first grow, organic bubbleberry

this is my first ever attempt at growing marijuana.

i started november 4th with two bubbleberry clones i got from my buddy down at the dispensary (i have a med card). the clones had just rooted in rockwool cubes and i transplanted them directly into canna bioterra soil in 3 gallon pots.

i am using the full 5 part biocanna line. the guys down at the local grow store swear by it so i decided to give it a shot. pricey stuff but hopefully it will pay off.

the plants are in a 5x4x4 grow box under a 400 watt cool tube light. temps are in the low to mid 70s and low 80s. humidity has been low at around 20%. (dry mountain weather)

on the 15th of november i fim'ed the tops of the plants. and on the 22nd i switched them over to 12/12.

here are some pictures i took in week long intervals. they are currently in their fourth week. the first pic represent week one rather than day one.

let me know what you guys think and any tips/advice are welcomed. sorry the pics are kinda shitty because i took them with my blackberry.

the pics outside the box i took this afternoon.


5 Part Bio-Canna Range?

I got:

Whats the 5th element!?
Or is that the Bio-Terra Soil? :wall:

If so im using exactly the same, ive subscribed, keep updating please!

Im wondering when to bring in Bio-Vega at the moment, im hitting the end of my 3rd week on friday and just been using Bio-Rhizo & water very lightly so far... gave the first big water yesterday (with Rhizo)

Sorry to talk about my grow but im sure we can help each other out as we are using the exact same stuff, im growin barney's blue cheese btw

Enjoy your meds!

With my grow im gonna make thc-oil as my mum knows tons of cancer patients that could use it & the health service in this country are nowhere near providing medical marijuana
the fifth part is called cannazym. the way the guys at my shop explained it is the rhizo pushes the roots out, some of which will die and the cannazym breaks down the dead roots which can pose problems to the plants health.

are you growing from clones or seed? my plants were clones and i hit them pretty early with the vega because i was showing an N deficiency. they seemed to love it because their growth was excellent.

i'll work on updating the post, now that i know at least one person out there is interested. lol
the first two pics are from about a week and a half into flowering. the second set is at about two and a half weeks flowering.

bud growth looks excellent but some of the older leaves are developing brown, dry spots and the leaves feel dry to the touch. after talking with a guy at the store who uses the bio-canna line we think it might be a k deficiency because i delayed feeding normal doses of the flora and boost. he claims with our water here we need to feed on the heavy side--and thats directly from his canna supplier. he says he has been using the biocanna with great results following this advice.

he reccomended picking up something to fix the K problem but i'm going to show him some pics of what i'm dealing with to see if this is indeed the case before i take action.

the other two pics are of some of the problem leaves. does this look familiar to anyone?


I can't help with the leaf problem, possibly nute burn as the tips are turning?

On the whole i think your plants look awesome, im growing my plant from seed & the only nutes ive given so far are Bio-Rhizotonic & Hygrozyme, im not gonna use any Bio-Vega until the last 2 weeks of veg & as long as necessary into flowering to prevent leaves from yellowing

As far as im aware, its always best to give generous Bio-Flores & Bio-Boost during flowering, but im only growing one plant so i can't mess up, im gonna go light on everything & add more if necessary

i got the girls out of the grow room this morning to take a few pics as i forgot to take a pic on wednesday like normal. this is right at four weeks flower. some of the lower fan leaves are yellowing and defiently showing N defiency. the guy at the shop recommended using adding a little vega in to my feeding schedule. but like you said, i'm going to keep pumping them full of the flores and boost like the guys at the shop keep telling me to do. one dude thought my sick looking leaves with spots might be K or calcium deficiency but he said to just up the nutes and that should take care of it.


I can't help with the leaf problem, possibly nute burn as the tips are turning?

On the whole i think your plants look awesome, im growing my plant from seed & the only nutes ive given so far are Bio-Rhizotonic & Hygrozyme, im not gonna use any Bio-Vega until the last 2 weeks of veg & as long as necessary into flowering to prevent leaves from yellowing

As far as im aware, its always best to give generous Bio-Flores & Bio-Boost during flowering, but im only growing one plant so i can't mess up, im gonna go light on everything & add more if necessary


how long do you plan to veg? if you are using the bio terra soil it reccomends not adding any nutes for seven days after transplant. i don't think this includes the rhizotonic, but i feed it right when the roots show and have seen great results.

i picked up 2 clones a couple days ago, og kush and hash plant. both were in solo cups and looked a bit droopy but after i transplanted them in soil treated with the rhizotonic they perked right up in just 24 hours.

i too wanted to go light on the nutes but everyone who uses the bio-canna says dont be afraid to feed, and do it every watering. in the beginning i was slow to add the vega but my clones started yellowing fairly early on show an N deficiency. once i started feeding the vega i saw rapid growth and nothing but beautiful green sprouts and the yellow cleared right up.
Hey man, unfortunately i stopped my grow as i don't want to risk not being able to get an immigration visa in the future as i want to leave this country to go live in Canada, if i got a criminal record id be stuck here for life!

