk like a slave

if he wants to make himself look like an ass fine but not while hes representing our beloved nation

im not a slave and never will be


Well-Known Member
president bush was a very good president....

i guess everyone in planet oblivious thinks as you do right??

polls mean nothing... it is very easy to write a questionnaire and hand it out as a poll and guarantee there's gonna be SHOCKING results....

next subject...

Big P

Well-Known Member
look at that slave bend over.. bowing is for niggers..... boy if that nigger bowed to me I'd hop on and make him squeal like a pig. yeehaw

I dont think any american leader should be bowing to foreign leaders. We are not subserviant to them

as a black man I would think bowing is disgracful to your race in light of the horrible trageties the black man was forced to endure during slavery

where bowing to the white man was the theame

this fucker is disrespecting black folks, by bowing to the arab nation which was basically the people who invented and standardized slavery in the arab world and north africa

im a palistinian and we are oppressed and partially enslaved by the isrealis

if we had an arab american president go over there a bow infront of the president isreal, you can damn well be sure no real arab would stand for it

and in the same vain and real black man would find it offensive that our first black president is touring around the world bowing his head before forein entities

yet he has so little respect for his own nation to the point that he did not put his hand on his heart during our national anthem throughout his run for office. but bows to the oppressor of women and the region that invented slavery

now that is the stark contrast

but wordz, i dont think your mind can comprehend these things for you are hoplessly stuck in an "everyboby is racists frame of mind"

good luck buddy, racism serves no one, you should not manifest it.


Well-Known Member
bowing is not showing subserviancy or anything.....

it does in THIS culture.... in THEIR culture it is a sign of respect.... open your mind... it'll do you good....


Well-Known Member
That's no shock, it's expected.

This poll is kinda shocking, except it was a leading questions type poll:

New Poll Finds 86 Percent Of Americans Don't Want To Have A Country Anymore

March 13, 2006 | Issue 42•11
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Related Articles

WASHINGTON, DC—A Gallup/Harris Interactive poll released Monday indicates that nearly nine out of 10 Americans are "tired of having a country."
Enlarge Image Chicago commuters, 87 percent of whom just don't care anymore.

Among the 86 percent of poll respondents who were in favor of discontinuing the nation, the most frequently cited reasons were a lack of significant results from the current democratic process (36 percent), dissatisfaction with customer service (28 percent), and exhaustion (22 percent).
"I don't want to get bogged down in the country anymore," Wilmington, DE accountant Karie Ashworth said. "I'm not up in arms or anything, I'm just saying it'd be a lot easier for everyone if we just gave it up."
Of those who were against maintaining an American nation, 77 percent said they believe that having a country is "counter to the best interests of Americans." Twelve percent said "the time and effort citizens spend on the country could be better spent elsewhere," and 8 percent said they just didn't care.
Roughly 3 percent said we ceased to have a country years ago, and explained that they had been stockpiling weapons to protect their independent compounds.
According to study organizer David Griffith, poll respondents were surprisingly uniform in their opinion that the nation is too much of a hassle.
"I already belong to a health club, a church, and the Kiwanis Club," Tammy Golden of Los Angeles wrote. "I'm a member of the Von's Grocery Super Savers, which gets me a discount on certain groceries. These are all well-managed organizations with real benefits. None of them send me a confusing bill once a year and make me work it out myself, then throw me in jail if I get it wrong."
Olympia, WA student Helen Berg expressed frustration with the country's voting process.
"I was gonna vote, but it rained," Berg wrote. "It wasn't for the president anyway, so what difference does it make? The president is the only one that matters, and you don't even get to vote for him."
Most citizens said they did not wish to abandon such American traditions as parades, fireworks, and national holidays.
"I'm for saluting flags and pledging allegiance to them, but nothing beyond that," Tampa, FL mechanic and former Marine Doug Pauls said. "I like singing the anthem before the game, but I can't keep up with the news every day. I have three kids."
Pauls added: "I love America, but what's that got to do with having a country?"
Some critics, including the leadership of both parties, have attacked the methodology of the poll, saying that questions like "Do you want a country anymore?" are poorly worded. Casey Mark, a fellow at the Brookings Institute, characterized the question as leading.
Said Mark: "What you must consider is that respondents often don't have the time or energy to devote to answering five questions about their country, which they consider themselves to be remotely involved with, at best."
Griffith pointed to Cheyenne, WY banker Jeff Wheldon's response.
"I think we've come far enough as a nation that we don't need to have one anymore," Wheldon wrote. "It's not like we're Somalia, where the warlords run everything, or Russia, where it's all organized crime. We've had over 200 years of being Americans. I don't think we still need the United States of America to show us how to do it."

