Have you ever told or showed a GF that you grow??


Active Member
?? How did you do it? Were you afraid of fights afterward? Ever break up with a girlfriend after you showed her? how long before you did show her?

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
Had to end a relationship because I was spending too much time
with it.... "its either me or the plants"

Alright biatch peace!


New Member
Had to end a relationship because I was spending too much time
with it.... "its either me or the plants"

Alright biatch peace!

BAWHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA truely nice work bro ahahahahaha
I have no choise , she lives with me, buy I wouldn't tell her unless you have too, she better be trustworthy, and don't piss her off if she knows......cause then she got you by the balls


Well-Known Member
well if ur legal it dont matter really unless she sqeels to somone who will rob u, and i told my girl and she was hella excited she likes growin just as much as me marijauan is one of the most beutiful plants on earth


Active Member
?? How did you do it? Were you afraid of fights afterward? Ever break up with a girlfriend after you showed her? how long before you did show her?
I kinda just told her. I said this is me, this is what I do, don't like it, im sorry. If shes a non pot smoker, you're fucked. If she smokes, she should understand. No reason a grower should date a non pot smoker though, unless they are chill as fuck with it. Better trust this hoe, cause some of those bitches are crazy. Mines good, she helps, it's fun.

Mr Bomb

Active Member
I have 2 sayings that will help you in growing pot. Live them, seriously.

1."Loose lips sink ships" (Tell nobody)
2." Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" (If you tell her it will catch up with you later)

jeff f

New Member
I have 2 sayings that will help you in growing pot. Live them, seriously.

1."Loose lips sink ships" (Tell nobody)
2." Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" (If you tell her it will catch up with you later)
well said, i would just like to add HELL FUCKING NO. IF YOU DO YOUR A STUPID FUCKING IDIOT. I WILL GIVE YOU 3 MONTHS BEFORE YOU END UP IN JAIL, ROTTING IN A CELL. was that clear enough for ya?:evil:


Well-Known Member
If you cant trust a girl with knowing you grow then you shouldnt be with that girl, plain and simple. My girl came up with the idea and has fully supported it for the past 2 years, she even just spent almost $500 on my new LED light.


Active Member
I kinda just told her. I said this is me, this is what I do, don't like it, im sorry. If shes a non pot smoker, you're fucked. If she smokes, she should understand. No reason a grower should date a non pot smoker though, unless they are chill as fuck with it. Better trust this hoe, cause some of those bitches are crazy. Mines good, she helps, it's fun.
my old lady is a non-smoker and i grow.
of course we had a big fight about it at frist.
but i just told her it was cheaper then buying it
and that it was my new hobby,
(so get over it because you knew i was a pothead).....lol


Active Member
in the end the plants will always give , the same cannot be said for a woman , infact most of the time she is taking away.


Well-Known Member
Not only does it depend on the girl, but it also depends on how much your growing. With a single plant you can just say, "hey baby, look what I grew." And she'll probably be like, "oh how cute. you really did that. aww lol." On the other hand, if you blind fold her, take a drive to Mexico, and bring her to your 5 acre farm and go, "honey I just wanted to show you what i've been up to this summer..." she might not react the same way.


Well-Known Member
not if you have any choice. It will be the first and last thing they hold against you from now on. Expect it and you know where you stand. A very rare woman would be a good fun hobby partner. Very....


Well-Known Member
in the end the plants will always give , the same cannot be said for a woman , infact most of the time she is taking away.
No reason to woman bash, there are just as many equally untrustworthy men.
OP, unless you're married, planning on marriage, or moving in together, don't tell about your grow. If anything goes wrong in your relationship, it's too easy for a man or woman, in the heat of the moment, to do somthing stupid - like rat on you.