Problem with attitude

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Active Member
Im guessing you did......

Attitude does not produce these seeds. So the germ rate can be blamed on whoever you decided was a good breeder. Bad choice there.... Maybe do some more homework? If you did email them and told them you had unsuccessful germ rates. Thats your mistake and your not going to get any help from attitude. You can't email them telling them that. It says it all over the site. However, Attitude should be responsible for contacting said breeder(it looks like they will if you just read the email), and getting the seeds replaced. But breeders can be more than difficult to work with in these situations.

I think you jumped the gun way to fast and have started a big problem over nothing. Kicking and screaming only gets you so far, and usually only when your young.
wow I'm so glad you've posted you know so much about me what I say and do what/if I research shit. Man you're a smart how did I ever get along in this world without you? I feel really bad for you I really do. You know nothing of me or my situation and you are telling me what I did and didn't do. I didn't start a big problem over nothing all I did was tell me story. My experience with attitudes and why I'll never buy from them again. Take what you will from it but I will not chill or take deep breaths the fact is i'm so over it I posted this thread in nov. and its almost christmas and now all of you give a shit. And tell me what I need to do. just stop. I mean really you all take it so personal like I made talked shit about your religion or your god or your mom. its just a seed company that I dislike whole heartedly. DEAL WITH IT


Active Member
I orded from them because they were the only reputable company that ships to the US.

I have seen quite a bit of people of late claiming ALL their beans that they ordered from attitude didnt shoot.. Not 2 or 10, or 8 of 10. But NONE of them. This is the 3rd post this week. Read the seed strain forum. One dude even ordered beans from 2 diff mfg thru attitude & none sprouted.

Nobodys perfect, but if that happened to me, my post would have had evil pictures of people dying and shit. People being tourtured and blood everywhere.:cuss::fire::evil: Give dude a break.

He wasnt taking about your mama.. He was simply telling about his experience.

Thank you thats all I've been tryin to say and everyone is acting like I pissed in their cereal.


Well-Known Member
wow I'm so glad you've posted you know so much about me what I say and do what/if I research shit. Man you're a smart how did I ever get along in this world without you? I feel really bad for you I really do. You know nothing of me or my situation and you are telling me what I did and didn't do. I didn't start a big problem over nothing all I did was tell me story. My experience with attitudes and why I'll never buy from them again. Take what you will from it but I will not chill or take deep breaths the fact is i'm so over it I posted this thread in nov. and its almost christmas and now all of you give a shit. And tell me what I need to do. just stop. I mean really you all take it so personal like I made talked shit about your religion or your god or your mom. its just a seed company that I dislike whole heartedly. DEAL WITH IT
For some reason I do not see much help coming your way from this forum in the future if a problem should arise. Hope you got it all off your chest. Peace


Well-Known Member
For some reason I do not see much help coming your way from this forum in the future if a problem should arise. Hope you got it all off your chest. Peace
Thats for sure...

You talk like it was so far away, November was 2 weeks ago.

Buddy dont act like you didnt make a big deal out of nothing. You come on here saying attitude straight up stole your money and is not going to send you what you paid for. Your slandering their business. For what? cause you can't read?

No matter what seed company you order from, I still think your gonna have a-lot of trouble. You dont seem to comprehend what really goes on around you. Or what you even talk about or say. Enjoy all your non germing beans mate, Just DEAL WITH THEM.


By the way. Anyone get the 'Tudes X-mas present?

I did, but I fucked up and took some advice I read on forums, and put a fake name!! My seeds were here today but got returned because my dipshit mailman figured nobody lived here by that name. I got this message from usps:

Detailed Results:
Undeliverable as Addressed, December 14, 2009, 8:33 am
Inbound International Arrival, December 09, 2009, 11:39 pm, ISC NEW YORK NY(USPS)
Origin Post is Preparing Shipment

now what the hell should I do? It says:

"It is being returned if appropriate information is available. "

Everyone tells me that attitude is the best place to get seeds. So I order from them. their prices are not the best but descent. The order was pretty quick I think it was like 6 business days. And thats about where the good things I have to say end.

First they shorted me. Now I'm use to that in the drug game but they are suppose to be a legit business. They could have sent a little note or something sayin they ran out, but nothin. Then out of the ones I did get a whole strain never germed. Im not new to growing and I have never had less than 80 percent germ rate from any of the many strains I have started and even if I happened to mess something up, it wouldn't kill a whole strain and then have ever other seed sprout. Especially, when they all were fed the same water and used the same dirt. To top it off, I write them, stating the list of problems I had and the send me a generalized "Sorry tough luck" letter. And I quote...

"Hi there

I am sorry you are dissatisfied with your souvenirs, as you are aware we
sell these solely for souvenir and storage purposes and by ordering you
confirm you comply with your local laws regarding the purchase of seeds in
your country.

Please return any dissatisfactory items and packaging back to us to forward
to the breeder to inspect with a view to a replacement.

Many Thanks and I thank you in advance for understanding we do not process
claims in the UK.

Many Thanks
The Attitude"

So that's what they send you when they just want to f*ck you and take your money. I got swindled of my good hard earned money by CRAPITUDES so buyer beware, they will take you for all your worth and smile and say have fun tryin to get what you paid for.
I dont see the problem as they have offered to replace them at their cost. Attitude is one of the best seed companies anywhere. I received my 25th order and they doubled my oder and threw in a tshirt at their cost. They rae good and fair.

Never email anyone about growing seeds. CAll them and they will work with you.:bigjoint::bigjoint:
I did, but I fucked up and took some advice I read on forums, and put a fake name!! My seeds were here today but got returned because my dipshit mailman figured nobody lived here by that name. I got this message from usps:

Detailed Results:
Undeliverable as Addressed, December 14, 2009, 8:33 am
Inbound International Arrival, December 09, 2009, 11:39 pm, ISC NEW YORK NY(USPS)
Origin Post is Preparing Shipment

now what the hell should I do? It says:

"It is being returned if appropriate information is available. "

:lol: thats kinda funny and fucked up at the same time. Order in your name, the cops have better things to do than messs you you.


Well-Known Member
Sorry I just get pissed when people don't show respect. Thats why I hate attitude and why all of this started is because they didn't show me any respect and that dude didn't either.
Hey shit-for-brains,

Respect is earned, NOT given!!!! You come on here talking shit like some prepubescent little punk and you expect us to RESPECT you???? You are a world-class piece of shit, and no I don't know you -- I don't need to, your previous posts speak for themselves!!!!!

And then you want to talk trash about peoples mothers?? How old are you? 12???? You are aware that NO ONE under 18 is allowed on this site aren't you??? Well obviously not because you apparently have the reading comprehension skills of a slightly retarded 6-year old, otherwise you would have comprehended what The Attitude had already told you and you would realize that the only problem is between your overly large ears.

Grow up and act/speak like a rational human being and they will make it all good, but if you communicate with them the way you have with us here, then you deserve to get fucked over and NO ONE here has ANY sympathy for your little immature punk-ass. You are a living example of why abortion must be kept legal, because the world would be a better place if you never existed!

Grow up and go to bed, your mommy said it's past your bedtime troll!!!!:cuss:

Fucking loser


Active Member
I dont see the problem as they have offered to replace them at their cost. Attitude is one of the best seed companies anywhere. I received my 25th order and they doubled my oder and threw in a tshirt at their cost. They rae good and fair.

Never email anyone about growing seeds. CAll them and they will work with you.:bigjoint::bigjoint:
Read that one more time. they said I could return them to attitudes which in turn would return them to the seed company which then the seed company can send me new ones.

wow is all I have to say. Its like I'm talking to my mom. I write something and you ignore what i say and focus solely on what you believe I said. I will try and call again, but it is still not going to change my opinion of them. And I don't want anyone sympathies and I dont care that everyone thinks they are so great and awesome. I don't. They are not awesome to me. I feel like I got ripped off and nothing any of you say will change that.


