So how does coming in using force and establishing a new puppet government that itself is already corrupt accomplish the goal?
Aren't we simply replacing one terrorist organization essentially with another? If the Afghan government doesn't follow the laws now, with American presence there, what makes anyone think they would do it when we leave? Does anyone believe they're going to play it straight and not deal with any rogue terrorist organizations? Aren't you guys all worried that Iran is going to give nuclear weapons to terrorists organizations like Hezbollah and Hamas? What's the difference between a corrupt Iranian government and a corrupt Afghan government? Just because Karzai is pro-America? Is that what it comes down to? American interests? If it is, just say it, admit it, that that is the most important thing in these wars, not what the people of the Middle East have to go through on a daily basis, not peace in the region, American interests and keeping the American way of life going. That is the agenda our government is pushing, and the Afghan government is supporting.
If everyone on the planet lived life like an American, we would need 14 Earths to support it. That means we as Americans either have to constantly fight for or steal resources to support our population and it's growth, and just like almost every other nation in the world, our population is only increasing. Now comes the choice, do we keep going the way we've been going for centuries, and put Americans before everyone else and hope someone will be there to help cushion our fall when we hit the point of no return, or seriously reflect on the way we do business as usual around the globe?
It's a whole lot more than just picking up a weapon and fighting an invading or occupying force.
I agree with you guys the whole thing is also heavily influenced by Islam/religion.
RobRoy, I support your position 100%, also, your first post is sort of why I went with "insurgent" instead of "terrorist" - spot on about the perspective thing.
Rick, I appreciate your post. - I'll get back to it later, I'm sort of short on time atm.