9 weeks into flowering on my first indoor grow w/ 250 watt hps... here's some things that might be helpful...
1) My final pots are 3 gallon... i water about every 3-5 days (closer to 5)... my two ladies get about 1 1/2 gallons to 2 gallons of water each watering... Early in flower it was about a gallon each, maybe a bit less for the smaller plant..
2) I use all 4 of these very effective tactics... after watering day, watch for the top layer of soil to start drying out... When it looks like it's almost completely dry, the leaves will probably start drooping that day and progressively get worse... If you stick your finger about a inch down into the soil, it should be all dry... The key at that point is to pick up the pot... remember how heavy it is... If you check the weight after watering, you will know the difference...
3) That cigarette but in the soil from one of the earlier posts... TISK TISK!! Don't be feeding your babies that garbage!!! lol!! jk
4) I see your using the FF line of nutes + some others... didn't see anywhere you mentioning molasses?? Are you using that now that you are in flower? Some 100% Original Unsulphered Molasses will work wonders... cheap as hell too at the grocery store... I was mixing about 1 1/2 tablespoons per gallon every watering from week 2 of flower until week 8...
5) I'm using a 250 watt HPS, so this might be different for you... but once i hit Week 4-5 of flowering, my 2 ladies started wanting more light... I don't really have a heat issue, actually needed to warm things up a bit at night (during their light cycle due to outside temps)... I added one of those huge 60 watt CFL bulbs (300 watt equivelent).. screwed it into one of those clamp heat lamps you use for a reptile cage... It added some great corner lighting as well as raised the temp some....
Your grow looks like it's coming along nicely.... I started w/ MG soil on my first grow and eventually switched to FFOF... So i know all about the burnt leaves and stuff... I lost some leaves early because of the MG soil and even battled it half way through flower....
A few leaves died early, but they made it this far and look fine... when it spreads to more than a leaf or two, then you've got a big problem... Be prepared too if this is your first indoor... later in flower all the leaves start dieing... If it wasn't for the big bud formation, it would be really hard to watch all those leaves on a plant you gave TLC to for 3-4 months die... It's kind of different watching them die on a day to day basis as opposed to outdoors where I sometimes go a week w/o visiting...
Anyways... keep up the good work man!! keep postin' pics and Happy Tokin'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!