thanks dude, now i remember hearing about pikeys. that was a funny movie.In snatch brad had a pikie accent also known as travellers and gypsies there a few more names for them but i dont want to offend anyone so il leave it at that!
ay i heard that across da pond that they call a cigarette a fag is that true???In my part of the world, London to be precise. We use alot of slang, normally containing two or three words to mean one.
ex. apples & pairs = stairs or cherry hog = dog
do you know what these mean?
1. dog & bone
2. jam jar
3. bees & honey
4. ones & twos
5. t rex
do you know any slang? if so what's your favourite?
pikey oirish...(Romany Irish)what type of accent did brad pitt in snatch supposedly have?