Well-Known Member
2nd post..... lol

WHo the fuck are you? spider man?
can you sense me?
Lol. Yeah, that's what happens when a keyboard commando talks trash to me before I've even had a chance to light my first bowl of the night!

I kind of over did it, I suppose -- and I understand his frustration with the situation -- but it's all spelled out quite clearly in black and white on Attitudes site. I didn't think I was doing anything other than asking a few honest questions on my initial reply to him (well, I could have left off the high-school remark I suppose, but those here familiar with me know that political correctness and sensitivity to others feelings are not exactly strong points with me, lol.), but in his reply he dropped into the gutter and started the personal attacks and talking trash about my mother, so screw him. with that sort of attitude he won't get much of anything in helpful input from the vast majority of members on this site.

And the whole "respect" commentary from him immediately identifies him as being quite immature, regardless of actual age (which I strongly suspect is less than a third of my own!). He's welcome to reply here and flame away --- I usually get a good laugh out of that anyway, although my original intent was NOT to insult him in any way. But, if he's that thin-skinned, oh well............:fire:


Active Member
Hey shit-for-brains,

Respect is earned, NOT given!!!! You come on here talking shit like some prepubescent little punk and you expect us to RESPECT you???? You are a world-class piece of shit, and no I don't know you -- I don't need to, your previous posts speak for themselves!!!!!

And then you want to talk trash about peoples mothers?? How old are you? 12???? You are aware that NO ONE under 18 is allowed on this site aren't you??? Well obviously not because you apparently have the reading comprehension skills of a slightly retarded 6-year old, otherwise you would have comprehended what The Attitude had already told you and you would realize that the only problem is between your overly large ears.

Grow up and act/speak like a rational human being and they will make it all good, but if you communicate with them the way you have with us here, then you deserve to get fucked over and NO ONE here has ANY sympathy for your little immature punk-ass. You are a living example of why abortion must be kept legal, because the world would be a better place if you never existed!

Grow up and go to bed, your mommy said it's past your bedtime troll!!!!:cuss:

Fucking loser
Do you need a tissue? Or maybe a duche to get the sand out of your vagina. I didn't talk any shit until you started on me. All I did was tell a story about my experience and you took it personal. Get over yourself. This is the internet if you get so angry about what someone else says on a forum full of stoners I feel bad for your boyfriend. You must beat him often. And by the way that is a cute smiley face. That will go well with your new hand bag and matching high heels.
I'm done talking to you. I make it a point not to get involved with women on their period. Its to messy


Well-Known Member
Do you need a tissue? Or maybe a duche to get the sand out of your vagina. I didn't talk any shit until you started on me. All I did was tell a story about my experience and you took it personal. Get over yourself. This is the internet if you get so angry about what someone else says on a forum full of stoners I feel bad for your boyfriend. You must beat him often. And by the way that is a cute smiley face. That will go well with your new hand bag and matching high heels.
I'm done talking to you. I make it a point not to get involved with women on their period. Its to messy

How pathetic. You totally just verified EVERYTHING I stated with that reply!!!

PLEASE flame back some more you disposable cum-bucket, I'm quite enjoying the image of some pimple-faced teenager throwing a tantrum because he got fucked over due to his own illiteracy!!

Go back to school kid and don't try growing cannabis, you'll just end up busted and either becoming a snitch (which you probably already are) or Bubba's bitch (which you would probably enjoy judging from your posts thus far). Mindless myrmidons are not well tolerated here -- why don't you go back to your MTV or NAMBLA website.


Well-Known Member

How pathetic. You totally just verified EVERYTHING I stated with that reply!!!

PLEASE flame back some more you disposable cum-bucket, I'm quite enjoying the image of some pimple-faced teenager throwing a tantrum because he got fucked over due to his own illiteracy!!

Go back to school kid and don't try growing cannabis, you'll just end up busted and either becoming a snitch (which you probably already are) or Bubba's bitch (which you would probably enjoy judging from your posts thus far). Mindless myrmidons are not well tolerated here -- why don't you go back to your MTV or MBLA website.
how old are you.
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