The best way to use Cannabis is once a week



got to figure out a way to smoke in my sleep still. Like 5am this mornig I wake up, don't feel like getting up yet, need a joint to go back to sleep... oh conundrum.
Haha, like the guy on the couch in half baked

"hey guy, sorry to wake you but you gotta try this shit"

takes a hit, nods, goes back to sleep


I'm not trying to tell anybody to only smoke once a week, the title is a damn QUOTE from a documentary ppl!!! It only pertains to what I'm talking about. By all means, smoke every day. Shit, I still have been.

And kevilgenius, you're absolutely right. Funny how they tried to pass off that it kills braincells. I had no idea that it was only daily intake though. Thought it was just in general.


Well-Known Member
It only kills the slow and old brain cells, I call it survival of the fitest.


From my research on it, it doesn;t kill brain cells. The tests done to prove that (from Nixon) were false because the amount of smoke they were giving (30 joints a day) was all done in a 15 min span and it was the lack of oxygen killing the brain cells not the cannabis.


From my research on it, it doesn;t kill brain cells. The tests done to prove that (from Nixon) were false because the amount of smoke they were giving (30 joints a day) was all done in a 15 min span and it was the lack of oxygen killing the brain cells not the cannabis.
Im thinkin it was wayyy more than 15 a day, but yea they suffocated the monkeys, and the first thing that happens when you get suffocated is that your braincells die.