clones to hot??


Active Member
hey my fellow green thumbs,

i have taking cuttings 2 days ago all of them are drooping bad,maybe temp too high?i also sprayed them with a 1/4 strength solution did not realize until i had done it,will thee survive? thanks in advance

ink the world

Well-Known Member
hey my fellow green thumbs,

i have taking cuttings 2 days ago all of them are drooping bad,maybe temp too high?i also sprayed them with a 1/4 strength solution did not realize until i had done it,will thee survive? thanks in advance
A 1/4 strength solution of what? Rooting hormone?

What is the air temp? What method of cloning are you using?

I mist my clones 1 time a day and thats it, only straight water, no hormone.


Active Member
Make sure to water your cude or what ever the clone is in. Also, keep it covered to keep in the humidity. Clones normally look bad for the first day or two.


Active Member
im using jiffys,air temp around 33 c.i used the same spray bottle as im using for my veg,i do normally use straight water but did not realize till i had misted them,i have mist them with just water today,i have not measured ph of water tho,thanks for the quick reply ink


Well-Known Member
your clones will be fine they will droop for couple of day, but they will bounce back. the misting will not hurt them i use diluted mix also nd my plant seem to be coming along well. just make sure you have them under a hum. dome for a while