Weird lights in sky!! Have they arrived?


Calyx LED
Certainly not in any science textbook though.
There is a predictable path of genetic information that shows the divergence of species.

Fire, and the advantage it gave our ancestors in extracting energy from food, is a more realistic explanation than aliens.

Our DNA differs so little in comparison to other species that the natural mutations in each generation of males born (about 150) would account for those differences over thousands of years.

Science, it works. Just like the application of the scientific method has given the users on here hardier and more potent strains of cannabis.

Observation, hypothesis, experimentation, evaluation of results, repeat.
So IMO from what you say the earth could have essentially been "seeded" with DNA at some point in the beginning stages of earth. Seeing how all DNA is so similar, yet species are very diverse.

From what I know DNA in all forms is almost identical. It is just the environment, and sequences of active parts of the DNA that create the different forms of life. Saying this, it would be logical to say that the basic DNA for life is abundant all over the universe. Traveling and spreading on any piece of space matter possible. When it lands at any given destination - based on that planets environment, certain DNA sequences are activated. So if another earth-like planet is seeded I don't see it being impossible for humans or something very close to human could have evolved somewhere else. Also, this could have happened millions or even billions of years before any life on earth. Just IMO. bongsmilie


New Member
DNA evolved on this planet just like everything else. Simple to complex. There are core similarities since we are all related in the end, but the idea that there was a complexity in the beginning is outside of science.


New Member

Alien lands on Earth ... Who's in charge here?

We are!!!

Alien looks around and says ... NO, seriously.


Calyx LED
DNA evolved on this planet just like everything else. Simple to complex. There are core similarities since we are all related in the end, but the idea that there was a complexity in the beginning is outside of science.
Who's to say DNA evolved here on earth?! It could have originated from anywhere...

All we know for fact is that at a point there was no life. Then there was life. Something happened. DNA either manifested itself here or it was brought/ended up here from somewhere in the universe.

80% of the ingredients for life is H20. Are you saying earth is the only place with water that can support a stable life form? If so, what are all the radio signal that are aimed right at us? On frequencies our equipment works on. Why are there pyramids on mars? What are the towers on our moon? Too many things point to us not being alone. Either in the past or right now as well.

Not to mention every religion on earth says something about people coming from the 'heavens' and enlightening man kind and bringing life. What would ancient primitive people call another form of life visiting earth? Gods.


New Member
We know that everything started very very simple and worked it's way up. DNA is very complex and would not be first, then regress into a simpler form and then start towards complexity again.

Our soup of life started with very basic ingredients and DNA is not basic.


Well-Known Member
Wow. Crackpot much?

Who's to say DNA evolved here on earth?!

All we know for fact is that at a point there was no life. Then there was life. Something happened. DNA either manifested itself here or it was brought/ended up here from somewhere in the universe.
DNA is a series of amino acid chains. Amino acids can occur naturally under the right conditions when the necessary molecules are present.

While the idea of little bug eyed monsters intervening on our behalf is appealing to some, there's no evidence for it whatsoever, while the naturalistic explanation does have evidence.

The alien theory is somewhat more realistic than invisible-sky-man-virgin-humping-Jesus-daddy, but not by much.

80% of the ingredients for life is H20. Are you saying earth is the only place with water that can support a stable life form?
Who are you talking to? Are you arguing with yourself?

We require water. Some bacteria require methane. We're carbon based life forms on Earth. But there may be silicon based life forms elsewhere.

If so, what are all the radio signal that are aimed right at us?
Might want to take a course on Astronomy. There's a free on on iTunes University, and there should be one on MIT Open Courseware or Berkeley.
Radio signals are just a narrow band of energy, part of the same spectrum in which we find visible light, X-Rays, Gamma Rays, etc.
They occur in nature. The fact that we can produce them artificially does not mean all signals from space are manufactured by beings.
Pulsars, Blasars, Quasars, Neutron Stars, Black Holes, Supernovas, etc. etc. all give off various frequencies of detectable energy. If you want to see what the radiation from the big bang looks like, turn on an old television set that shows snow when it has no channel active. Just under 10% of that noise is the background radiation left over from the big bang.
SETI has been analyzing signals for years with no success yet. While there may be other civilizations out there, the chance that any one detectable radio signal out there is a civilization would be very slim, given the technological window when radio waves would be used by any given civilization.

Why are there pyramids on mars?
There aren't any.

What are the towers on our moon?
There aren't any.

I suppose you could have tried making those rather silly claims back in a time before we had high resolution images of both mars and the moon... but you didn't.

There are no pyramids or towers.

No green cheese. No canals and no little green men set on impregnating our females.

Too many things point to us not being alone. Either in the past or right now as well.
We either are or we aren't. The only sign of life we currently have is a meteorite that originated on mars and has microscopic fossils indicating the presence of bacterial life far in the past. And it took a decade of going back and forth over the data until they could say "We're *almost* certain."

Not to mention every religion on earth says something about people coming from the 'heavens' and enlightening man kind and bringing life. What would ancient primative peopl call another form of life visiting earth? Gods.
People have called snakes gods.
Birds? Gods.
Wolves? Gods.
Trees? Gods.

Somebody somewhere is worshipping something pointlessly every second of every day. It doesn't make ETs or Jesus any more likely to be watching over us.


Calyx LED
Wow. Crackpot much?

DNA is a series of amino acid chains. Amino acids can occur naturally under the right conditions when the necessary molecules are present.

While the idea of little bug eyed monsters intervening on our behalf is appealing to some, there's no evidence for it whatsoever, while the naturalistic explanation does have evidence.

The alien theory is somewhat more realistic than invisible-sky-man-virgin-humping-Jesus-daddy, but not by much.

Who are you talking to? Are you arguing with yourself?

We require water. Some bacteria require methane. We're carbon based life forms on Earth. But there may be silicon based life forms elsewhere.

Might want to take a course on Astronomy. There's a free on on iTunes University, and there should be one on MIT Open Courseware or Berkeley.
Radio signals are just a narrow band of energy, part of the same spectrum in which we find visible light, X-Rays, Gamma Rays, etc.
They occur in nature. The fact that we can produce them artificially does not mean all signals from space are manufactured by beings.
Pulsars, Blasars, Quasars, Neutron Stars, Black Holes, Supernovas, etc. etc. all give off various frequencies of detectable energy. If you want to see what the radiation from the big bang looks like, turn on an old television set that shows snow when it has no channel active. Just under 10% of that noise is the background radiation left over from the big bang.
SETI has been analyzing signals for years with no success yet. While there may be other civilizations out there, the chance that any one detectable radio signal out there is a civilization would be very slim, given the technological window when radio waves would be used by any given civilization.

There aren't any.

There aren't any.

I suppose you could have tried making those rather silly claims back in a time before we had high resolution images of both mars and the moon... but you didn't.

There are no pyramids or towers.

No green cheese. No canals and no little green men set on impregnating our females.

We either are or we aren't. The only sign of life we currently have is a meteorite that originated on mars and has microscopic fossils indicating the presence of bacterial life far in the past. And it took a decade of going back and forth over the data until they could say "We're *almost* certain."

People have called snakes gods.
Birds? Gods.
Wolves? Gods.
Trees? Gods.

Somebody somewhere is worshipping something pointlessly every second of every day. It doesn't make ETs or Jesus any more likely to be watching over us.
Wow. Huge post.

I agree with everything you said, and I was pretty baked when I typed my last post... haha.

All I'm saying is there are too many things that we have no idea about for me to believe that we're alone.


New Member
Correction, there are ppl here Earth who have no idea.

But others do....

There's no evidence we are alone. There's no evidence we're not.

Billions of ppl have come and gone without the answer to that question. Odds are that everyone alive today will die before knowing.

That's the reality of it.
Wow. Crackpot much?

DNA is a series of amino acid chains. Amino acids can occur naturally under the right conditions when the necessary molecules are present.

While the idea of little bug eyed monsters intervening on our behalf is appealing to some, there's no evidence for it whatsoever, while the naturalistic explanation does have evidence.

