Which God Is Right?


Active Member
Hmm Where did this thread come from? Kinda old huh? I personally dont follow any religion so I cant be of any help with picking one. What I like to think is that, this almighty higher power who watches over all of us is forgiving and understanding. Not like some of the dictator gods who says live your life my way or be sentenced to eternal damnation and all that. I know I am a good person and I dont give a shit if any god likes or dislikes me. Individuallity is the key. Dont be a drone following around in line doing and saying what youre told. Be a good wholesom person and nothing bad can happen to you in the afterlife. Or I hope so anyway!! :clap: ;-)


New Member
Whose criteria of God must I choose so I can also believe in the Ethic Of Reciprocity?

Are Atheists allowed to tolerate
non-christian Deists?