JigFresh's Grow #2 : Vertical Scrog - closet diy dwc - 650w - Headband + Casey Jones


Well-Known Member
God damn those buds look sick. That 42lb 10 plant grow is sick!. Would love to do something like that. I guess he vegged only 3 weeks once the clone was rooted! Thats insane! C02 must do wonders.

CJ looks sick. Pictures never do the justice either!
Keep it up!


Well-Known Member
dayum, jig What a few days difference makes.I hear good things about humboldts stuff.Jig you should set a fixed camera for a couple days and do a time lapse video of a nug growing.

I swear i just stopped breathing for 5:51 of my life.What really makes it outstanding is how well you utilized that space.

It must feel so awesome just to step back and smile at that shit.


Well-Known Member
Random Fact:

I GOT THE DUAL SAW... go on... try and mess around with me now.

Looks scrumious there jig. I'm envious of ya haha.

Honestly... I don't know what I've done in this life to deserve such a blessing. I mean I try to be good and help people... but to open my closet and see what I see is beyond beleif.

I swear I don't do that much with the girls. I just love them.

And I know I say it over and over... but I really mean it... all the good vibes you guys send really make their way into the water or something.

Thanks GFK. You gotta plan a road trip in Feb. Everything will be nice and cured by then... We gonna be smokin Valentines day away.

wow jig thats impresive.....nice job on the grow:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:
Thanks GTO... always good to see you my friend. Also nice seeing mom in your avatar. I still got her playlist running on my music.

Your plants are looking amazing.

I really want to come visit sometme next summer... you aren't going anywhere are you?

TreeHigh... WonderBlunder. Always appreciate the support. Wonder... I'm blown away by your new setup. And TreeHigh... that nug I pulled is for us. Maybe get a 24 hour cure or something.



Well-Known Member
It must feel so awesome just to step back and smile at that shit.
It is strait unreal. It's like winning the lottery every day.

It also makes me feel unworthy... like I don't deserve all this. But then again... that's just a problem I have in life. Always feeling undeserving.

Thanks miztaj. You are a part of these plants for sure.

Like I said... V-day is gonna be SG+CJ- day this year. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Sweet. I was kinda hoping it was but I didn't wanna make any assumptions.

And I went to the doc, got my CA state ID and am $65 away from being a legal medial marijuana patient.
hey jig, so im noticing that about 4 inches below my light is running around 95 degrees and im thinkin i need to eventually install a fan to cool it.....it runs around 80 at plant level which is about 2 ft down.....my light has a port on the side and i was thinking of just screwing a small muffin fan on there with no duct work, just a little something to add some movement in that area.....my question is, because i dont have a glass lense on the reflector hood, should i have the fan blow air towards the bulb or suck it away from it causing a vortex around the bulb?.....can anyone give any advice?.....i have a sunsystems 2 400 hps....thanks....ur the man



Well-Known Member
hey jig, so im noticing that about 4 inches below my light is running around 95 degrees and im thinkin i need to eventually install a fan to cool it.....it runs around 80 at plant level which is about 2 ft down.....my light has a port on the side and i was thinking of just screwing a small muffin fan on there with no duct work, just a little something to add some movement in that area.....my question is, because i dont have a glass lense on the reflector hood, should i have the fan blow air towards the bulb or suck it away from it causing a vortex around the bulb?.....can anyone give any advice?.....i have a sunsystems 2 400 hps....thanks....ur the man
Welcome to the land of text and pictures my friend.

Hooking up a muffin fan should help... it will have to be pretty strong to help much. Something like 80 cfm minimum. Maybe 150 cfm. You definitely want the plants closer than 2 feet away during flowering.

Have the fan suck away from the bulb... that will draw the hot air out of the area (hopefully).

Depending on how well it works you may need to save up for some ducting and an inline fan. You could get that for around $100... maybe less.

Glad to see you over here bud.


Well-Known Member
Yea yea. When is the harvest date Jig? I just lipped the switch.....
I'm thinking about a week from today. Maybe 2 days earlier... maybe 2 days later.

I got all excited and was looking at the trichs on the leaves... not the trichs on the calyxes. So there is still some maturing to do.

Plus they are just packing on weight right now.

Oh... and that's the Sour Grape.

The Casey Jones is a week or two behind. It is finally getting some orange hairs.

Yo... treehigh... Right on getting your card. Can you hook it up before sunday. I might bring down some trimmings to do... not sure.


Well-Known Member
Yea I hear Ya. On one of these runs I am going to run the whole grow room with 1 strain so I can chop at once. That would be a hell of a time.


Well-Known Member
I sure wish I could make it out there. Haha the fiance would not be down for it. She'll be like 7 1/2 months pregnant lol. But trust me if I could make it I'd be bringing a nice bit of Burmese Kush to add to the mix.



Well-Known Member
The rec probably wont be 'til after Christmas. But don't let that stop you from bringing any clippings down. I'm only only get to be an outlaw for another few weeks. lol

I'm getting my list ready right now, I'll give you a call in a little bit.


Well-Known Member
Looking Fresh Jig :D Real Fresh, and DANK! :D
Hey loadedDragon, I was hoping you were still watching the grow. Hadn't seen you on here in a while.

I sure wish I could make it out there. Haha the fiance would not be down for it. She'll be like 7 1/2 months pregnant lol.
Wow man... congrats. Is this your first?

That's awesome.

But don't let that stop you from bringing any clippings down.
Don't worry about that.

So... I have been doing a little work in the closet. I have strung up about 10 buds that were sagging with all they had.

I also pulled the sour grape screen tighter, like a smaller radius. So that the buds are closer to the light.

Also... I changed the 250 MH out for the 250 HPS... so we got Tons of lumens now. I got all the crystals I can handle... maybe get a little more weight now.

Last thing... the sour grape is TURNING PURPLE... wooooo hoooooo. It looks real real nice.

I'm sorry, I'm a tease... I don't have time for pics. I'm running out the house.
