Yes and so do radio stations when the play a song. Its called a Royalty. With all of the information available I can't believe you are asking this. If they were not going to lose revenue there wouldn't be any point to their fight. VV
YOU?!?! suprised ?!?!? of my lazy stupidity?!?!?!... I'm suprised!!!
I thought musicians liked radio. because its like a preview of there CD. they dont play every songs, so people might still buy the CD... or download it for free...
when I first wrote this question, it was shortly after the new harry potter book came out. so when I was at my local library, I asked how many people had the book on reserve at my library, they said 200 and somthing somthing people... and thats just my library, there are like 260 or somthing like that in brooklyn... so if every lybrary has 50 people reading that book... that... like... 100 people not buyng it
. noo more like 1,400 ? and thats just here... so... I'd be angry with lybraries. if I was a writer...