research chemicals


Well-Known Member
very much against the rules - this is not a site to come looking for actual sources of drugs..


Well-Known Member
cool - thanks for obliging!
here is the reason - your one post would pick up on google so that every time someone searched for sources of drugs they would hit this site and that would be bad in general for RIU.. as well as if any police looked over the site they would not be happy to find people openly sharing drugs online.. it simply isn't done in public forums..

welcome to the site though!! i hope you can find enjoyment without hooking up chems..! ;) for more detailed discussion on RC's - head over to - another great forum - same rules apply - no public mention of sources... a long time ago i had some 5-MEO-DMT and that stuff was pretty incredible.. recently i tried salvia leaf and that was cool as well as legal.. :)


cool - thanks for obliging!
here is the reason - your one post would pick up on google so that every time someone searched for sources of drugs they would hit this site and that would be bad in general for RIU.. as well as if any police looked over the site they would not be happy to find people openly sharing drugs online.. it simply isn't done in public forums..

welcome to the site though!! i hope you can find enjoyment without hooking up chems..! ;) for more detailed discussion on RC's - head over to - another great forum - same rules apply - no public mention of sources... a long time ago i had some 5-MEO-DMT and that stuff was pretty incredible.. recently i tried salvia leaf and that was cool as well as legal.. :)
thanks man, im here for help with growing, but recently, ive been hearing a lot on the 2c's but nobody seems to know where to get them