I wouldn't have been able to make THC oil anyway as you need a pound to make a months supply for cancer treatment, the plants i were growing wouldn't have been enough for one persons treatment!

Im still gonna check in on your grow though, keep updating!



Cool, ive been looking for organic grows using Bio-Canna and this popped up!

Subscribed... your plants look very very healthy

sorry i haven't updated, its a busy time of year. i took these pics this afternoon. its like day 40 of flowering. great smell and getting stronger. the short bushy girl has yellowed much more than her taller sister. the taller plant has crazy crystal production on the colas. some of the pistils ares starting to foxtail.

i'm wondering when i should cut out the flora nutes. i believe the canna guide say two to three weeks before harvest. any suggestions on that?

comments welcome.


Hey man, any updates?

Did increasing your nutes solve your problems?
Looks like they could use some N?
Ive read cases where people are using biovega well into 5th week flowering to keep N levels...
Hey man, any updates?

Did increasing your nutes solve your problems?
Looks like they could use some N?
Ive read cases where people are using biovega well into 5th week flowering to keep N levels...
sorry i haven't updated. yes, i increased the food and the spotting problem i had seemed to come to a halt. the guys at the shop said to feed pretty heavy and they are right. the bushier plant used up way more N than the tall plant and yellowed a little faster than i would have liked.

i finally harvested, about a week earlier than expected. i really do think the boost helps the plants finish faster. anyway i got about 3.5 -4 oz total from both plants. the bud has been curing for over a week now and its a good smoke. the buds are very dense and beautiful. not to bad for my very first grow.

right now i have a couple hash plants that should be finished in a couple weeks. the guy i got them from said they are from sensi seeds and should finish in about 40-45 days flower time. thats killer fast and i am guessing it will be even faster using the canna.
sorry i haven't updated. yes, i increased the food and the spotting problem i had seemed to come to a halt. the guys at the shop said to feed pretty heavy and they are right. the bushier plant used up way more N than the tall plant and yellowed a little faster than i would have liked.

i finally harvested, about a week earlier than expected. i really do think the boost helps the plants finish faster. anyway i got about 3.5 -4 oz total from both plants. the bud has been curing for over a week now and its a good smoke. the buds are very dense and beautiful. not to bad for my very first grow.

right now i have a couple hash plants that should be finished in a couple weeks. the guy i got them from said they are from sensi seeds and should finish in about 40-45 days flower time. thats killer fast and i am guessing it will be even faster using the canna.
Happy to hear your grow was sucessfull man!
At first i thought i was overnuting but then realized i was undernuting & you can be generous with these nutes
Can you remember when you totally stopped using Bio-Vega?
Obviously the leaves yellow in the last few weeks naturally anyway... but i reckon i may have to use Vega into the 6/7th week to keep N levels high enough cause i didnt nute enough at the start...

Happy to hear your grow was sucessfull man!
At first i thought i was overnuting but then realized i was undernuting & you can be generous with these nutes
Can you remember when you totally stopped using Bio-Vega?
Obviously the leaves yellow in the last few weeks naturally anyway... but i reckon i may have to use Vega into the 6/7th week to keep N levels high enough cause i didnt nute enough at the start...

i used it for like one week into flowering as per the advice from the guy at the shop.

i finally got a camera. here are some pics of the finished product. the short bushy plant produced some extra hairy buds.



Well-Known Member
i used it for like one week into flowering as per the advice from the guy at the shop.

i finally got a camera. here are some pics of the finished product. the short bushy plant produced some extra hairy buds.
Nice! How is that smoke? What is it like? I just bought and received my Original Blueberry seeds. I am excited to taste Blueberries!:lol:

I do have a grow journal going as well. It's in Organics, titled, My Shizzi.
i used it for like one week into flowering as per the advice from the guy at the shop.

i finally got a camera. here are some pics of the finished product. the short bushy plant produced some extra hairy buds.
Nice buds!
How long did you feed plain water for at the end?

Also, when you harvested, how long ago was your last watering?
Im interested in how some people like to harvest them when they're still wet, but some let them dry out for a week, then harvest

Nice buds!
How long did you feed plain water for at the end?

Also, when you harvested, how long ago was your last watering?
Im interested in how some people like to harvest them when they're still wet, but some let them dry out for a week, then harvest

the buds smells super dank. the high is really an energetic head stone.

i let them dry out a few days before i harvested. maybe a day or two after i would have watered. i don't really know what you are supposed to do, its my first time but i might experiment with different harvest methods sometime down the road.


Well-Known Member
the buds smells super dank. the high is really an energetic head stone.

i let them dry out a few days before i harvested. maybe a day or two after i would have watered. i don't really know what you are supposed to do, its my first time but i might experiment with different harvest methods sometime down the road.

Awesome! I can't wait to grow my blueberry.
I think i will let them dry out too before harvets. I am looking more for potency rather than size.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I put three seeds in dirt and so far i have one original blueberry that has popped through dirt. Yipee! These should be feminized and this will be another mother.:weed: