Would You Be An Insurgent?

Would You Be An Insurgent?

  • Yes

    Votes: 33 86.8%
  • No

    Votes: 5 13.2%

  • Total voters


freedom fighters? Can one be more misinformed?
does the all knowing cracker not know that when Al CIA da was created they were called the "freedom fighters"?

this is basic history crackerjax

your response is going to have nothing to do with my statement, but semantics... i can just feel it coming


New Member
And I'm Superman ..... their actions don't match the words.

And you mean Taliban, not Al Queda. Osama didn't come on the scene till 94.

But go ahead and drone on....


Well-Known Member
You said "the founding fathers were the FIRST to do it. [referring to establishing Democracy]." - That is actually an incorrect statement. The foundations of Democracy date back to ancient Greece, at least you acknowledged that. What exactly is the difference between "Democracy" and "True Democracy" again?... Other than your attempt to hide your mistake? Have you ever admitted a mistake? I will quote that shit in my sig when I see it!

Well, I can't go back in time and tell you the hypothetical future without WW2 happening... so I guess you got me on that one...? :confused:

Not emperors, but they can have kings and queens eh?

Rick, 85% still say you don't know what the fuck you're talkin' about...
I find it hilarious that you think your childish little RIU poll represents some kind of scientific proof. Yep, you are a real scholar alright.

Why don't you do all of us a favor and go get a real education before spouting off about issues you know nothing about.

The fact that you don't know why your silly little poll is silly only proves what an ignorant dunce you are.


Well-Known Member
Correction, 85% say they're Christian. Of that, the actual Christian beliefs don't affect daily life of 75% of them... They simply claim the title.
Why don't you enlighten us on what Christianity teaches since you claim to be such an expert.

And BTW, the Ten Commandments come from Judaism and were later adopted by Christians.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Why don't you enlighten us on what Christianity teaches since you claim to be such an expert.

And BTW, the Ten Commandments come from Judaism and were later adopted by Christians.
"Thou shalt not kill. " Seems pretty straight forward.

I've always found it hypocritical that people could follow a religion, go to church on Sunday and blatantly ignore this commandment. How is it so many "christians" can support killing if their god has prohibited it? Won't that piss god (him? her? it?) off?

Don't get me wrong. My aged mother is as close to being a saint as any person I know and is a christian. So I'm not dissing the tenets of christianity, I'm dissing those who purport to follow these tenets, and to accept them, yet they ALSO support pre-emptively killing.

What gives? Did god make a special exception for people or governments to kill people that I didn't hear about?


Well-Known Member
"Thou shalt not kill. " Seems pretty straight forward.

What gives? Did god make a special exception for people or governments to kill people that I didn't hear about?
Well, considering all the murders, wars, and genocides in the Bible that were condoned (if not outright "commanded" or even performed) by God Himself, I'd have to say... yep. :mrgreen: I don't agree with it, mind you. Just sayin'... ;)


I find it hilarious that you think your childish little RIU poll represents some kind of scientific proof. Yep, you are a real scholar alright.

Why don't you do all of us a favor and go get a real education before spouting off about issues you know nothing about.

The fact that you don't know why your silly little poll is silly only proves what an ignorant dunce you are.
I don't remember ever saying the poll was scientific at all... Or an accurate account of anything. All my poll represents is Would You Be An Insurgent if the US came under occupation against a foreign intruder.

However, what it does show is that the majority of RIU members tend to lean more towards my position than yours. It's one thing to say I'm wrong, that's an opinion, you're entitled to it. But I've got mine and 22 other opinions that say you're wrong.

...but I guess that's just a coincidence... again... huh? :shock:

Why don't you enlighten us on what Christianity teaches since you claim to be such an expert.

And BTW, the Ten Commandments come from Judaism and were later adopted by Christians.
A list of the bullshit Christianity teaches would be too long. I've never claimed to be an expert, but I read the Bible and I do know a fair bit about Christianity.

Be specific, what do you want me to enlighten you on Rick?


[QUOTE="SICC";3551814]Have you seen any be heading vids?

those thing's are fucin nuts[/QUOTE]

I've seen a few of them.

The Nick Burg one sorta stuck with me a while...


Well-Known Member
Yea that tripped me out, alot of em i saw it had that weird music playing, but the ones with actual sound, wow is all i can say, i just dont get how you could do that to another human being


New Member
To be clear, RW is correct about the Old Testament. It is not Christian in origin, it's Judaic.

Just to be clear.....


To be clear, RW is correct about the Old Testament. It is not Christian in origin, it's Judaic.

Just to be clear.....
I never said it wasn't originally Judaic. I never brought up the origin at all. I said most modern "Christians" couldn't even tell you all 10 commandments, and I made a point that of the "Christians" claiming the title, the actual beliefs of their own religion don't affect 75% of them. It's just the ''norm'' to be Christian in America, so most do it without ever considering it.


New Member
You allude to it here....

The 10 commandments are in the OT - that is, the Bible, the Christian Bible, they're Christian.

It may have been stolen by the Christians, but the OT is Judaic.

The Ten Commandments have nothing to do with Christianity except that they copped it.


You allude to it here....

The 10 commandments are in the OT - that is, the Bible, the Christian Bible, they're Christian.

It may have been stolen by the Christians, but the OT is Judaic.

The Ten Commandments have nothing to do with Christianity except that they copped it.

Exactly. They originated in Judaism, and the Christians stole them for their own. So no matter how you look at it, today, they're Christian, are they not?

Being Christian, you would think that most "Christians" would know them... But I guess certain parts of their religion are more important than others... Though one of the leading teachings of Christianity itself is "all sin is equal" so.... :confused:


New Member
They may be in the Christian bible, but to be objective RW was correct ... it is truly Judaic.

But again, to be objective Christians ARE Jews, just a rebellious sect. They eat their parents ... :sad:


Well-Known Member
if some scumbag country set up check points in my home and i couldnt go from one end of town to the other without some fuckin 18 year old child swinging and pointing a gun in my face and humiliating men in front of there familys just like the idf does to the palestinians. id be jumping out of bushes and chopping muthafuckas heads off. and youd see it right here on rui


Well-Known Member
They may be in the Christian bible, but to be objective RW was correct ... it is truly Judaic.

But again, to be objective Christians ARE Jews, just a rebellious sect. They eat their parents ... :sad:
um i beleive it is meter maids that eat their young. peace yo