Straight up G
New Member
^bobtokes is gonna flip when he sees this oh its on alright fuck yeah^
This thread is getting severely depressing.friendship doesn't matter a shit when someones back is up against the wall, generally most people will do and say anything to get themselves out of a mess, every friend will sell out, its just the stage at which they would sell out.
yup your own brother or sister could burn you to let alone your two good buddies. i can not even how many "two good buddies" i thouht i have hadtrust no one, your mothers a lying cunt
you at it again^bobtokes is gonna flip when he sees this oh its on alright fuck yeah^
I don't see why a lot of you guys are saying trust no one.. just be sensible about it. If you're in an environment where you can not afford to trust people, maybe you shouldn't be in that environment!
Easier said than done my friend..If drugs are getting you into trouble or cause you to have a lack of trust in people, stop doing drugs. If you're willing to put yourself in a shit environment to get drugs, you have an addiction and maybe should look into some therapy for that.
It's so, SO shitty that so many should feel paranoid or overly cautious over such an innocent act as growing.This thread is fucked. unless you can read minds you can never be sure.
Read a book called "Get Anyone to Do Anything and Never Feel Powerless Again" (Yeah that's the whole title)What about if you have to trust someone, as a partner.. You can't do it alone; how does one judge a trustworthy person?
Wow thank-you, rep+ ...Read a book called "Get Anyone to Do Anything and Never Feel Powerless Again" (Yeah that's the whole title)
There's a section that the book talks about placing the guilt before hand.
First of all, ditch the losers that ratted you out. You can *never* trust them again. "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me."
I'm also a supporter of not trusting anyone just because the human mind is complex and you can never truly predict what someone would do for whatever reason. But, if you really HAVE to have help, what that book would recommend is to basically place an idea in their head that will (hopefully) make them feel guilty for even thinking about doing wrong.
Example: Whenever you are "working" with the person, smile and tell them something like "I'm so glad you can help me with this. It feels so good to have someone I can trust to make this work." This way, if they ever feel the urge to rat you out or whatever, they will hopefully feel bad because you've instilled such a positive attitude toward them. You've made them feel appreciated. And you've said that you trust them many times. If they are a good person, they would feel bad to break the trust, and smear their good reputation with you.
However, this does not guarantee anything! It might help, but like I said, people's minds are complex. You never know what time might do to someone. What if your buddy gets busted and offers up info to save himself?
How does one judge a trustworthy person? You don't ever believe a word out of their mouth. While you're checking out the aforementioned book, get some books on reading body language too. That'll tell you a lot more than words will.
I know this all might sound a bit paranoid. But if you're doing commercial growing, then you have *got* to be paranoid.
ETA: I just read some of the other posts in this thread. I think it's ridiculous to use violence and death as leverage. It's not worth it, man. You'll get a lot more time in prison for violence and murder than you will for weed (where I live anyway). And weed is NEVER worth killing someone over. If you have to resort to any of that, then you should rethink your way of living and cut back your crops to something you can manage by yourself. No one will get hurt, no one goes to prison and you can still grow enough to make some money. Don't let greed blind you and make your life worse.
I think you never ever tell people personal shit you want no one to know, EVER.. Every one I think is proud of being a successful grower but that has to be a personal thing just for you to know.. Or share it here with your friends in anonymity.