i had sex with tiger woods


Well-Known Member
What fdd? I was explaining to you what that guy said I didn't call anyone bitches he did.

And no I don't go running to mods with my problems but you can see in my feedback the negatives I got from JohnnyO lately over a stupid disagreement in the politics forum. No biggie just pissed me off. Politics forum of all places, and over stupid shit, and after he had had a chance to calm down even.


Well-Known Member
Did you mean to quote my post that you want me to delete because I'm wondering if I'm still supposed to delete it both since it's not a personal attack nor would deleting it make any difference now that you have quoted it twice.

There's nothing I could do about what you've now quoted unless you intend to go back and delete them too.


Well-Known Member
What fdd? I was explaining to you what that guy said I didn't call anyone bitches he did.

And no I don't go running to mods with my problems but you can see in my feedback the negatives I got from JohnnyO lately over a stupid disagreement in the politics forum. No biggie just pissed me off. Politics forum of all places, and over stupid shit, and after he had had a chance to calm down even.
cool. sorry for my hostility. :eyesmoke:

but that being in your sig, spreads it all over the site. try to keep it within politics, if you could. thanks. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Did you mean to quote my post that you want me to delete because I'm wondering if I'm still supposed to delete it both since it's not a personal attack nor would deleting it make any difference now that you have quoted it twice.

There's nothing I could do about what you've now quoted unless you intend to go back and delete them too.
your signature. you can't really "name names" like that.


Well-Known Member
honestly when he has that much corporate sponsorship and money he is kind of dumb to have been fuckin with that many women. he had to have known someone was gonna try to extort him or let it out at some time. all the celebrities deal with the double edged sword, their personal life should be private, yet their personas and image is what makes them rich. of course if something scandalous happens everyone will be talking about it. they spend all the time in the spotlight promoting themselves but then cry when the shit hits the fan. i do think they deserve some privacy and cant stand that every news segment is all about tigers ho's. but the spotlight is what made them rich.


Well-Known Member
honestly when he has that much corporate sponsorship and money he is kind of dumb to have been fuckin with that many women. he had to have known someone was gonna try to extort him or let it out at some time. all the celebrities deal with the double edged sword, their personal life should be private, yet their personas and image is what makes them rich. of course if something scandalous happens everyone will be talking about it. they spend all the time in the spotlight promoting themselves but then cry when the shit hits the fan. i do think they deserve some privacy and cant stand that every news segment is all about tigers ho's. but the spotlight is what made them rich.
funny part is, he busted himself by hitting the tree. otherwise we'd never have known. :wall:


Well-Known Member
funny part is, he busted himself by hitting the tree. otherwise we'd never have known. :wall:
:lol: true true. it also seems as though things might have been unraveling before hitting the tree and snoring in the street haha. the voicemail about his wife going through his phone. with all that money, one of those women would have exposed him for some nice cash at some point. he is not very smooth with his fun. its hard enough to conceal 1 mistress let alone every waitress or hostess on the east coast lol.


Well-Known Member
I could give a shit less what Tiger does. I'd be hitting that many girls too given the opportunity. j/k

In the next week we'll here about how Tiger has an addiction, brought on by his power and fame. But don't worry he'll get help and straighten it out with the wife.

Until he has her for a caddy anyway...



Well-Known Member
You know the first thing i thought of first was :

THERE MUST BE NO KARMA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

