Hom many plants can fit under a 400 watt hps???


Well-Known Member
I wanna have half a few weeks older from the other half so i can rotate. so depending on how many plants times size of my pots will determine the size of my new flowering room so how many is best for the 400 watt hps due to what i'm looking to do??? :confused:

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
A 400 watt HID will illuminate a 3' x 3' garden......i use a 400w in a 4x6 closet and ony place 6 plants in 3 gal containers under the light ,this has worked fine for me


Well-Known Member
A 400 watt HID will illuminate a 3' x 3' garden......i use a 400w in a 4x6 closet and ony place 6 plants in 3 gal containers under the light ,this has worked fine for me
so i guess 3 and 3 will be good the whats your yield on 3 plants about with that?


If you go vertical, you can grow 6-8 plants easily... in a 3-foot or 4-foot square room. (See my signature.)

Don't expect much from a horizontal grow, with that small of a light. You will constantly be raising it, and most of your plants will be in the shadows. At the most, in a 3x3 setup, with 12-inch buckets, you can fit nine plants. Each plant will have a canvas of 1 cubic foot. That same setup, vertical, with only six plants, will give you a canvas of three to five feet, per plant.

Comparing 9 cubic feet to 18 cubic feet, it is obvious who the winner is. It is not the number of plants, but the volume of canvas, which determines the volume of bud you produce. Wattage is not a good way to measure light. Wattage is just the amount of heat given-off/lost in the conversion to light.

You can get more info on vertical grows, from the link in my signature. As for horizontal grows... look for the 400w club in other forums. You can find much info there.


Well-Known Member
If you go vertical, you can grow 6-8 plants easily... in a 3-foot or 4-foot square room. (See my signature.)

Don't expect much from a horizontal grow, with that small of a light. You will constantly be raising it, and most of your plants will be in the shadows. At the most, in a 3x3 setup, with 12-inch buckets, you can fit nine plants. Each plant will have a canvas of 1 cubic foot. That same setup, vertical, with only six plants, will give you a canvas of three to five feet, per plant.

Comparing 9 cubic feet to 18 cubic feet, it is obvious who the winner is. It is not the number of plants, but the volume of canvas, which determines the volume of bud you produce. Wattage is not a good way to measure light. Wattage is just the amount of heat given-off/lost in the conversion to light.

You can get more info on vertical grows, from the link in my signature. As for horizontal grows... look for the 400w club in other forums. You can find much info there.
what about a lst scrog grow in that same space?


An LST or SCROG is using less plants to consume more space. (You are trying to grow vertically, on the horizon. It is counter-productive. One root-system on a highly stressed plant that you keep clipping or flattening wider, away from the light. If you have limited height and limited containers, that is perfect. However, the question was, "how many". You can fit 30, but each plant will only be 4-inches around.)

The limit is the depth, which is limited by the canvas, which is limited by the floor-space. Remove the floor, and you are left with walls, which have a limit of 3-4 feet in useful canvas potential, on each of the four sides. (The floor will never have more than nine square feet in a 3x3 room.)

But if you must grow horizontal... your limit will be nine plants, if each bucket is 10-12 inches in diameter. Going wider will be out of the range of the bulbs power. (See my sig for the chart that shows light-power related as foot-candles.)


Well-Known Member
An LST or SCROG is using less plants to consume more space. (You are trying to grow vertically, on the horizon. It is counter-productive. One root-system on a highly stressed plant that you keep clipping or flattening wider, away from the light. If you have limited height and limited containers, that is perfect. However, the question was, "how many". You can fit 30, but each plant will only be 4-inches around.)

The limit is the depth, which is limited by the canvas, which is limited by the floor-space. Remove the floor, and you are left with walls, which have a limit of 3-4 feet in useful canvas potential, on each of the four sides. (The floor will never have more than nine square feet in a 3x3 room.)

But if you must grow horizontal... your limit will be nine plants, if each bucket is 10-12 inches in diameter. Going wider will be out of the range of the bulbs power. (See my sig for the chart that shows light-power related as foot-candles.)
NO! i have my plants L,S,T right now whats the best for the space say 3 feet long and 4 feet wide?



The light drops-off after 3 feet... (Drops off below function.)

So I would say 3 feet by 3 feet, with the light staying within 1.5 feet of the top canvas. (Fold-down your buds if they get too close to the light, when the time comes. The canvas needs the most light. The buds will grow in complete darkness. You just don't want them pushing your light higher than it needs to be.

The chart shows more than I can say in words.


dude you can but as many plants as you want to your gonna be limited to grow container size i use 1 gal plastic grow bags and put 41 plants in a closet




havnt chopped em down yet only week three flower so i dunno