Help me estimate weight.


Illegal Smile

First, there is no good frame of reference and you can't estimate the size. Second, why bother estimating dry weight? When you try all you are really doing is estimating how wet it was before it was dried. It will be whatever it is. This is like asking how much yield will be from a picture of a plant. I think it looks like more than an ounce and less than a pound.


New Member
that was a very abstract response, IllegalSmile

my guess 2 ounce at least if it real fresh right now it will shrink a bit but you can really only hope for 20-25% of what it weighs now

btw you'll thank y ourself later if you finish trimmin that big nug properly it'll look way better


Active Member
First, there is no good frame of reference and you can't estimate the size. Second, why bother estimating dry weight? When you try all you are really doing is estimating how wet it was before it was dried. It will be whatever it is. This is like asking how much yield will be from a picture of a plant. I think it looks like more than an ounce and less than a pound.

For your first point,I had assumed that the first picture showing them in the box with a person shoe in the shot would be a fairly good reference point for the size of the buds.

As for your second point I was asking to see if anyone had a rough estimate, this is my first crop so I have no reference to go to when guessing about how much that its going to be, so I figured that I would ask the people (i.e. you guys) that have raised many crops and had an idea of how much something would weigh dry by looking at a picture of it.

So I understand what you are getting at, but I still don't consider it a stupid question.

Illegal Smile

that was a very abstract response, IllegalSmile

my guess 2 ounce at least if it real fresh right now it will shrink a bit but you can really only hope for 20-25% of what it weighs now

btw you'll thank y ourself later if you finish trimmin that big nug properly it'll look way better
What can I say? I'm an abstract kind of guy :eyesmoke: The problem with estimating anything from pictures is even if you have a frame of reference on size (which we don't) there is no way to estimate density. I saw all those leaves too and they give a false impression of how big the buds really are. Plus, colas with that much leaf material are often more airy, IMO. And like I said, a big factor is how wet were they when they were cut? I usually get a dry weight that is more like half of wet (when I even weigh it wet) and that's because mine is drier when cut for whatever reason.


Well-Known Member
stupid questions get stupid answers... ps. trim some of that leaf off it! Is there any amber in those buds ???


Active Member
stupid questions get stupid answers... ps. trim some of that leaf off it! Is there any amber in those buds ???

As I mentioned I don't consider it a stupid question, its not like I am asking for a exact number down to the gram, just for an estimate from the experienced growers.

You are right about me needing to trim the big bud better, it was the last one I did and my hands were getting tired so I was kind of sloppy about it, I will most likely retrim it after work today.

I am not sure what you mean about amber in the buds? If you meant the trichomes then yes they were about half amber when I harvested. If you mean the color of the bud then no not really, its a white widow hybrid so it is suppose to look about like it does.

p.s. I have no clue why the font turned to boldface part way into my post.


Active Member
looks to be slightly less than my last harvest, a late sprouting outdoor plant hooked me up with like 60 grams that looked just like that, it was 11.4oz wet, i weighed the buds individually and they all dried down to roughly 1/5 of their dry weight...disheartening, but like the guy said the buds were very airy, an eighth would fill your hand up


Well-Known Member
As I mentioned I don't consider it a stupid question, its not like I am asking for a exact number down to the gram, just for an estimate from the experienced growers.

You are right about me needing to trim the big bud better, it was the last one I did and my hands were getting tired so I was kind of sloppy about it, I will most likely retrim it after work today.

I am not sure what you mean about amber in the buds? If you meant the trichomes then yes they were about half amber when I harvested. If you mean the color of the bud then no not really, its a white widow hybrid so it is suppose to look about like it does.

p.s. I have no clue why the font turned to boldface part way into my post.
because you hit the BOLD B Button up top dingleberry.