100 year old child molestor released


Well-Known Member
I just believe that some evils are worse tha others, and don't deserve forgiveness... those people don't even deserve to live... I could never murder anyone.. blood and violence just isn't my thing... i'll fight if I have to.. and to protect one's I love.. but never murder..

I don't think this guy, or any sex offender can ever pay their "debts" because most are segregated from the rest of the prison population, and grouped with their own and put in group therapy, where they all relive their crime... if you damage someone like that... then you shouldn't get a chance to do it again... thats all i'm saying...

And to the guy who referenced the Dahmer movie... I wouldnt take everything I seen in a movie as truth.. as sometimes the facts aren't what we want to see...

Dahmer would pick up young teenage prostitutes or pick up gay men at gay bars, take them home and have sex with them, also drugging them, once they were incapacitated, he would drill holes in their head and poor in Acid, kill them... perform sexual acts with the body... keeping the bodies around because in his words, he didn't want them to leave him... the 14 year old in question was drugged, but woke up either naked or in his underwear... had escaped and alerted the police...

I'm not trying to defend the guy, because he had his problems... and was definitely sick and twisted... but most serial killers are mentally unstable people, who have either been nurtured too much by someone, or have been subjected to so much trauma and abuse, that their minds have snapped... some maintain a normal life... but always have the overwhelming darkness in them that drives them to commit these acts...

A child molester are the other hand, is satisfying a sexual urge that roots from inadequacy and a sence of weakness.. so they take this aggression on those weaker than themselves.. who can't defend themselves... stealing away something they never had a chance to have.. it's sick and disgusting, and I don't feel the need to coddle them, or feel sorry for them.. there's nothing you can do with a person like this... they believe it's a disease, and it can't be helped or cured.. I believe these people to be the disease... there is nothing to be gained from keeping them around... putting them in prison after they have repeated their crime, I believe they should be done away with...


Well-Known Member
how many years did the man spend in prison again? his sentence was SERVED

his debt to society has been paid

he is a free man

That whole statement is the most idiotic thing I've heard... do you support and or take part in illegal behavior with children, sounds like you do. And you being female doesn't change a thing so please don't bring that up.

This guy, after raping those kids... should've had his nuts removed with this:


And then... after his 2nd rape... this step should've been taken:

Child rapists and pedophiles do NOT belong in our world, the only way to secure future that is to kill them... I'll be glad to volunteer, got no probs with doing the dirty work.

I don't check those sites because the urge to mame and utilate these people is too strong.. I already get excited at the idea of such things.. say what you want.. but I respect a murderer and serial killer far more than a piece of shit who is so weak that he has to resort to molesting children...

Hey buddy, you and I need to get together then! I'm all for vigilantism in cases such as this.

Do the murder man dance! ;)


Well-Known Member
I wasn't about to watch that video and I doubt she did either.

I have to say I would like to join the angry mob too but I wouldn't in real life. What I would do though is hope I were on your jury so I could let you guys go after you torture the man to death in unspeakable ways.


That whole statement is the most idiotic thing I've heard...
im a dude bro...

and what im saying is that according to the legal system, the man is free

you guys being angry about his past is not going to change that, if he does do it again which all of you say he will then send his ass back

somebody decided this man was fit to be in the midst of the public, maybe you should take your hate out on them


Well-Known Member
Damn 100 year old molester? I bet by now he's refined his technique and can now molest with the power of his mind, ahhh freaky old psychokinetic molester!


Well-Known Member
im a dude bro...

and what im saying is that according to the legal system, the man is free

you guys being angry about his past is not going to change that, if he does do it again which all of you say he will then send his ass back

somebody decided this man was fit to be in the midst of the public, maybe you should take your hate out on them

thats just my point, he shouldn't have the chance to do it again... somebody decided to make pot illegal... should we trust they know better than we do?


This is just disgusting . This sicko deserves to be publicly stoned and then raped by some big black dudes and then tied up and only fed enough to make his death longer and more excruciating then it already is. I would love to torture the shit out of this guy because no matter how much pain he endures it will never about to the trauma he has caused in those girls lives. He has ruined so many lives he doesnt deserve anything fuck that guy i hope he get raped.


Well-Known Member
If I had the job of punishing these people I would tie them up to a pole nice and tight then get some kind of strap/rope and put it around his dick and tie the other end of the it to a ice cream truck and floor the gas Then I think his debt to society would be paid.But his dick is probably useless now anyway so chopping his hands off would be good to.