could i harvest a oz a week with this setup?


Well-Known Member
Hi, i just got my new cab setup and want to start a sog and hopefully harvest 1 oz per week. Im currently growing 4 autoflowering plants which should be done within 6 weeks.


I also have about 5 baby cheese plants which i may use for my mother to start the sog, the dimensions of the cab are (19x28x33 Inches) (DxWxH).

I have 1x 150w hps light in there, 1 exaust fan and 2 intake fans and 1 fan blowing directly on the bulb, temps are around 32c, tho i am waiting to receive some more ducting to bring more fresh air from outside the cab.

What i want to know is whether its possible to harvest 1oz every week from this setup and how i would go about doing it.



Well-Known Member
You're not going to get an ounce per week. You have to have a second chamber for a perpetual grow. Veg and flowering chambers. Do a search for perpetual grows. You'll find a few of them on here. Your set up is fine for a few plans, but your nowhere near prepared for a perpetual grow. Whats your plant for the 6 smaller plants when you flower the two largest, etc?

Do some more research, but for now just get a successful grow or two under your belt before you undertake a larger operation.


Well-Known Member
is that a cooltube u have your lamp in?
an ounce a week... I would say more like 100 grams every harvest if you fill the space up... either with many small plants or 2 big ones... but u wont have a perpetual harvest unless you get the second room for vegging and cloning...
if you want bigger harvests, ur gonna need more watts in there...

Take it easy


Well-Known Member
sorry to burst your bubble bro but your no where near perpetual. where is your mother going to be when your flowering the others or vis virsa where are your your flowering plants going to be when your vegin the mother...idk you need another room for sure it just sounds like you need to slow down a bit and get a grip on growing before jumping into something that the experienced grows are good at. take baby steps bro master your craft then start to try new things...imo


Well-Known Member
I guess i should have sed before, i have a veg chamber with 2 x 18w flouro tubes to mantain a mother plant and start the clones, etc.

I am not planning on starting the sog until the 4 autoflowering plants are done.


ink the world

Well-Known Member
I have a somewhat similar setup. Separate flowering cab and mother/cloning cab.
I harvest 2 plants every 2 weeks and yeah I get more than an ounce from each plant. My little light (150 HPS) cant penetrate the canopy at all. I top my plants and then lollipop them just before they go into flower. Keep them short and bushy at the top and you'll do fine.


Well-Known Member
is that a cooltube u have your lamp in?
an ounce a week... I would say more like 100 grams every harvest if you fill the space up... either with many small plants or 2 big ones... but u wont have a perpetual harvest unless you get the second room for vegging and cloning...
if you want bigger harvests, ur gonna need more watts in there...

Take it easy
nope it doesnt even have a reflector jus the bulb with a fan blowing on it, im quite sure i dont need anymore watts in there, i have seen a 150w grow on icmag that has 9 plants under it and each plant produces 1-2 ounce, id post the link but dont think thats allowed.


Well-Known Member
unless you chemically boost your plant to yield more.. and even then its not that simple... u cannot get more grams than watts... in optimum conditions you will get 1 g /watt.... so with 150watts.. 2 or 10 plants.. you wont be getting more than 150 grams....
So the guy in ic mag that made an ounce per plant.. was probably weighing his bud wet, and not dry .. or super boosted his plants to the point where buds were heavy.. but smoke not tasty....
PEace out!!!


Well-Known Member
oops, i forgot to add, you are loosing alot of light without a reflector.... U should probably think about getting one... Diamond reflectors are the most popular here in europe..

good luck n peace out