Would You Be An Insurgent?

Would You Be An Insurgent?

  • Yes

    Votes: 33 86.8%
  • No

    Votes: 5 13.2%

  • Total voters


If you were a citizen of Afghanistan or Iraq facing occupation by foreign soldiers, being 2009, on the brink of 2010, the war in Afghanistan has been going since 2001, almost 9 years, since 2003 in Iraq, almost 7 years, would you deal with the occupation and try to go about your daily life, or actively stand up against it and become an insurgent?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
The language governments use is word smithed to benefit the propaganda espoused and arose nationalistic fervor. It is not unique to any one country, although the USA is really getting good at it.

If other people do not want a foreign occupier they are termed "insurgents" , rebels, Viet Cong or terrorists. This is an attempt to dehumanize the people that the occupying army is killing. Yet, when this country kicked the British out, the rebels were called Patriots. It's all a matter off perspective.
Now a "Patriot" has been redefined to being a person that blindly supports their country and any aggressive policies it may employ. Hermann Goering said it best...

Who would want a foreign army in their back yard? Not me. For that matter who would want a domestic army of the various kinds of cops in their back yard when they have harmed nobdy? Been there, don't like that either.

All the bullshit rhetoric aside, when people mind their own business and leave others alone, things are usually better. When somebody isn't being left alone, you should not fault them for resisting. Fault those who are trying to impose their will by force on the peaceful person(s).

Government and courts own the language hence they can refabricate meanings to justify killing and imprisoning other people, pretty sad really that people are so easily lead by manipulators.

Illegal Smile

In other words, the two posters above are pro-Taliban.


As of now, 4 people have voted yes, they would be insurgents. If the poll asked "Your country has been the target of terrorist assh*les for decades. Would you enlist in the military to defend and protect your family, neighbors, and friends?", would that be 4 no's?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
In other words, the two posters above are pro-Taliban.
Strawman much? I am not pro Taliban.
That is a simplistic approach and fails to acknowledge root cause. When you occupy another country, expect them not to want you there. It is important to be honest when addressing who the aggressor is when solving a problem.

I am pro freedom, I don't want mine taken, nor can I endorse others who want to take it from people regardless of which colored piece of cloth they wave on a stick (flag).

I am against harming / killing people that have done me no harm. I am against blanket endorsements such as the simplistic one you use. I am not a pacifist, nor am I an Imperialist.

If this country were occupied, would you want the occupiers out? I would. Why wouldn't somebody else feel the same way?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
As of now, 4 people have voted yes, they would be insurgents. If the poll asked "Your country has been the target of terrorist assh*les for decades. Would you enlist in the military to defend and protect your family, neighbors, and friends?", would that be 4 no's?
So defending oneself in a foreign country means you are an insurgent, but here you are a Patriot? That confirms my point.

Our country has been the target of terrorists assholes for years....ever hear of the drug war?

Plenty of "domestic enemies" to work on here before before we go fucking with other people.

How many countries should the USA occupy?


Well-Known Member
7 at least
not only that our government are a bunch of simple minded dictators
if george bush invaded my country over "economic" issues then yes i would resist

Illegal Smile

The Taliban "insurgency" is about a lot more than western troops being there. it is about overthrowing the government and taking over the country again which they would quickly do. Anyone in favor of our withdrawal is pro-Taliban because they want the same things the Taliban wants.

If not, then please explain to us what future situation you do advocate in Afghanistan and how it should be achieved.


Well-Known Member
If you were a citizen of Afghanistan or Iraq facing occupation by foreign soldiers, being 2009, on the brink of 2010, the war in Afghanistan has been going since 2001, almost 9 years, since 2003 in Iraq, almost 7 years, would you deal with the occupation and try to go about your daily life, or actively stand up against it and become an insurgent?
Here is a little current events update for you.

Our soldiers are in Afghanistan helping the Afghans get rid of the Taliban which is an occupying force that has been oppressing the Afghans for years. The Afghans are on our side.

And although the Iraqis are surely weary of living in a war torn country and doubtful that they will ever know true freedom, most do wish for it. The problem in Iraq is that the people lack hope, not that they are against us.

As for those that are against us, they are not fighting because they don't want us there, they are fighting because they don't want the other Iraqis to have freedom and become westernized. That is why they target their own people, their own schools, their own hospitals and other Iraqi infrastructure.

