HACKERS REVEAL!! Climate change scientists have been manipulating and fixing data


Well-Known Member
i think its related. when your trying to charge somone fees and threatening thier jobs over a bogus / unproven claims

usually its not takin too kindly by the people they are trying to hustle

i have a feeling obama decided early on he would not run for a second term after his first one ends

i think he realizes he is still very young and can always run again in several years

think about it

then he can say to any president who replaces him to not retract his policies or "he'll be back" to fix it:bigjoint:

hes gambling i know thats for sure, and why not gamble when you were thrown the presidency of the united states on a whim without any credentials that garantee the office would be safe in his hands.
Guarantee? Safe? Jump back to reality quick! Bush=Safe.....lmao. Who got you in this mess? Not Obama....:wall:


New Member
I understand the concerns you raise, fortunately Britain is not using carbon offsetting etc to gain in monetary terms to the degree the US seems to be. Did you watch those links I posted before? Methane is a huge issue CJ. There is no historical parallel to compare with the output of methane that is present today.
The White House is using the EPA as a run around passing a bill. It's all about controlling us.

Yes, now we can agree, methane is a big problem.

Biggest violators? Cows ... moo. :lol: Maybe Rosie O'Donnell as well... :mrgreen:


New Member
Methane = Natural Gas in your house.

HS is not so friendly to Earth Life

in Fact, if you believe in The Great Dyings like the Holocaust is real,

then you man enjoy the Awareness that HS fucked life as was Known.

Big P

Well-Known Member
16% of the earths land is used to produce cattle, with the methane right behind them, so to speak!

woo do you know how many buffalo used to roam the plains of the united states untill will killed most of them

millions of acres they lived on, seems there were just as much grass eating herd animals back then too


Big P

Well-Known Member
Guarantee? Safe? Jump back to reality quick! Bush=Safe.....lmao. Who got you in this mess? Not Obama....:wall:

and yes you can garantee you were safe with Bush

you think your safer with Obama?

whos really the one with the blinders on:

too bad Iraq is doing great now, too bad now you cant scream bloody murder at this photo of a hero who freed millions and set them on a path for greatness

yes I can feel safe with bush or Mcain,

obama???? I have serious doubts:

but hey man im an optimist I hope im wrong.


New Member
I have no problem what so evah with reducing pollution. But creating a giant global Govt. corporation to oversee it is INSANE!!!

Want heavy lifting done? ... let the free market prevail. The govt.s just get in the way and sap the strength away.

they are for the most part ... leeches on society.


Well-Known Member
YAY!! This thread is no longer about climate change it's about racism!!!


oh wait... no... i'm not a waste of space.

This image is clearly fear mongering and blatantly racist. I'm disgusted. UNSUBSCRIBED for the first time I mean it. This is just disgusting.

this is disgusting, absolutely disgusting... the only images you found of Bush as a "war hero" was when he was president claiming "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!" :lol: :lol: :lol:
You are aware that "MISSION" is the war we're still fighting to this day. I'll give you a chance to respond, maybe i'll even wait to unsubscribe until after i read it.
But i really don't feel like wasting my time on a racist, fear mongering . . . MEANY!


Big P

Well-Known Member
YAY!! This thread is no longer about climate change is about racism!!!


oh wait... no... i'm not a waste of space.



why cuz i dislike a persident who happens to be mixed half white half black?

and I was born in a muslim nation I hardly hate muslims my freind

but whatever makes you sleep better at night buddy, if thats what you need to dismiss my obviously well thought out views so you wont have to deal them in an intelectual way may

becuase if you did your whole world would be crashing in around you:bigjoint:

seriously though what is it with these white people and black people trying to call everybody racist these days you guys are a joke.

you have no clue what racism really is. but i can understand a person who has white guilt going around parroting what black racists say becuase of thier own inadiqacy for defending themselves against racist chicken littles who see the world through victoms viewfinder blaming anything and everything they do not like or do not understand as racist:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
you posted an image of a man dressed in "muslim" traditional garb next to a white male dressed in american military fatigues and ask "which makes you feel safer?"

if that isn't racism and fear mongering... WHAT IS?!

that is intellectual way of breaking it down.

Half Black Guy in "ethnic" clothes
White Guy in military gear

Which do you prefer... based upon the presentation of that image, you are too decide if you prefer a white male or a male of color. you are forcing the viewer to make a decision based upon race and ethnicity. therefore the image is racist. so no my friend, whatever helps YOU sleep at night.

