Well-Known Member
He hit the lottery for 19 mil and took the fuck off.I would of probably done the same thing.http://www.cnn.com/video/?/video/us/2009/12/16/medina.dnt.fl.lotto.dispute.wsvn
Well she won it It here it is it was in Britain I think It was a follow up story saying she was broke after winning like 3.67 mil all spent on wild shopping sprees implants16 year olds can't win the lotto mate....and fuck ya. I'd take it in a lump sum and jet. Find a nice little tropical island and grow hella bud and live comfortably for the rest of my days. Fuck waiting around for all those 5th cousins by marriage and people thinking you OWE them something because they were a shitty person for years towards you. Fuck hand outs.
He made the right choice.
Yea she'll probably have to sell it soon anyway with the eviction and all.Those little dogs are worth like a stack."She finds some happiness in this dog."
I agree, ENTIRELY with this post. I was gonna post this exact same thing.16 year olds can't win the lotto mate....and fuck ya. I'd take it in a lump sum and jet. Find a nice little tropical island and grow hella bud and live comfortably for the rest of my days. Fuck waiting around for all those 5th cousins by marriage and people thinking you OWE them something because they were a shitty person for years towards you. Fuck hand outs.
He made the right choice.
Well I guess the tank idea is out the window then maybe just say fuck all the other bullshit and just go with the Ultimate stripclub/hotel/dispensary it will be 10 storys I'll live in it,The best bud in the U.S. will be there and for every 1/8 you buy comes with a free lap dance.Terminally ill patients will get a lapdance for free per visit but they cant stay in the hotel dont want my shit looking like no retirement home.Dude, Fully equipment government tanks cost 200 million dollars.
Just watch It'll happen if I hit that power ball for like 60 mil im taking my ass to Cali and opening that shit I'll even give RIU members a discount fuck grasscity they wont even be aloud in.Then after a couple years and I start racking up some money from the place and P.A. goes legal I'll make a new one in Philly and I'll have my own chain of these Stripclub/dispensary/hotels just gotta think of the name now and patent this shit before someone steals my ideas.Key word in this is whole idea is IF though.Strip club, maybe. The dispensary, definitely. The hotel.... Not in your fucking dreams.![]()