Guys. Being friends with a woman?

of course they can be. i think sometimes though when someone may have an attraction and the other person doesnt, people wont be direct enough. happens both ways to men and women alike.

I have lots of friends that are girls, we get along great. But thats the point, were friends, not someone with a crush masquerading as a friend to get in her pants...

...ive been in those shoes before, and it just doesnt work out. and ironically, me and my 'friend' did seal the deal, one night when we were both shitfaced. high expectations totally ruined it for me, and i wish i never did it to this day, i would have been better off keeping the fantasy.

in the OP's case, if she really was into him like he is into her, then they wouldnt be in this situation, because she would not reject his advances; and try as you might, you cannot MAKE someone like/love/lust you. even genies know that shit :p

even if she does get jealous if he talks to other ladies, well, in the real world we call that COCK BLOCKING! if she was a 'true friend' she would find a hottie for him, or at least let him hit it one time to get it out of his system. nope, to me, sounds like she is a typical attention whore (as in thats all she wants, is everyones attention)

I totally agree with you both.

I think she obviously doesn't return his feelings, or she would have done something about it and he wouldn't have needed to post this thread (sorry to the OP, that sounds kinda harsh now that I reread it...)

And a real friend wouldn't string you along when they know you have feelings for them they don't return. They might not be able to come out and say they don't return your feelings, cuz it's hard to hurt your friend, but they would at LEAST not act like it's a possibility.
wikidbofthewest:I've known a guy who's been in a similar situation for YEARS. He's in love with this girl who considers him a friend, he's told her he loves her, and sometimes she'll drop hints or send signals that she might feel the same way....but they never get together. He just keeps watching her get with other guys, watches them break her heart, and then he's the shoulder to cry on when she needs it.

thats EXACTLY whats been happening. Im going to take your advice and distance myself from her. It shouldnt be too hard since I dont stay at that apt anymore. But no what I was saying earlier is that if im attracted to a girl, im going to try my damnest to stay out of that friend zone.
I had never thought about it like that though. Stringing me along so she can feel better about herself..
wikidbofthewest:I've known a guy who's been in a similar situation for YEARS. He's in love with this girl who considers him a friend, he's told her he loves her, and sometimes she'll drop hints or send signals that she might feel the same way....but they never get together. He just keeps watching her get with other guys, watches them break her heart, and then he's the shoulder to cry on when she needs it.

thats EXACTLY whats been happening. Im going to take your advice and distance myself from her. It shouldnt be too hard since I dont stay at that apt anymore. But no what I was saying earlier is that if im attracted to a girl, im going to try my damnest to stay out of that friend zone.

Sounds like a good idea.

Although, be warned, if you start distancing yourself from her, chances are she'll start seeking you out.

The one time I convinced my friend to start ignoring that girl, just not answer her calls or her texts, she started blowing his cell phone up. Texting him constantly, calling, wanting to hang out, telling him she missed him and that not having him around made her realize just how strong her feelings for him were....she never came out and said "if you come back we will be more than friends" but that's the hint she was sending, and he fell for it, cuz he's a sucker.

So they went back to being friends, but they're still nothing more than that.
lol, what exactly is so fucking pathetic?
First and foremost I seriously just noticed what your "location" says and had a good chuckle.

But this is just your average sappy pathetic bullshit. :mrgreen: It's obviously my opinion as pathetic is an amazingly subjective word, but this thread fits the bill. The dude just needs some balls. Which by definition is....

5. balls Vulgar SlangCourage, especially when reckless

Just needs to go for it.
Bro grow some balls tell the bitch whats up! Aint no bitch that special except mommy. Train your brain to speak how you feel of course becareful in being too blunt but bitches aint shit you need to get fuck over a few times b4 you realize that. Bitches suck my dick thats married then they go kiss there husband I was a nurse and this lady use to suck me and a friends dick in the bathroom she was a nurse and married too I could go on and on but bitches love to be treated like a slut and treat them nice also. Tell her listen man I like you Im tierd of seeing you fuck with these lames let me put my dick in yo mouth lol Na just tell her whats up if not fuck that bitch. Put on a nice outfit go to the mall and holla at all types of girls knowing you aint gonna get any pussy and see where that goes its like fishing until you get that rythem then it becomes natural your a playa be smooth think your smooth "Look good,U feel good U feel good U Sell good" sell them bitches a lil game. I was very shy I went threw all that sucka shit You really have to train your brain always think in your head I'm a playboy fuck them ho's if they dont belive me someone will lol Good luck man
P.S. I hope your not an adult with this problem
Hell yeah you guys need to step it up for real or you will turn GAY! LOL no disrespect to any gays

Basically you just implied that A) gay is something you could just magically turn into and B) that it would be a BAD thing....

But no disrespect to any gays :lol:
I'm a girl, and when I tell a guy he's a friend, that's exactly what it means... friends, nothing else. I dunno why she would get jealous of other girls. The only thing I can think of is that maybe she really liked you at one point then moved on. Now when she's sees you hittin up other girls, she'll get jealous because you were "hers" first. The only advice I can give is to play the game she's playing. Is she the type of girl that has to be friends before dating? Will she only date strangers (eg: online dating)? Will she hook up with anyone when she's drunk? Maybe she's hesitant because she just wants sex and not a relationship, maybe you can tell her you down for no-strings-attached, physical relationship. Take a chance if you want, but be ready for rejection. Because, like I said, usually "friends" is a nice way of saying "you'll never get this".

I've had a few guy friends that ended up running off when they finally realized they didn't have a chance. And it actually really sucks because having a guy friend is very different from having a girl as a friend. Personally, I hate girls. And I can't screw every guy I want to be friends with. So it's really shitty to lose friends just because you won't have sex with them. I'd take it as a compliment; she's more committed to you than any other guy she knows, probably. Meaning, she wants the "relationship" to last longer.

When I told my guy friends that I just wanted to be friends it was because I didn't want a relationship and I knew they did. Since I wasn't ready for a relationship, I knew all I would do is hurt them. So I kept them as friends so we could still hang out and have fun but not get hurt. If you come across as wanting a relationship and she doesn't, then this is your problem. Just tell her that you like her, and you want to be friends, but ask her to stop talking about other guys in front of you. If you do this the right way and remain friends, when she *IS* ready for a relationship, you might be the first choice.

Now if all you want is sex and not a relationship, and you haven't come across too mushy and heavily affectionate, then her saying that she just wants to be friends is a passive-aggressive way of saying "you don't have a chance". And, no, it's not worth your time and effort if that's the case.

I'm stoned, sorry if this doesn't make sense. o_O
but bitches love to be treated like a slut and treat them nice also.

Actually, there's a saying I highly agree with...

"If you want to win a woman, you have the treat the queens like whores and the whores like queens"

Basically, if you're after a snobby, rich, spoiled girl, treat her like a slut. If you're after a girl who's been around the block a couple times, treat her like royalty.

This is true about 90% of the girls I know.
Guys are incapable of platonic relationships with girls... even when we try and tell ourselves otherwise...
absolutely nothing wrong with haveing female friends.

1. due to your situation, take jonnyO's advice, this situation is NO good for you
2. if she's been made aware of how you feel etc, she's a selfish bitch and does not deserve any sort of reltionship with you friends or other.