droopy plants... root bound?? +rep


Jumbo... i am new RIU , but know a little about mj... your plants are thirsty... sounds to me like your roots system is doing a good job of expanding and taking water more efficiently. transplant is also a good idea at this point... g.l


Well-Known Member
so last night i airated the soil a bit, and it felt really dry all the way to the bottom so i water a tiny bit too. right when i woke up i went and checked on em, it made me wanna :spew:!! theres like 10 REALLY yellow leaves on each plant, and i can see it spreading to other leaves. just little yellow spots that spread throughoutt the whole leaf. and some of them have curled upwards and are soo dry. and they both are still really droopy. could it b a ph problem? or a deff? or just from the few roots that got broken when i airated? any opinions are very appreciated. im still goona transplant to a 5 gal bucket in a few hours.



Active Member
its hard to say i never had any thing like that happen and i airate my dirt atlest once a month could be normal plants shed some leaves as they use the energy up in them how old did you say she was she looks alot more perky it could also be she wasnt getting enough water and started suckin some leaves dry?? i would cut off the yellow dry parts of the leaves and see if it gets worse also if your soil is completly dry give her a good watering you dont want your soil to get too dry can stress plant out pretty bad only let the top couple inches of soil dry before you water get a moisture meter theyre a couple bucks from lowes can help a lot dont worry about the couple of roots that may have gotten danaged it just promotes some new root growth its pretty much the same as gettin a hair cut keep me posted buddy


Well-Known Member
Just being methodical here, I re-read your whole post trying to think of a way to help?

You said that you flushed after transplanting but put them in new soil

the yellowing could be a nute deficienty (not likely since you put em in new soil?) so could be a nute lockout? or could be a rootbound problem

They are beatiful plants and we want to save them so I'm gonna be as honest as I can, if they were mine I would move them to 5 gallon pots with no flush first to eliminate rootbound problems I would look for root spinout while doing this and if there is spinout I would cut the spun area 1/8th inch deep with a sterile (new) razor blade (uncle ben has a thread about spinout search it)

after doing this I would wait and watch em for a day or 2 let them adjust

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
The deficiencies look like phosphorous...

As for the drooping, how is your drainage? It kind of
looked like some over watering... Although it could also
be from the transplant if it was a rough one...


Active Member
Checked my records and saw something similar on my last babies. I noticed about day 27 extensive yellowing on my lower leaves overnight. I ended the harvest strong with about 2gallons of soil per pot, so I seriously doubt root room was an issue.

I fixed the problem by saturating them with fertilizer water. At the time I was using MG (sucks!) and it fixed the issue and succeded in turning into nute burn later. Anyhow, When in doubt I flush mine with ph6.0 tap water. It seems to loosen the media and give you a fresh start. Since you've done that already, perhaps you need nutrients? I know plants are cannibals when need be.

Here's my try and fail records. I WAY over-mothered mine, so I learned a lot from my mistakes that go round. It ended well, so I can attest that weeds are forgiving. Never give up! :hump:

9/14 is the day I saw the yellowing overnight



New Member
it felt really dry all the way to the bottom so i water a tiny bit too.

*bonks forehead*

the main symptom of "root bound" is just that the plant drinks all the water in the soil too fast and pot requires too much watering so people have issues - like you. its not really bound - its just parched.


Well-Known Member
thanks for all the replies :) my ride to the store didnt work out so i wus forced to put em in these huge pots ( maybe 7 gal??) but when i pulled em outta the old pots it wus just a huge ball of roots, totally encased the rocks in the bottom for drainage. so im pretty sure that had something to do with the problem. but i clipped off all the bad leaves and one of em is looking perkier and the other is about the same. my Super silver haze seedling is look great tho :) lol i watered em good with 1/2 strength fox farm grow big. im hoping the new soil and pots will help em out.



Well-Known Member

*bonks forehead*

the main symptom of "root bound" is just that the plant drinks all the water in the soil too fast and pot requires too much watering so people have issues - like you. its not really bound - its just parched.
haha didnt mean "tiny bit" srry bout that. i watered it like normal. but thanks for tha info
The deficiencies look like phosphorous...

As for the drooping, how is your drainage? It kind of
looked like some over watering... Although it could also
be from the transplant if it was a rough one...
i put em in black gold soil witch is 0.13-0.05-0.10 and im watering with fox farm grow big. would that take care of phosphorous deff? and they have good drainage. water comes out of the bottom if i water a bit to much. but the soil was really compact and the water seemed to jus run to the edges and come straight out the bottom.
Just being methodical here, I re-read your whole post trying to think of a way to help?

