TrynaGroSumShyt 400w/Closet Grow


Well-Known Member
I'm just catchin up on your thread... Lookin good!!

I thought I read earlier on that you don't mess w/ ph @ all. But here you say you ph the water. Can you explain a bit more? I ask because I'm ph'ing everything to 6.5 for the first time with this grow of mine. In the past, everything was xmas tree green in veg w/ Ocean Forest but after a week or two in flower, shit started turning yellow w/ spots and dying. I'm really hoping it was due to screwed up ph preventing nute intake.

i used to not checc ph in soil, as i have grown as a grower i realized that ph does matter in soil. in fox farm its not as much of a problem because fox farm kinda buffers where u wanna be, but after trying other soil and dealing with ph fluctuation i've opted to checc ph now.


Well-Known Member
I thought about trying hydro, but what puts me off primarily is the temp concerns. With soil I can handle up to 85 F w/o any issues. If I was hydro, I'd need to blast the AC or buy a res chiller. It gets to 120 here in the summers, so it'd be a pain in the ass.

Also, w/ hydro I think it's far more susceptible to nutrient changes. I travel some and I'm sure I'd end up killing my plants while I'm away. Right now I just pop some ph'd water in slow-feed bottles and plug em in the dirt and I'm good for up to 14 days if I need to.
these are some of my reasons why i dont dig hydro . i will try again 1 day, just not now.


Well-Known Member
well, i kinda dont feel like postin all these pics, there really is nt much going on. My Ddsb x SSd( Trouble) is what im calling HER is a she. so i guess i didnt get my male, but im pretty sure the male used to make it was the ssd, i can smell it on her, i have her flowering now.i killed all my veg plants i planted some bag seeds i have a few clones rooting now of the ddsb5 and the ssd. i didnt want to keep ddsb #6 it wasnt what i want in a mother.

i got my pups today too. keepin me pretty busy..
sorry everything is so jumbled up. im in the middle of cookin dinner.



Well-Known Member
Well first, i been a bit busy. inside and out of the garden.
so thats why i havnt been updating. yesterday i was in a car wreck and wrecked my car. and i been bit paranoid cops have been parking close to my house n shyt, i live on real busy street so i try to pass it off. but lstnight i was chillin in my living room watchin tv lights out so it looked like nobody was home and the dog started barking like crazy
so my wife who is pre-paranoid at all times gets up and looks out the window and its a cop outside leaving my driveway on foot with a flashlight that was on she said he looked like he was coming from the back, and my room is in the bck of the house.. by the time i got up he was driving off in his patrol car which was parked across the street.

i was really confident at first, theres no smell no light leaks or anything and it was lights out, but after having to hear her mouth since last night ive decided to cut everything down and pack up mu gear so riu it was nice. happy growing everybody. im out


Well-Known Member
Well first, i been a bit busy. inside and out of the garden.
so thats why i havnt been updating. yesterday i was in a car wreck and wrecked my car. and i been bit paranoid cops have been parking close to my house n shyt, i live on real busy street so i try to pass it off. but lstnight i was chillin in my living room watchin tv lights out so it looked like nobody was home and the dog started barking like crazy
so my wife who is pre-paranoid at all times gets up and looks out the window and its a cop outside leaving my driveway on foot with a flashlight that was on she said he looked like he was coming from the back, and my room is in the bck of the house.. by the time i got up he was driving off in his patrol car which was parked across the street.

i was really confident at first, theres no smell no light leaks or anything and it was lights out, but after having to hear her mouth since last night ive decided to cut everything down and pack up mu gear so riu it was nice. happy growing everybody. im out
Man that sucks, T. Hope you are okay after the accident.

It's your home, T and growing is not as important as your life and well being dude, so if it's better for you to do this, then yeh, right choice. Will be sad to see ya go, hope you can come back at some point (nothing stopping you checking in bru!!)

Peace out and hope it all works out for you.



Well-Known Member
Well first, i been a bit busy. inside and out of the garden.
so thats why i havnt been updating. yesterday i was in a car wreck and wrecked my car. and i been bit paranoid cops have been parking close to my house n shyt, i live on real busy street so i try to pass it off. but lstnight i was chillin in my living room watchin tv lights out so it looked like nobody was home and the dog started barking like crazy
so my wife who is pre-paranoid at all times gets up and looks out the window and its a cop outside leaving my driveway on foot with a flashlight that was on she said he looked like he was coming from the back, and my room is in the bck of the house.. by the time i got up he was driving off in his patrol car which was parked across the street.

i was really confident at first, theres no smell no light leaks or anything and it was lights out, but after having to hear her mouth since last night ive decided to cut everything down and pack up mu gear so riu it was nice. happy growing everybody. im out
I go through this all the time. My wife doesn't sleep if I am growing. Sometimes I feel like packing it in too.

The grower's life isn't always an easy one. If you are still around to see this message, good luck bro. :hug:

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
man i read your sig and thought yeah ill check out his grow then i get here and your gone :(

hope shits works out for you T chin up dude!