Merry Christmas Everyone


Well-Known Member
My dad hook up a new desk top..and a fishing trip to the Delta...Gotta love christmas
hehe i bought a new desktop 2 lol. though mines been a big fuck around assholes i have to put the new graphics card in by myself when they fucked up and put the wrong one in..... its no big deal but when you buy a domething you expect to get what you paid for and be able to use it strait away lol.

u was this close to going down there and ghetto smacking the fucks lol. (Ghetto smack = hit em with anything you can, or a bin over the head per se lol)

When do feats of strength start? :lol:

Merry christmas everybody!

Stay medicated! I got a whole glob of oil just for christmas morning.
hehe i was stoned immaculate for the greatest portion of the drive lol. it was a good day i even thought about getting on it for the first time in a while but decided not too.

the worst part of the day was the long drive to see family in which io forgot the gifts.. oh well itll just give me an excuse to go see em all again soon i guess lol.

Canada says Merry Christmas everyone.
merry christmas canada :)

Merry Christmas !

wow so santas a pimp and got his own twisted little habbits.... oh well everyones got them lmfao.