old mom


Active Member
Is it normal for the older leaves on a old mother to yellow and die off. She's about 9 months old and been in the current pot for 5 or 6. genetic age is much older.

The yellow doesn't seem to be spreading. New growth looks fine and is going at a good rate. I did add some blood meal and bone meal to the top and gave her some molasses juice over the last week or so. I also really worked the top of the soil. The lower, oldest leaves, are still yellow/yellowing. Really just large fan leaves from below the nodes.

I'm assuming this is just the way of things but it can't hurt to ask.
She could keel over and it wouldn't really hurt my feelings... but it kind of would because I wanted to let her "die" a "natural death" as she should.


Active Member
I have auxiliary CFL and fluorescents down low... i suppose it is still possible they aren't getting enough... but this mom has never had much light anyway... grew to over a foot with 30 watts of light... 2+ foot bush with just 45... I've been keeping her short on purpose and letting her grow slow... instead of telling my business let's just say I'm a patient man who's in no hurry to do anything really

but these days she's under well over 100 watts of light spread all over and actually has reflective walls... well white ones at least... big improvement from the previous BLACK


Active Member
I've given her epsom salt (about the amount that dissolves in the bottom of a solo cup full of warm water) and fed her some more bone meal and molasses water. What else should I do.

The new growth still all looks good and I hate to do to much.

the old growth, regardless of distance from light, seems to be yellowing... especially large fan leaves

she does have about 20 different tops at this point... maybe more or less... i never bothered to count


Well-Known Member
Make a tea with the blood meal and feed it to her
Either that or get some cal/mag into with either a cal-mag + type nute or epsom salts
Leaves will not yellow from not enough light that is just not true


Active Member
Make a tea with the blood meal and feed it to her
Either that or get some cal/mag into with either a cal-mag + type nute or epsom salts
Leaves will not yellow from not enough light that is just not true
this is basically what i've done...

i'll see how it goes... what should I do if that isn't it?

i've not flushed it out in a long time... but so far it's been all organic so do i need to do that? I dunno... i'm a newb