How can you trust someone?

Straight up G

New Member
^Dude I have stripped myself of all friends and any way I can be contacted, don't need to hear about trust I have lost more than most, all I am saying is I'm not gonna try to sound like a badass gangsta while I'm @ it.


Well-Known Member
I don't think its so difficult to tell which people can be trusted...

Some observation is all that is required, like have they ever told you something they heard in confidence... then, ti di ree, nope they can;t be trusted.
Have they ever stuck their neck out for you, without there being any possible reward?

In business you don't need to trust people, you need to trust their money, if they stand to loose as much as you, they be cool, If you are takeing the risk, they be snakes.

strain stalker

New Member
^Dude I have stripped myself of all friends and any way I can be contacted, don't need to hear about trust I have lost more than most, all I am saying is I'm not gonna try to sound like a badass gangsta while I'm @ it.

...okay, let me clear this up. You think this is all "gangsta" talk..."he thinks he's a tuff' ass!"..."been watch'n too much mob movies"...blah, blah, blah.

Your reality is not mine. YOU may not bust a grape in welch's back yard...that don't mean everyone else is a 1/2 way crook. When your dirty, your dirty where I'm from. I'm done.

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
What are some good ways to give someone a reason not to tell?
Tell them exactly what you want them to do, as they stare down the barrel of your gun. That's a good way to get anyone to do anything. Give them a good beating too... may or may not include curb-stomp...

If this is more than 15-20 years we're talking about... maybe using a gun on them would be the best course of action.

Of course, I don't know how deep the book's character is in, or what he has done.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Over the last 2 weeks my two good buddies that I have known for years.. Ratted me out to other people, spewed personal shit.. What do you to prevent shit from getting out? How do you judge if someones gonna squeal on you? Are there signs?

Do you simply just not trust anyone in order to protect yourself? Do you only talk enough to get by, that's all I do normally..

Help out a brother here :) I want to stay outta jail/cemetery
Build a rep where someone would not want to rat on you.


Well-Known Member
dont trust anyone,only tell people what you got to, play your cards close to your chest,if people dont know your business they cant use it against you,tellin ya


Well-Known Member
You know im not that far along in my life yet, and if there is one thing ive learned after being on this earth for 22 years its that good friends are VERY hard to come by. And trust nobody, and I mean nobody. I made the big mistake of trusting one of my friends about weed, and it all went to hell. Then I made the mistake of somehow having my brother figure out I grow, just made my whole growing/"keeping my grow habits a secret" life a lot harder.

Its a shame, that you can't really even trust yourself. I mean look at me, I opened my mouth maybe once, twice at the most, to people whom I believed at the time were the most trustworthy people in my life and all of the sudden all of these other people know who I am and what I do. It's just a shame, its human nature.

If I ever wanna be a drug dealer I better get a fake alias.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
I don't see why a lot of you guys are saying trust no one.. just be sensible about it. If you're in an environment where you can not afford to trust people, maybe you shouldn't be in that environment!


Well-Known Member
I don't see why a lot of you guys are saying trust no one.. just be sensible about it. If you're in an environment where you can not afford to trust people, maybe you shouldn't be in that environment!

so drugs are legal where you are


Oracle of Hallucinogens
so drugs are legal where you are
If drugs are getting you into trouble or cause you to have a lack of trust in people, stop doing drugs. If you're willing to put yourself in a shit environment to get drugs, you have an addiction and maybe should look into some therapy for that.


Well-Known Member
If drugs are getting you into trouble or cause you to have a lack of trust in people, stop doing drugs. If you're willing to put yourself in a shit environment to get drugs, you have an addiction and maybe should look into some therapy for that.
growing mj is illegal, why tell people and increse the chance of getting caught