Just Breaking The Soil, Question on Light Distance!


Active Member
Hey everyone, I finally planted some bag seed I've had for a few months under a 400watt HPS. I was wondering how far away my light should be since they're just breaking soil and I don't want to fry them. Thanks in advance guys:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Well I know with CFLs, when they're young you're supposed to keep the light about 3-4 inches away until it's a few weeks in, then you can lower it to around 1-1.5 inches

Not sure about HPS, I know those are more powerful and emit more light. I'm thinking maybe 6" is enough space? You don't wanna burn or kill your little sprout!

Widow Maker

Well-Known Member
12-18". If its too hot for your hand its too hot for the plant. If you have a vented light hood then you can get even closer.


Well-Known Member
Well I know with CFLs, when they're young you're supposed to keep the light about 3-4 inches away until it's a few weeks in, then you can lower it to around 1-1.5 inches

Not sure about HPS, I know those are more powerful and emit more light. I'm thinking maybe 6" is enough space? You don't wanna burn or kill your little sprout!
god no !!!!!!!!!!!!! please dont listen to this.:evil: i know your trying to help but wrong info will not help.

keep the light 24-30" away or use fluor tubes for the first week or two. hope you have pleanty of ventilation for the hps and fan to help the sprouts stay strong.

thanks widow....then after the first two weeks you can move the light closer 12-18"


Well-Known Member
Yea notice the ? at the end of my sentence I wasn't quite sure if that was enough or not I've never done anything with HPS

Didn't mean to offend you LOL


Active Member
Oh man, thanks for such quick responses guys!

Big Mike, I do have an oscillating fan in there to keep them strong and Widow, its not too hot for my hand.

Jomal its all good dude, its not exactly possible to offend someone as you give them advice to help a situation:mrgreen: As for the tubes/cfls, I'd love to buy them for this wonderful time but I'm tight on cash since I got fired from my job not long ago:spew:

Thanks again everyone!:peace:


Active Member
i really need to know how far my 1000w shoud be from 3wk old babies.
10 inches tall, ten inches wide. apreciate all the advice


Sector 5 Moderator
I'm using a 400w MH right now for vegging and it's about 24" away, barely far enough to keep the tops out of danger. I'll have to raise it for the weekend (going out of town) or they'll probably be burnt Monday morning. They are growing about an inch a day.


Active Member
I have a 400 watt MH/HPS i keep the light 24" above the seedlings, on my 2nd grow because i killed the 1st by having the light 6" above. So the guy that said 24 to 30" is more the case than 6".



Active Member
Nice, I got my light from HTG too hah. Thanks everyone for your help.

My temps are ranging from 22-30c, if you're too lazy to convert that its 77-86f on a 24 hour light cycle.

What would be most efficient way to cool it down some more? Buy another fan and stick it up near the bulb?


Active Member
Already got that pimp, and the whole floor of my cabinet is cut out for air to enter. The plants sit on a metal screen.

I would take pictures for you guys but my camera is dead.


Well-Known Member
Nice, I got my light from HTG too hah. Thanks everyone for your help.

My temps are ranging from 22-30c, if you're too lazy to convert that its 77-86f on a 24 hour light cycle.

What would be most efficient way to cool it down some more? Buy another fan and stick it up near the bulb?
those temps are not bad


Active Member
I feel you BigMike, I just want to get that temp to drop 6degrees because when I was designing the cab I was shooting for 80, it sucks being a perfectionist sometimes.

When I open the doors to the cabinet the temperature stays right around the same too..:?
Room temp. hangs around 70-74 and never past 76.

I'm stumped. :confused:


Active Member
If you can hount the ballast box outside, that throughs off heat you don't need, i put mine on a shelf above the water heater in the picture, now if i had the smarts to grow we would be getting some where



Active Member
WallyP, my man, thats already been done since the start.

Thats a neat setup you've got there, just give growing a shot, whatcha got to lose?