Is my girl becoming a herm?


Active Member
Was just looking over my buds and on 3 of them I found a couple of what looks like a flower getting ready to open. It kinda also looks like a seed pod. I flipped out and cut it off the plant to get a better look.

I tried to post a pic, not the greatest though. Any help is appreciated .



Active Member
heres one more pic , it almost looks like these 3 buds got pollenated somehow.

They fall off pretty easily, just brush my razor against them and they fall off.
Posted one more pic of it on the plant , maybe its a little better.



That looks pretty much like a male flower. Guess you could stay on it and pluck the lil guys as they emerge and hope for the best. goodluck


Active Member
That looks pretty much like a male flower. Guess you could stay on it and pluck the lil guys as they emerge and hope for the best. goodluck
Well I am just under 30 days into flowering
hopefully I can make it for these last 4 weeks or so.

Any more opinions/answers?


Active Member
you have much longer than 4 weeks to go imo so it might be a challange.

your pics seem to show some male flowers but its so hard to tell with them pics.


Active Member
you have much longer than 4 weeks to go imo so it might be a challange.

your pics seem to show some male flowers but its so hard to tell with them pics.
Hopefully I can get through it, there were only 4 total of them and I got them well before they opened. Heres some more pics of the same spots just from the top.



Active Member
2 weeks ago I had 3 plants, 2 of them were males. I pulled them out of the grow box and put them in my garbage can in the garage. The door to my garage is only a few feet away from my grow box. Is there a possibility that upon drying out in the garbage, could the pollen from a male have floated in the house and into my intake??


Active Member
Read this on a random seedbank site, prolly too early to pertain to my plant, but I found it interesting.

Please note that occassionally specious staminate flowers will appear in the last days of flowering of a female Marijuana plant. These do not drop pollen and their appearance is not considered evidence of deleterious hermaphroditism.

Never heard of this , anyone else?


Active Member
Snip it! Is it from bag seed ? I got bag seed weed going on too and I ended up snipping an oddly round-pod ball off(hiding below a bud cluster) of my favorite one last week just like the one pictured. Even if it's a herm, it's still mostly female, just snip 'em off beofre they onpe since typically there won't be that many balls to cut off anyways, for at least as I anticipate throughout my present grow.


Active Member
So far so good, will just have to look her over everyday till the end. She is starting to get some nice trichomes , looking luscious. No new balls either.