Unsure of wilting leaves..


Hey everyone, longtime lurker, first time poster.

I've been learning the ins and outs of indoor soil growing from my roomate for the past 6 months or so. She goes out of town a couple weeks every month and I tend to the garden.

Tonight I went to check the flower room and some of the guys in week 4 were wilty looking. I fed them the night before last so I was giving them last night off. When I scratched the soil, it was still dark underneath and when I tried to give the wilty guys water, most of it just poured right out of the bottom of the bag. It's just the big fan leaves that look wilted, but I'm worried it's just going to be worse tomorrow.

Should I just go ahead and try to water them all anyway? What might've happened?


Well-Known Member
wilting leaves can be normal in some genetics during flower and yellowing of the fan leaves, also can you pick up the container the plants are in, does it feel heavy if so then they dont need water, does the soil feel damp 1-2 inches below the top of soil if so it doesnt need water. I would check these things and if it is watered enough then just keep and eye out for any changes. Also can you post a picture of the plant that will really help out.


I'm going to go take a couple photos now, back in a sec.


- http://i.imgur.com/I0LJq.jpg
- http://i.imgur.com/i8KF2l.jpg
- http://i.imgur.com/OcbAml.jpg
- http://imgur.com/GeWfKl.jpg

The first 3 mostly show the wilty ones, the other is just sort of for reference per the other plants - don't know why they got resized so small.

They all do feel like they're watered enough, the soil is still dark right under the surface, they're heavy and when I try to give them more water it just spits right out the bottom. Look serious?


Well-Known Member
If you haven't already, stop trying to water them. They look a little overwatered and that's about it, no reason to panic. Let them dry out - they'll perk back up.