You said that you flushed after transplanting but put them in new soil

the yellowing could be a nute deficienty (not likely since you put em in new soil?) so could be a nute lockout? or could be a rootbound problem

They are beatiful plants and we want to save them so I'm gonna be as honest as I can, if they were mine I would move them to 5 gallon pots with no flush first to eliminate rootbound problems I would look for root spinout while doing this and if there is spinout I would cut the spun area 1/8th inch deep with a sterile (new) razor blade (uncle ben has a thread about spinout search it)

after doing this I would wait and watch em for a day or 2 let them adjust
thanks man :) i moved to bigger pots. and i already transplanted befor i got on RUI but ill check out root spinout.
its hard to say i never had any thing like that happen and i airate my dirt atlest once a month could be normal plants shed some leaves as they use the energy up in them how old did you say she was she looks alot more perky it could also be she wasnt getting enough water and started suckin some leaves dry?? i would cut off the yellow dry parts of the leaves and see if it gets worse also if your soil is completly dry give her a good watering you dont want your soil to get too dry can stress plant out pretty bad only let the top couple inches of soil dry before you water get a moisture meter theyre a couple bucks from lowes can help a lot dont worry about the couple of roots that may have gotten danaged it just promotes some new root growth its pretty much the same as gettin a hair cut keep me posted buddy
i put them in soil on oct 4th sooo there 78 days (2 month 18 days) and i wus think that they could have just sucked the energy outta some leaves to keep the new growth alive too, i snipped all the yellowing leaves off. and thanks for the info homie


Active Member
i've had similar problems from overwatering or more accuratly poor drainage, the wrinkly leaves are a tell tale sign, if your medium is compact its likely they are suffering from lack of oxygen to the roots, from what i understand this will inhibit the uptake of nutes and cause the symptoms of deffs.

i could be completly wrong but i let my plants dry more often and watered less with good results, i also put heating under the pots to encorage it to dry quicker but my grow room is quite cold.


Well-Known Member
thanks man :) i made sure to put the new soil in really loose and not press it down. im pretty sure the roots werent getting much oxygen at all. they should b now. and yea my grow room is about 75-80 it will get well over 100 if i turn my fans off.


Well-Known Member
they look really good this morning :) must b an early christmas present bongsmiliehahaha. only a couple little leves here n there r drooping. and no more yellowing leaves. they actually got about an inch taller since i went to bed lol

and i have a quick question, in the last 2 pics. i topped that plant abouta week ago and i thought it jus turned a couple side branches into main tops bcuz they got real thick and started poppin off sets of leaves just like the main stem. but this morning i noticed that these 2 lil shoots really jumped off since last night. does it look the 2 little shoots will b the main tops??



Active Member
oh yea when you top them it makes the lower branches grow to form colas im glad to hear she is gettin better good luck buddy Merry Christmas


Well-Known Member
yea everything is looking great, but i noticed a couple of the pistils have turned red/brownish. almost looks like there burnt. iv only noticed 3 or 4 that look like this but i dont wanna let it get bad n not b able to flower em or something lol i jus got myself a camera that takes macro shots so there a couple pics of the healthy and re/brown pistils. thanks for any advice :joint:



Well-Known Member
so about the topped plant, im not worried, no problems lol i just noticed that EVERYTHING i have read about topping said " Nothing will grow from the stem that has been cut." and the main stem has started to grow again. it wus a crunchy orange scab but this morning theres no scab, just a new shoot coming directly out of the main stem, its grown about an inch since last night , it didnt split into a Y or ne thing. i counted 11 colas this morning. has any one ever had this happen?? did i get my info from a jackass or what? haha



Well-Known Member
So glad to hear they are doing better Merry Christmas

and the topped thing is normal as you topped after they were mature


Well-Known Member
yea merry christmas bro =)
and oh alright, thanks :) i just thought it wus odd lol
im kinda hoping tha new lil shoot jumps off befor i switch to 12/12
because more branches or shoots = more yeild right? or do buds only grow on colas?
iv never seen a budding plant first hand, only pics so im not all that sure of the process of maturing/flowering ya know


Well-Known Member
buds will grow at all internodes once flowering begins

but the top ones (colas) will be bigger

this pic from my grow journal shows it

