Preparing for this summers grow. Still got alot to learn...


Well-Known Member
Hey, all. Thanx 2 any who take the time to help me out.

Obviously, at this stage, my grow is still a PLAN to grow, as I live in the Northern midwest, United States.(Chicago-St.Louis area) I just have a few things I need to learn before I can do it the way I want it done. I guess I'm just not learning enough from the Jorge videos. Haha!

I've grown once before, but it was hydroponics. This summer I will HOPEFULLY be planting at least a dozen hi-breds in multiple guerilla gardens. I'll be starting a total of 16 seeds. ALL KILLER STRAINS! I've already got my seeds. Wont post where I got them, as I dont want this to turn into a Seedbank thread. I got Green Houses Super Lemon Haze and Himalayan Gold, TH Seeds' A-Train, and Seedsmans Mama Mia and Original Skunk #1. All feminized.

Im not sure if the light Im planning to use to start them is gonna' be sufficient for plants that are to be transplanted outdoors. It's here...
I later found out that I paid too much, but it's all good. It's a good light. When would be a good time to start them? I know I've got at least a few months before I can start them.

My main concern is how to prepare my soil, and my organic nutrients. I saw in one of Jorge Cervantes videos that he was making what looked like manure tea, in a big ass barrell. I want to make a little barrell of his "Shittea". He said it's best to use Llama and sheep dookie for Veggie shittea, and Llama and bat dookie for flowering shittea. I just happen to have ready access to Llama and sheep dookie. I've found a site that sells Jamaican bat guano. My question is.. Is this "Shittea" idea a good idea? Do you maybe know of a method that is more productive?

I'm also curious about what kind of soil I should use. A buddy of mine gave me a bag of perlite and some Canadian Peat Moss(Not even sure if Im gonna' need that) Any ideas on a good type of soil mix?

If all goes well, I hope to start a grow journal, and enter in RIUs outdoor 2010 competition. The strains are good enough to win, I just dont know if i got enough of a green thumb to get them there. Not sure how detailed the journal will be, as I wont be going out to where they are, very often.

Thanx again for taking the time!!

+rep to all who offer advice!


Well-Known Member
try and find a place near you through there site. if not just remember its pretty expensive to ship soil.


Active Member
If your going to grow outside there keeping people and deer out is your biggest problem.use to live by evansville.Plant in the corn fields were there is a pole.don't put them out till corn is up a ways.I had luck this way the deer won't pick weed over corn good luck


Well-Known Member
If your going to grow outside there keeping people and deer out is your biggest problem.use to live by evansville.Plant in the corn fields were there is a pole.don't put them out till corn is up a ways.I had luck this way the deer won't pick weed over corn good luck
HUGE thank you, brother! Deer(as you obviously know) are a HUGE problem around here, just like Evansville. Evansville Il is only about 2 hrs south of me. +rep for sure!


Well-Known Member
Really? Piss around them? Never thought about that... Nice!

Im going to be going to bed, soon. I welcome all input, in this thread! I will be referring to this thread MANY TIMES! Im gonna bookmark it, and it will be my help thread all the way through my grow.

THANX TO ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
you ever been deer huntin? you never piss around your stand. we actually put deer hormones on our boots to block any of our human smell.


Well-Known Member
you ever been deer huntin? you never piss around your stand. we actually put deer hormones on our boots to block any of our human smell.
I absolutely deer hunt! Bow hunting only. Had some past legal issues.(Felony possession of Cann w/ intent to deliver was one of em)

I knew it was a good idea as soon as i read it. thanx alot!


Well-Known Member
Nice. Thanx 4 all the help, 2hiegh4u.

Im still not sure how to prepare the shittea, or even if it is advisable to use...

I've got a good suggestion on soil type, now I just need sum1 to give me some advice whether or not to add anything to it.(like perlite, peat moss, ect.)
I absolutely deer hunt! Bow hunting only. Had some past legal issues.(Felony possession of Cann w/ intent to deliver was one of em)

I knew it was a good idea as soon as i read it. thanx alot!
There is a famous breeder by the name of Subcool that has a soil mix he calls Supersoil his thread is here on RIU called "Subcool's Supersoil" it's a pretty long read, but has the soil recipe. He gives the recipe early but amends a couple of things later on. He and many others swear by it as it has everything in an MJ plant needs from seed to harvest making the plant pretty much maintenance free other than watering, training and topping!:joint:


Well-Known Member
Thanx 4 that, hititorforgetit. Im familiar with Subcool. He's got some EXCELLENT strains. Ive spoken with him before. Wasn't aware he had a thread about soil.

+rep for pointing it out to me, bra!


Active Member
I never pissed around mine.mainly if its not been raining for a while they will need water to thrive.I think the nitrogen in the ground for the corn helps.


Well-Known Member
I looked into Subcools Super Soil. Im still waiting for a response from him, telling me if his mix is good for my garden. Hopefully i can get all this sorted soon, so as that I can get my dirt made, and let it set for two or three months.(I hear that helps)

Another question... If I DO go with Subcools soil, can I then still make shittea for them, when they're close to harvest?

Thanx 2 all who are offering help!


illinois soil is very fertile thats why inidians inhabited this state. you can use w/e nutes you want.... i only use nutes on my outdoor plants only when they look like they need it. like yellowing leaves and shit like that. you growing in your yard or guerilla style? try to find a place close or not to far from a water source, rigging up a subpump and hose if you have to. a major concern of your sould be rabbit and deer. rabbits mainly when there young plants. i would reccomend some kind of low key fencing or protection, with a combo of like a sock soaked in coyote piss, and put into something or hung from somewere were it will give off a scent and not get rained on soo much. like a hole in the trunk of a tree or even a small birdhouse hanging from a tree. i noticed some of your plants lean sativa your strains i mean. the lemon haze may have an issue finishing flowering. i had some mexican sativas hybrids outside this year that i picked in nov. and needed more time!

and also to avoid detection dont put all your eggs in one basket.... have a few plots with smaller numbers of plants rather then one huge plot that will be easyily noticed from air. this way your guaerentied a harvest.... hop[e this helps


Well-Known Member
No one mentioned it yet but that HPS bulb you bought is only enough for flowering.... for vegging you want to use a 6500k spectrum bulb..... CFLs or MH all I can think of, I would recommend the MH if you can get one.


No one mentioned it yet but that HPS bulb you bought is only enough for flowering.... for vegging you want to use a 6500k spectrum bulb..... CFLs or MH all I can think of, I would recommend the MH if you can get one.

i understand it is proper to veg with that spectrum, but i have grown plants threw there whole cycle with a hps bulb w/o issues