Big P

Well-Known Member
YAY!! This thread is no longer about climate change it's about racism!!!


oh wait... no... i'm not a waste of space.

This image is clearly fear mongering and blatantly racist. I'm disgusted. UNSUBSCRIBED for the first time I mean it. This is just disgusting.

this is disgusting, absolutely disgusting... the only images you found of Bush as a "war hero" was when he was president claiming "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!" :lol: :lol: :lol:
You are aware that "MISSION" is the war we're still fighting to this day. I'll give you a chance to respond, maybe i'll even wait to unsubscribe until after i read it.
But i really don't feel like wasting my time on a racist, fear mongering . . . MEANY!


im an arab american,

say i ran for president and I always wore my arab garb with the headress

If i was a voter I would wonder where that arab in garb who is running for presidents' loyalties are. After all he is applying to be the president of the usa not the UN

much less than i would wonder where an american fighter pilotS' loyalties were who was shot down and refused to be released before his fellow inmates

man you sure are just waiting to pounce in anytyhing you can try to claim as racist,

im sorry to disappoint



Well-Known Member
that's just the thing Big P we are a nation of millions of colors!
name a day you've been out of your house and seen ONLY white people everywhere.
as a citizen of our country running for president, it is understood your loyalties lie with the nation.
what if an asian woman ran for office and wore a kimono.. would you feel her allegiance lied with China?!
what i am calling racist is that you are making a distinction between the two. what i see is two americans, from different backgrounds. that's all.
what you see is one guy that "looks like a terrorist" and another guy that "looks like a terrorist killer" that is where the racism lies.

i personally do not take issue with either, you do. that is why i call you the racist at the end of the day. you present me an image with two people of different backgrounds, though both american, and say "ehh.. i don't trust this one, he kinda dresses funny and he don't look much like the white guy".

how is that NOT racist?
stop rationalizing your fear of the "muslim" and tell me how its not racist.



race baiting is pretty sad thing to do

no, if people dont like obama, it doesnt make them racist


Well-Known Member
it makes them racist if they don't like him because he wears traditional arab garb.
that is why Big P distrusts him, because he dresses in traditional arab clothing.
disliking or distrusting based up on appearance, an appearance based upon ethnicity, is racist.

other than that i agree, some dislike obama for reasons other than race.


EDIT: I'm sure Big P has other reasons, seems intelligent enough. This argument is based solely upon that picture. Which does nothing more than make you question Obama because he "looked like one of them" in a few photos.

Big P

Well-Known Member
dude its not racist to evaluate your emplyee,

if you are running for the president of AMERICA

you shouldnt wear clothes for an differnt nation

he is not wearing muslim garb in that pic it is his kenyan outfit

your whole point is redicules since I am an arab who was born in Jordan a muslim country

half my family is muslim!!!!

wake up dude!!

its like you come in for an interview at burger king wearing a mcdonalds shirt man

anyway I was just using the pic as a funny illustration of my opinion

As I do in almost every post

the point is you said in an amazed state that you cant believe I think bush and mcain made us safer.

I did not form my opinion based on that photograph, i base it on the mans actions as president, i throw in the photos for you guys as a satirical example. I fugure you may understand it better:bigjoint:

if you did not have doubts about a cannidate for presidency if he is constantly wear arab garbs then really you deserve what you get for being so dense.

just like if you hired a guy to be your branch manager at burger king who comes in wearing a mcdonalds shirt. you deserve what you get when if he runs your shit into the ground

me I would play it safe and hire the guy who loves wearing his burger king shirt. or atleast I would say no I cant hire you now until i know more about you. But the american peopel were like hey fuckit dudes!! lets take a chance on this guy he seems legit!! and they did that with my precious burger king the only place were i get my sustanance

because im not hireing this guy to be my manager im hireing him to be the care taker of everything I hold dear in life and I wanna be damn well sure even the hair on his head will be loyal to my nation and well being.



anyway like cracker said its not that complicated to resonable people:roll:


Well-Known Member
clothing = allegiance?
what did he wear during the campaign and to every rally? a suit and tie (same as mccain) or a kenyan robe and head dress?
he wore a suit and tie. sounds like he was well prepared for the interview.
