how many watts can i use in one plug?


Active Member
hello i was wondering if i can use 600hps and 400hps two ballasts on one plug? or will it cause fire? thank u !!
All depends on the breaker or fuse that its on, add up the amps that both of them draw then check your fuse/breaker box and find out what amps it is set for. Stay a few under that amount and you should be ok


Well-Known Member
All depends on the breaker or fuse that its on, add up the amps that both of them draw then check your fuse/breaker box and find out what amps it is set for. Stay a few under that amount and you should be ok
the breaker box has a set limit right? like 15amps or 20amps? so if it adds up to say 12amps on 15amps circuit.. i only have 3amps to use on all the other plugs or thats just the limit on that one plug??

lol i know nothing about electricity..

Thanks every1 for help!! i appreciate it!:weed:


Well-Known Member
you shouldnt be using more than 1440 watts per receptacle as a rule... even then it should be a spec grade receptacle on a dedicated circuit, or else your going to have problems....
1000w is a more realistic approach, but if your pulling as much power as you say id be nervous.

ps- im a journeyman electrician.
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Well-Known Member
All depends on the breaker or fuse that its on, add up the amps that both of them draw then check your fuse/breaker box and find out what amps it is set for. Stay a few under that amount and you should be ok
What he said^^

Most of the time a circuit will have every plug and light in a room on it. When you check the breaker turn it off and see what all doesn't work.


Well-Known Member
you shouldnt be using more than 1440 watts per receptacle as a rule... even then it should be a spec grade receptacle on a dedicated circuit, or else your going to have problems....
1000w is a more realistic approach, but if your pulling as much power as you say id be nervous.

ps- im a journeyman electrician.
do u think ill be fine with 400hps ballast, 600HPs digital, 2 fans, and stanley blower all plugged into surge protector on one plug? i just use 12amps on 15amps as example i havent added them up yet.


Well-Known Member
do u think ill be fine with 400hps ballast, 600HPs digital, 2 fans, and stanley blower all plugged into surge protector on one plug? i just use 12amps on 15amps as example i havent added them up yet.
no. thats too much wattage for a surge protector. not for the surge protector itself, but too much for the plug it is plugged into. over time the inrush current from the fans and lights starting up will weaken the spring tabs that make contact with the blades of the plug on the power strip; this will cause a build up of heat, and that will cause a fire. having the lights and fans on the same outlet like that is begging for problems. the safest bet would be to find another circuit to run anything but the lights.
if your lucky, you can run the fans off of another outlet n the same room, and the breaker MAY hold, tho i would not reccomend this, grow ops require continous duty rating, because of the long times of the light period. for HID lights used in a grow op your going to be limited to 1152w @ 120v per 15amp circuit.
you have to think of it like this- would you leave a 1000w space heater plugged into your wall unattended for hours and hours at a time? because thats basically what your doing with the lights... a load that big should really be hardwired to a dedicated outlet or split up between 2 circuits.


Well-Known Member
do u think ill be fine with 400hps ballast, 600HPs digital, 2 fans, and stanley blower all plugged into surge protector on one plug? i just use 12amps on 15amps as example i haven't added them up yet.

You might getaway with it for a while but at some point if everything starts up at once you might trip a breaker. Your 600 uses more power to start than run so your start up voltage draw is higher when it starts. If it's a fuse you could over heat the wire. They take longer to blow. I would find another circuit for the fans. Don't know how handy you are, but a GFI should be put into the plugs you are using. Water and electricity don't mix. Be safe.



Well-Known Member
no. thats too much wattage for a surge protector. not for the surge protector itself, but too much for the plug it is plugged into. over time the inrush current from the fans and lights starting up will weaken the spring tabs that make contact with the blades of the plug on the power strip; this will cause a build up of heat, and that will cause a fire. having the lights and fans on the same outlet like that is begging for problems. the safest bet would be to find another circuit to run anything but the lights.
if your lucky, you can run the fans off of another outlet n the same room, and the breaker MAY hold, tho i would not reccomend this, grow ops require continous duty rating, because of the long times of the light period. for HID lights used in a grow op your going to be limited to 1152w @ 120v per 15amp circuit.
you have to think of it like this- would you leave a 1000w space heater plugged into your wall unattended for hours and hours at a time? because thats basically what your doing with the lights... a load that big should really be hardwired to a dedicated outlet or split up between 2 circuits.
thank u sir, i appreciate the help a lot
so should i split up everything? on that one plug can i put 600hps and stanley blower.... that is the plug closest to the closet.. then i have two other plugs on other side of the room.. should i use extension cord for 400hps and two other fans? but plug next to that has desktop computer, ps3, cable box, and 40in LCD tv.. how should i go about this? thank u again sir


Well-Known Member
plug next to that has desktop computer, ps3, cable box, and 40in LCD tv.. how should i go about this? thank u again sir
that is going to give you many problems....
thats probably 1000w of power (all the electronics) in itself, and if you try to plug in even 1 600w, the breaker will trip everytime.
your going to have to find a seperate circuit to run the grow equipment. this is a problem alot of first timers run into, not trying to be a bringer of bad news but remember your playing with fire bongsmilie


Active Member
in your grow room you should always use kitchen/bath plug sockets they have the 15 amp breaker built in with the reset button and always use a power bar that way you should never have any power outlet problems because you have triple the protection power box/outlet/power bar.


Well-Known Member
First if your room is wired like most all the plugs in the room are on one breaker. As pointed out above you don't have enough power in the room to run all that. You need 2 breakers to do it safe. 3 if you want your tv ect.

Can you run a extension cord to a plug in the hall. If you can you need a good cord 14 gauge wire not 16 to light and could over heat. A good test is to turn every thing on and than squeeze the cord in your hand close to the end of it. If is warm that's not good. Go to the next wire size.

PS If you have breakers in the box it should blow if you draw to much power, in theory. Get a smoke detector in you room if your going it alone.



Well-Known Member
in your grow room you should always use kitchen/bath plug sockets they have the 15 amp breaker built in with the reset button and always use a power bar that way you should never have any power outlet problems because you have triple the protection power box/outlet/power bar.
thats NOT a breaker... its a GFCI (ground fault circuit interruptor) it measures the power in vs. power out. if there is a descrepency (like a short circuit ) it trips. it is not a circuit breaker and should never be used for that purpose....


Well-Known Member
I only run a pair of 400w, but even for those two, they have their own dedicated service, with an extra for good measure in case of light upgrades. I wouldn't try and put all the stuff you're running on one circuit - especially not sharing with high watt appliances like a computer or tv.


Well-Known Member
dont plug all of that stuff up in the same room i know it has been mentioned before but that is a lot...not that it really matters but are you in a house or an apt??? the reason i ask is if your in a house your able to do a lot more...In a apt your limited to only using a line from another room...I don't have much experience but i have helped wire a studio up in a basement i dont see how that would be much different...


Well-Known Member
omg thanks every1 for their help, i usually dont ask for help and it feels good that u guys r helping me

So first i should see if the plugs in my room are on seperate circuits? I have four receptacles.. one on each wall.. if i have one circuit thats different from tv,computer,ps3.. can i make that the dedicated one and put the 400hps and 600hps on it? then maybe i can use bathroom plug for all the fans? how do i go about making dedicated service just for lights? do i have to make a another plug or something?

by the way its a Condo but i guess thats like an Apt.

Thank u again everyone i truly appreciate it!!! thank u thank u thank u