The alien theory is somewhat more realistic than invisible-sky-man-virgin-humping-Jesus-daddy, but not by much.

Who are you talking to? Are you arguing with yourself?

We require water. Some bacteria require methane. We're carbon based life forms on Earth. But there may be silicon based life forms elsewhere.

Might want to take a course on Astronomy. There's a free on on iTunes University, and there should be one on MIT Open Courseware or Berkeley.
Radio signals are just a narrow band of energy, part of the same spectrum in which we find visible light, X-Rays, Gamma Rays, etc.
They occur in nature. The fact that we can produce them artificially does not mean all signals from space are manufactured by beings.
Pulsars, Blasars, Quasars, Neutron Stars, Black Holes, Supernovas, etc. etc. all give off various frequencies of detectable energy. If you want to see what the radiation from the big bang looks like, turn on an old television set that shows snow when it has no channel active. Just under 10% of that noise is the background radiation left over from the big bang.
SETI has been analyzing signals for years with no success yet. While there may be other civilizations out there, the chance that any one detectable radio signal out there is a civilization would be very slim, given the technological window when radio waves would be used by any given civilization.

There aren't any.

There aren't any.

I suppose you could have tried making those rather silly claims back in a time before we had high resolution images of both mars and the moon... but you didn't.

There are no pyramids or towers.

No green cheese. No canals and no little green men set on impregnating our females.

We either are or we aren't. The only sign of life we currently have is a meteorite that originated on mars and has microscopic fossils indicating the presence of bacterial life far in the past. And it took a decade of going back and forth over the data until they could say "We're *almost* certain."

People have called snakes gods.
Birds? Gods.
Wolves? Gods.
Trees? Gods.

Somebody somewhere is worshipping something pointlessly every second of every day. It doesn't make ETs or Jesus any more likely to be watching over us.


Calyx LED
Correction, there are ppl here Earth who have no idea.

But others do....

There's no evidence we are alone. There's no evidence we're not.

Billions of ppl have come and gone without the answer to that question. Odds are that everyone alive today will die before knowing.

That's the reality of it.
There is more going toward there being other life. Have you seen the NASA STS videos? We ARE being watched. It's just by who or what.

We still don't even know every form of life that exists right now on our own planet for fuck sake. I have seen shit that is not from here. The PHX lights both times. Def an interest of mine.

STS Video (one of them)


New Member
Umm...theres definitely more than enough proof that theres intelligent life out there.

Just because you havent seen it doesnt mean there is none. What you dont understand is that the government and higher ups have pretty much all control over this and you are being a sheep believing that what they say goes and anything others say is not true. Even if people wanted to bring out proof (which people have tried) it would be incredibly hard to do so. Hundreds of people have actually been assassinated for trying this.

Thousands of videos of UFOs/USOs. Hundreds of photos/videos of actual aliens, dead and alive. Theres paintings and drawings from just after Jesus death that show UFOs. Theres ancient carvings in caves going back over 5,000 years (if not more) that show UFOs, aliens, and beings in "space suits". Thousands of abduction cases, lets not forget that the first famous recorded abduction case happened when there was no knowledge about this so it wasnt some hysteria or delusion that the wife and her husband went through. Thousands, if not millions of people have gone missing never to be found again just in modern times. Thousands of crop circles that are shown to be completely impossible with our current technology to make. Astronauts and others who worked at NASA have come out on their death bed and confirmed that there is UFOs and aliens. Ex-government and Military officials/personnel and some who are still active in those jobs have also came out and confirmed it.

As far as what has actually been found thats even more proof. The government has found space ships, aliens. Theyve obviously studied just about every "supernatural" thing there is so of course they looked into this. Theyre working with aliens, we have technology much greater than whats currently on the market but they have to gradually make it better for obvious reasons.

I could go on for a long time. Really the only thing left is for the government to confirm that aliens exist or for the aliens to decide its time and make themselves more known. Both of which will have to happen sometime in the future. But yeah what Im saying is theres definitely proof.