Well-Known Member
of course they can be. i think sometimes though when someone may have an attraction and the other person doesnt, people wont be direct enough. happens both ways to men and women alike.
I have lots of friends that are girls, we get along great. But thats the point, were friends, not someone with a crush masquerading as a friend to get in her pants...
...ive been in those shoes before, and it just doesnt work out. and ironically, me and my 'friend' did seal the deal, one night when we were both shitfaced. high expectations totally ruined it for me, and i wish i never did it to this day, i would have been better off keeping the fantasy.
in the OP's case, if she really was into him like he is into her, then they wouldnt be in this situation, because she would not reject his advances; and try as you might, you cannot MAKE someone like/love/lust you. even genies know that shit
even if she does get jealous if he talks to other ladies, well, in the real world we call that COCK BLOCKING! if she was a 'true friend' she would find a hottie for him, or at least let him hit it one time to get it out of his system. nope, to me, sounds like she is a typical attention whore (as in thats all she wants, is everyones attention)
I totally agree with you both.
I think she obviously doesn't return his feelings, or she would have done something about it and he wouldn't have needed to post this thread (sorry to the OP, that sounds kinda harsh now that I reread it...)
And a real friend wouldn't string you along when they know you have feelings for them they don't return. They might not be able to come out and say they don't return your feelings, cuz it's hard to hurt your friend, but they would at LEAST not act like it's a possibility.