Big P

Well-Known Member
president bush was a very good president....

i guess everyone in planet oblivious thinks as you do right??

polls mean nothing... it is very easy to write a questionnaire and hand it out as a poll and guarantee there's gonna be SHOCKING results....

next subject...

good they mean nothing, now run a long, your right dont worry these polls of the american people are all hog wash:bigjoint:

see you in September:bigjoint:


Big P

Well-Known Member
bowing is not showing subserviancy or anything.....

it does in THIS culture.... in THEIR culture it is a sign of respect.... open your mind... it'll do you good....

actually im and arab and I used to live in saudi arabia and it is not a sign of respect its a sign of weakness

you would never allow your honored guest to bow before you

infact i bet he embarrased the whole royal group by doing so

and at the same time made himself a laughing stock of the arab world.

its was noobish no doubt

and for him to bow when he went to china was not right either as him and the leader of china are to be considered equals

you only bow when the person you are greeting is not your equal.

if you notice even the leader of china did not bow to the president, even tho its part of thier culture


cuz it would have made him look like a weak leader to all his people

obama it a complete noob, you guys love sucking his cock but you may find in a couple years that you may have some irriversable VD:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
nice comeback....

and they don't mean anything... it's very easy to write a poll and say that 44% of people believe something, even if it's not true...

it's you're 'oh my god he bowed' bullshit that's getting to me...

have you seen the pic's of bush holding Saudi Arabia's leader's hand?? the leader of the most conservative muslim nation, the breeding ground of intolerance, and the birthplace of the most renowned terrorist alive.... but it's alright... i'll walk around holding his had... it's not like it's gay or anything.... in their culture it's a sign of respect......

i guess the bigotry only flies one-way in planet oblivious....

Big P

Well-Known Member
nice comeback....

and they don't mean anything... it's very easy to write a poll and say that 44% of people believe something, even if it's not true...

it's you're 'oh my god he bowed' bullshit that's getting to me...

have you seen the pic's of bush holding Saudi Arabia's leader's hand?? the leader of the most conservative muslim nation, the breeding ground of intolerance, and the birthplace of the most renowned terrorist alive.... but it's alright... i'll walk around holding his had... it's not like it's gay or anything.... in their culture it's a sign of respect......

i guess the bigotry only flies one-way in planet oblivious....

yes in the arab world when you greet a man, specialy somone who is very close to you, you show great affection for each other by greeting with a kiss on each cheek and also holding hands.

this was an orchatrated move by the bush admin exploiting this cultural knowledge to illistrate to the arab world and leaders everywhere the americans and saudi arabs are connected at the hip and are like brothers

showing solidarity which inturn shows our streagth in the region with our allies

the attacks were not perpetrated by the Saudi governernt or the saudi people

it was perpetrated by Al quda from Afghanistan since they were kicked out of Saudi way before the attacks.

i mean the bowing thing is not a huge deal is just illustrates the presidents noobie ness,

i think after he messed up and bowed in front of the saudi king he had to bow in japan or china or the right would have been all over him

i dont hate obama or anyone. i wish he would do the right thing so we dont have to vote him into a lame duck for the rest of his presidency, its really up to him



Active Member
I'll never understand this country. What really makes Bush different than Obama? health care? The propaganda machine is really working over time and ignorance is spreading like cancer. As far as I'm concerned politics in this country is just tabloid bull shit. People believe what they want to think is true. If Obama had an R in front of his name that would fool at least 30% of the public. If Bush had a D in front of his name it would fool 30% that's truely how stupid American's are. Bowing is done by all presidents when they greet leaders who's cultures bow showing a sign of respect yet in brainless brainwashed America they only think you bow before a king because that's what they're told by FOX news. I can't even begin to state how petty and ignorant people are.