salvaging a PC grow, back to tube growing


Well-Known Member
this is an 'inspired' grow
inspired by the misery of my last attempt in PC cases
strangely enough, the bulk of my trouble came from the pots
plants seemed to get root bound quick
others seem to have a knack for this, i didn't

so it's back to my 'roots', a 38 x 15 inch tube
had great results with it the 1st time
just 3 27w cfl's, so still a small setup
here's a battered nl#5 clone that survived my PC attempt
hoping she likes the new home much better



Active Member
looks like there isnt enough humidity , and maybe even heat problem ?

the plant looks quite dead to me . think maybe germinate another seed.


Well-Known Member
looks like there isnt enough humidity , and maybe even heat problem ?

the plant looks quite dead to me . think maybe germinate another seed.
she is showing the scars of battle, not a pretty picture
temps were actually on the cool side, in the low 70's
her root system was looking pretty good, which is what gives me hope
i have a jock horror that was looking worse, but rebounded great after going to a larger pot

thanks for the look and thoughts, her mother was very nice, so i'm going to do all i can to heal her


Well-Known Member
Things have improved, the big change from my last grow setup has
been transplanting from a 2 quart pot to a 2 gallon pot.
Soil, bulb type, light intensity haven't changed.
I'm a pretty new inside grower, but from what I've seen so far,
the smaller your pot, the more likely you are to have troubles.
In any event, I'm calling this a dramatic improvement.



Well-Known Member
the recovery is well under way
wasn't sure if i had screwed up this clone beyond hope
but she is so much happier now, pc cases just didn't suit her
still have the jock horror in a pc case
hoping to have new grow chamber for her too in the next day
so for now, just the nl#5 gets the close ups



Active Member
she's looking offly small for day 8 . well considering how she use to look , this is a BIG change for her .
is that PVC pipe closed at the top ? i was wondering if the flower gets enough air .
as 3x27w should be enough light . keep us posted .



Well-Known Member
thanks for looks/thoughts growww,tmaster
the tube is actually made from aluminum flashing, very easy to work with
the top is a steel pizza pan, vented with a pc case fan, temps are in the mid 70's
i couldn't find a pvc tube with the dimensions i wanted, so i used the aluminum flashing
i did do a grow in the same tube with this same strain, actually this is a clone from the revegged mother
came out good the 1st time, see how the 2nd try works


Active Member
thanks for looks/thoughts growww,tmaster
the tube is actually made from aluminum flashing, very easy to work with
the top is a steel pizza pan, vented with a pc case fan, temps are in the mid 70's
i couldn't find a pvc tube with the dimensions i wanted, so i used the aluminum flashing
i did do a grow in the same tube with this same strain, actually this is a clone from the revegged mother
came out good the 1st time, see how the 2nd try works
i hope she will grow into a hottie mate :)
i would suggest drilling some under the intake fan , so the air can circulate from the outside .

+rep for the genuis and easy setup . !


Well-Known Member
i hope she will grow into a hottie mate :)
i would suggest drilling some under the intake fan , so the air can circulate from the outside .

+rep for the genuis and easy setup . !
thanks for the rep tmaster2
there is a bottom vent hole at the tube bottom opposite the side of the fan

but let me give some credit here, this is basically a reworked garbage can grow
they've been around a while, the only thing i didn't like about them was the height
the cans i could find just didn't have quite the height i wanted
so i built a custom sized garbage can


Active Member
thanks for the rep tmaster2
there is a bottom vent hole at the tube bottom opposite the side of the fan

but let me give some credit here, this is basically a reworked garbage can grow
they've been around a while, the only thing i didn't like about them was the height
the cans i could find just didn't have quite the height i wanted
so i built a custom sized garbage can
i see , well give me my rep back .. j/k hehe :)
how is she doing now ? any new pics ?


Well-Known Member
new pics in a couple of days, she really is taking off, pics then will look more dramatic
and a new tube getting finished today, got a jock horror that has been in my pc case setup
jock horror will be my 1st 'sativa dominant' in this setup, a completely new grow adventure


Well-Known Member
2 grow tubes now, with 2 plants

first the nl#5, it's exploding(compared to the pc misery), just about 5 inches
and i'm really trying to gauge when to flower
this is about the size when i flowered the mother, she finished at 29 inches
that was as high as i wanted
i have to believe a clone is going to finish a bit sooner, but how much sooner?
suggestions welcome

and now the jock horror, this is a plant that shouldn't be alive
took over 2 weeks to sprout above soil, took all the sprouting tricks
and was in a 1 pint pot/pc case for 2 months, it really suffered there
but now it's leaping for joy, it will have to be flowered soon
i'm sure it will stretch worse than a nl#5, again suggestions welcome



Active Member
looks good man i really like the idea of the trash can you made.... i have a bureau and a pc set up going four plants in all. it's my first pc grow and im doing it as a party cup grow as well. soo it will be interesting to see how it goes. happy growing man peace


Well-Known Member
looks good man i really like the idea of the trash can you made.... i have a bureau and a pc set up going four plants in all. it's my first pc grow and im doing it as a party cup grow as well. soo it will be interesting to see how it goes. happy growing man peace
good to have you looking JeryyBerries, trashcans is what they is, ghetto cheap

14 days back in my tube, and it's all good

here's the deal, just flipped off the lights for 24 hours
the clone is rocketing upward - 7 inches now, flowered the mother at 5 inches
hope i didn't wait too long
the nl#5's nodes are uneven, she's ready to flower alright
here's the pic, hell of a change for 3 days

jock horror being flowered too, 4 inches or so, looking fine now
got the red stems like the nl#5, leaves pretty indica too
hoping that may give a squatter pheno, not looking forward to sativa stretch
here's her(hopefully) pic



Well-Known Member
These tubes are genius i imagine doing like lots of them, like an isolated SOG or whatever its called. Each one with there own couple of CFLS... I might try this out new year


Well-Known Member
growww, tmaster2

thanks again for looking and talking, it is good for the moment
one thing i have learned, good growing is just the time between problems
kind of like living, there's always going to be problems, just got to take 'em as they come at you
but i'm feeling good with things today, so i'll hold that thought for a while


Active Member
growww, tmaster2

thanks again for looking and talking, it is good for the moment
one thing i have learned, good growing is just the time between problems
kind of like living, there's always going to be problems, just got to take 'em as they come at you
but i'm feeling good with things today, so i'll hold that thought for a while
hehehehe :)


Well-Known Member
so there is a bit of reason to celebrate, holiday season/grow season
but it's always grow season indoors

the nl#5 is showing the 1st fine pistil hairs, damn that was quick
3/4 days of 12/12 and bang, out they came, just starting to show
lot different from the mother from seed, that took 2 weeks
and looks like a much bushier plant this time, doubt it will get higher than 20 inches
she's 8 inches tall, side branches much bigger than from seed

now the jock horror, this plant is moving faster
7 1/2 inches tall now, and showing some sativa traits
wide spaced branches and lanky, compared to my nl#5 anyways
i think i see pistils, too soon to be certain though, but it looks that way
this plant is putting the fear into me, will it stay under 30 inches?
i may have to use some 'persuasion' on that trait, but i do love the natural look
here's her current portrait
