Not good.....


Well-Known Member

On the evening of Dec. 4, Erin Marcove made cookies for her 3-year-old grandson, a scene that is played out often around the Holidays, except for the fact that Marcove made the cookies with her favorite ingredient…Marijuana.

Marcove told police that she gave the boy the cookies which she made with “cannabis butter” around 10:30 p.m. The next day, she could not wake him.

The grandmother told investigators that when she awoke at noon, her grandson “was still sleeping, which was odd and she couldn't get him to wake him up”

Hours later, Marcove placed the toddler in a cold shower, after he remained unresponsive. She then called the boy’s mother, but refused to call an ambulance for the child.

Once the boy’s mother arrived, she called 911 and he was rushed to the hospital. He required treatment in an intensive care unit, and tested positive for THC, the active ingredient in marijuana.

Court records state: "Mrs. Marcove said she didn't call for the paramedics or take (the boy) to the hospital herself, because she doesn't have his Medicaid card."

According to an arrest affidavit, police found a green jar of "suspected cannabis butter" in the refrigerator.

When asked by police about the remaining cookies, "Mrs. Marcove said all the cookies were gone."

While still under investigation for the incident, Marcove committed suicide on Dec. 12.

Marcove was well known amongst marijuana activists and was a self-described “Cannabis Medical Therapist Consultant.” She ran a business known as Cannabis Medical Therapeutics. Her website claimed that she used marijuana for most of her life for a variety of reasons.

Marcove frequently wrote about the benefits of marijuana use and the need to educate others on the subject.

She wrote on "There is so much information on cannabis; we all need the right education that guides the public in the truth of cannabis. Embrace cannabis as medicine. Compassionate medicine, Compassionate dispensaries!"

Marcove was 44-years-old.


Well-Known Member
mutha fuker was passed out! i ate 2 brownees yesterday and my girl couldnt wake me! i wasnt dead and im fine now! i think she jumped to sum conclusions, ive seen and heard of worse.


Well-Known Member
the boy was fine, it looks as if the lady killed herself over this though . . . . so sad.


Well-Known Member
the boy was fine, it looks as if the lady killed herself over this though . . . . so sad.
thats a little ridiculous to say that she took her own life because of something so.. stupid, but still, i mean she didn't put antifreeze in his gatorade or anything..

had to have some other problems in her life..


Well-Known Member
thats a little ridiculous to say that she took her own life because of something so.. stupid, but still, i mean she didn't put antifreeze in his gatorade or anything..

had to have some other problems in her life..
she was still under investigation, probably assumed she was going to get hit hard by the law. this time.


Well-Known Member
she couldnt of gotten hit that hard, its not a dangerous drug, just an illegal one.. idk if she would even get endangering the welfare of a child.. something.. but it wasnt a poisonous drug or a drug that has ever caused a death, even though the community speaks of the dangers of the drug, they do realize by now that it doesnt caue any physical harm.


Well-Known Member
The danger of this story is not within our community. We know the facts and that the kid was in no danger. The woman may have killed herself due to something unrelated and then again she could have done it because of the backlash she believed she would receive.

The real problem here however is how the general un-educated public will perceive this story. First they will say oH nO! look marijuana must be bad it put the kid in intensive care etc. etc. Then they will look at the fact a avid marijuana activist did this then killed herself out of guilt blah blah and so on.... hopefully its just blows away with the wind and nothing comes of it but its the storys like this we dont need right now as we are in the biggest push towards reform ever.


she couldnt of gotten hit that hard, its not a dangerous drug, just an illegal one.. idk if she would even get endangering the welfare of a child.. something.. but it wasnt a poisonous drug or a drug that has ever caused a death, even though the community speaks of the dangers of the drug, they do realize by now that it doesnt caue any physical harm.
the women has to be an out and out cunt to give a child any sort of drugs.


Well-Known Member
The danger of this story is not within our community. We know the facts and that the kid was in no danger. The woman may have killed herself due to something unrelated and then again she could have done it because of the backlash she believed she would receive.

The real problem here however is how the general un-educated public will perceive this story. First they will say oH nO! look marijuana must be bad it put the kid in intensive care etc. etc. Then they will look at the fact a avid marijuana activist did this then killed herself out of guilt blah blah and so on.... hopefully its just blows away with the wind and nothing comes of it but its the storys like this we dont need right now as we are in the biggest push towards reform ever.
very well put..

but i must say that society is much more forgiving about MJ nowadays, as a whole.

i would say only far right conservatives would b hard pressed to find that this woman killed herself because she "poisoned" her grandson with marijuana. its ridiculous, and i feel as if there will be more of a sense of sorrow, for this woman, than there would be to take such a shallow look into what the possibilities of her death couldve been, and just say "well, obviously she killed herself cuz she feels guilty".


Well-Known Member
why the fuck would she do that in the first place?

i'd kill myself as well.


lmfao haha ur such a dick man hahahahahaha

yo she def. didint mean to givehim them i dont believe it... something had to of happened were he ate them n she didnt know, or she was stupid n didnt know how to say no when he asked for some..

but i doubt she was like "im gonna end it all, im gonna get my grandson stoned, then shoot myself, thts how i'll go out with a bang"..

cmon yo this doesnt sound right... esp. a mj enthusiast, something not right happened here, and she was too scared to say something.. it doesnt sound like it couldve happened this way


Well-Known Member
lmfao haha ur such a dick man hahahahahaha

yo she def. didint mean to givehim them i dont believe it... something had to of happened were he ate them n she didnt know, or she was stupid n didnt know how to say no when he asked for some..

but i doubt she was like "im gonna end it all, im gonna get my grandson stoned, then shoot myself, thts how i'll go out with a bang"..

cmon yo this doesnt sound right... esp. a mj enthusiast, something not right happened here, and she was too scared to say something.. it doesnt sound like it couldve happened this way

so you really don't know?

keep making things up in your favor?

i see.


obviously she did something wrong. she killed herself over it. they were investigating, she was gonna be found guilty. ever heard of child endangerment? regardless of your viewpoint, it's still a schedule 1 drug. good luck in court.

i'm glad i'm allowed to state my opinion without being called names. so either i agree with you, or i'm a dick? that's pretty cool of you, my friend. :cry:


Well-Known Member
Thats sad but she should of been more responsible you dont give someone that young weed cookies especially if he has no medical condition.The boy might not of been alright but I dont see what could of happend to him from it thats the only reason I could see her killing herself not over some bullshit charge like this she didn't have to worry about him being given to cys since he's not her kid.But she was a big weed activist she probably thought she wouldn't have no more respect in that field no more what a dumb bitch