If all they wanted was to get US troops out, all they would have to do is lay low and wait for us to leave. The faster peace is restored, the faster we would be out of there.

So, if I was an Iraqi citizen, I would not fight against my own liberation. I would do what the vast majority of Iraqis did and I would risk my own life to vote in my Country's first free election.


So how does coming in using force and establishing a new puppet government that itself is already corrupt accomplish the goal?

Aren't we simply replacing one terrorist organization essentially with another? If the Afghan government doesn't follow the laws now, with American presence there, what makes anyone think they would do it when we leave? Does anyone believe they're going to play it straight and not deal with any rogue terrorist organizations? Aren't you guys all worried that Iran is going to give nuclear weapons to terrorists organizations like Hezbollah and Hamas? What's the difference between a corrupt Iranian government and a corrupt Afghan government? Just because Karzai is pro-America? Is that what it comes down to? American interests? If it is, just say it, admit it, that that is the most important thing in these wars, not what the people of the Middle East have to go through on a daily basis, not peace in the region, American interests and keeping the American way of life going. That is the agenda our government is pushing, and the Afghan government is supporting.

If everyone on the planet lived life like an American, we would need 14 Earths to support it. That means we as Americans either have to constantly fight for or steal resources to support our population and it's growth, and just like almost every other nation in the world, our population is only increasing. Now comes the choice, do we keep going the way we've been going for centuries, and put Americans before everyone else and hope someone will be there to help cushion our fall when we hit the point of no return, or seriously reflect on the way we do business as usual around the globe?

It's a whole lot more than just picking up a weapon and fighting an invading or occupying force.

I agree with you guys the whole thing is also heavily influenced by Islam/religion.

RobRoy, I support your position 100%, also, your first post is sort of why I went with "insurgent" instead of "terrorist" - spot on about the perspective thing.

Rick, I appreciate your post. - I'll get back to it later, I'm sort of short on time atm.


Well-Known Member
BTW the Taliban is not Al-quida.
Just FYI they are not the same thing.
they have differing goals.
the Taliban was the legitamate government in Afganistan
We acknowledged that when our government
invited them here to negotiate over the pipeline.
The taliban said they would hand over Osama bin-Ladin,
If we could provide any evidence he was responsible for 9-11.
Well we couldn't provide any
hence why OBL wasn't wanted in conection with 9-11 by the FBI.
Afganistan is about a pipeline and CIA drug running IMO.


So defending oneself in a foreign country means you are an insurgent, but here you are a Patriot? That confirms my point.

No, it doesn't. Our presence in Afghanistan is a direct result of our being attacked by those that the Taliban aided. The "Insurgents" in Afghanistan are simply the same enemy trying to regain control.

Our country has been the target of terrorists assholes for years....ever hear of the drug war?

You need to recognize the distinction between a terrorist and a fascist. The former is motivated by extreme political and religious views, the other by money and power.

Plenty of "domestic enemies" to work on here before before we go fucking with other people.

And who's going to do that? You say you would pick up arms to fight a threat in your own country, you identify your own government's policies as a threat. Well?

How many countries should the USA occupy?

I think most of us only want to occupy ours, but we want to be able to do it without a bunch of scumbags from another country sending planes into the places we work. Until that day comes...


Well-Known Member
So defending oneself in a foreign country means you are an insurgent, but here you are a Patriot? That confirms my point.

Our country has been the target of terrorists assholes for years....ever hear of the drug war?

Plenty of "domestic enemies" to work on here before before we go fucking with other people.

How many countries should the USA occupy?
How many should we help!!!
Most countries do not mind taking our money do they.


Active Member
most countries don't want our money. our money is like the mob, you take it and you owe us one. not to mention, you say no and watch your back. some places state one million dead iraqis and afghans since 2001. not many here care! blood is on our hands, murder by silence.

Illegal Smile

Still none of those who think we should pull out have explained what would then happen to Afghanistan and why that would be a good thing for anyone.


Well-Known Member
too bad we supported the taliban at one time agaisnt the northern alliance, who we now support, politics always make a lot of sense.


Well-Known Member
most countries don't want our money. our money is like the mob, you take it and you owe us one. not to mention, you say no and watch your back. some places state one million dead iraqis and afghans since 2001. not many here care! blood is on our hands, murder by silence.
And most where killed by their own people.How bad do they want to kill us soldiers that thousands of there own do not matter.