Dear Captain ObviousIf your talking about slightly stoopid dont even bother, they dont come close. Nothing nowadays in that genre compares to sublime.
Just because Dave Chappel is funny doesn't make your response any slicker, a little work is in order there but that's not really the point. Your comment would be taken as an insult to anyone who gave a shit about Sublime's music and maybe you can't tell how you called me an idiot by saying what you said but I'll be the first to rub your little nose in the wet spot you left and show you.
That's a classic but not everyone wants to listen to the same great stuff 24/7 no matter what. It's ironic that you preemptively stopped me from showing you something you already have seen supposedly and then just show us shit everyone's already seen.[youtube]hoJNdRdGxWs[/youtube]
Sublime are good.
But, the best band in the world? Really?
You need to open your horizons a little before you make up your mind as to whether something is "the greatest".
Mr Bungle are are one band that shows us there is a hell of of lot more you can do with jazz/hardcore/etc than add some brass intruments & play good - albeit pretty standard - music.
Of other genres of music, there are COUNTLESS bands & musicians that make sublime look seriously weak. You may not dig those genres, but, if you're not just a fanboy; you will admit that these musicians are more talented in almost every manner. Fuck, most bands I listen to you couldn't even genre-ize them, most original bands don't take labels very well. You know why? Because they haver made music that is entirely unique.
Daughters being just one example.
I am a Sublime fan, but that was when I was a teenager - my taste has evolved, so has music in general.
why you tryin to dog on ppl that believe that sublime is the gratest? i like them because i can chill to the music maybe thats why they may be the best to me. everyone has their own so dont bash man.