The nitrous oxide is on its way...

Fuck me, work in 12 hours... 3:30 pm is gonna be rough... then 9:30 to get drunk and think about the arrival of two packages I am expecting... the ever-popular $20 milligram scale, and a quarter gram of 4-AcO-DMT...
Yeah, alright. I'm el fucked-o up-o by now... I'm gonna head to bed... Pussing out, as my friends back home would say. Going to sleep now as Fez down the hall would say.
Intriguing me thinks....

Looky, looky, looky, Here comes the cookies! Fresh and organic, No need to panic! Right from the soil, no tropical oils! Sweetened with juice, for an energy boost!
For Fear & Loathing you should be flamed, but not seeing Death to Smoochy? Why? Edward Norton was the bright eyed chipper good guy for Christs sake! Talk about a roll reversal... An Robin Williams was the insane depraved villain!