

Well-Known Member
2 weeks ago, i harvested some sk#1, i think it was early, due to everyones comments.
anyway i let it all dry up, about 1 1/2 oz.
i read in the grow bible 2 how to make hash. and...it said:neutral: if you wrap it, in clear bag, place holes every were, in the clear bag wrap in damp paper, and then, place the iron, not too hot and hold it on the block, for 15 sec. a side. till done. i read the section.and did the instructions,to the word, but look, wtf, its not even stuck together,. what to do?. sling/or can i retreve. some how, maybe do the prosses again?. the weed dont matter, i dont care if i loose it/have to sling it.
i just wanted to have a go. what to do with it, will it ever be smokable, ive tryed one a bliff and its not harsh. but it not stuck together. maybe i dried it out too much.
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may i say:roll: im not trying to show how much of a good job ive done:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:
i just need to know what ive done wrong.
cos, i have some new stuff, ive just stripped a plant, and its much better stuff than my last attempt:roll:


Active Member
well your doing parshaly the right things goto my web site and goto my how to make hash page it'll most likly answer your questions my site is in my signature pot-source.piczo.com


ew you made it look gross...

lets do this the easy way...

go to the store and pick up 99% iso alcohol (should be at the grocery or whatever)

put weed in blender... fill with iso until it covers all the bud...

blend for 45 seconds, and then strain through a disposable coffee filter...

let evap... and in days you'll be scrapping up some gooey goodness that is iso hash...

and it'llf uck you up =]


Well-Known Member
great thanks, i wasnt bothered about loosing the hash, the stuff i made was really harsh, its all broke back up now, but it smokes ok, not harsh,. lumberjack ian, can a re use this, shit, i harvested a plant yesterday could i add more to it,.
will the alco, help it stick?.


if your gonna add newly harvested bud... wait until its dry before doing this...

and yes... use this stuff that you just tried... the thc is stll there

and the alcohol removes the thc and other cannibinoids from the rest of the plant material... so ALL your left with is sticky gooey goodness... i mean, if you strain it right, you end up with hash oil =]

basicaly you're gonna end up with this black/red tarry stuff at the bottom of the dish the alc. evaped from... then take a razor and scrape it all together into a pile... the hash should stick together nicely =]

Evil Buddies

Ganja King
i got a fruit and veg juicer it seperates all fibres and u just get the juice im if i get a male will put this in the juices. I should just get liquid out of it. Will let u all know what happens got 5 plants just on 12 12 if i get any males they gonna get juiced. What would i be left with, its a real good juicer i got. I will see soon what comes out.


Well-Known Member
i got a fruit and veg juicer it seperates all fibres and u just get the juice im if i get a male will put this in the juices. I should just get liquid out of it. Will let u all know what happens got 5 plants just on 12 12 if i get any males they gonna get juiced. What would i be left with, its a real good juicer i got. I will see soon what comes out.
A dirty juicer?


Well-Known Member
anymore home made methods i can do with about 1 to 2 oz of small buds not many, and all the sticy leafs, what do i do with the stalks and fan leaf stalks?. i cut em up and put em in the last attent in the first post? . whas that wrong.

like the look of that, looks fucking ace, is it that easy, you havent left awt out.
so i first dry what im adding to the last attempt, the put in a pan add water and alca, or just alco, if so how much for 1half ounce? of product?
so how long do you boil it? after youve blended it?.then do i squeeze it after to get it all out. do i repeat it, to make sure i get all the good stuff. and how much alco, so i put all the blender. squeezed ghoo out of it,with a coffee filter of what old rag?. so then i boil, how long and how hot. and then would i just scrape it out.and roll it up into bite sized nuggets.lol. that sounds ace, sorry for all the qu's. but i think, you only get one go at this.were do i get alco, i live in england. is it easy to get.lumberjacks pic is making my mouth water, the pic looks great.


ISopropyl alcohol can be picked up at any mega store... grocery... pharmacy... etc... its also known as RUBBING ALCOHOl...just make sure you get the 99% iso or as close to it as you can find...

there is NO heat necessary for this method

just the iso alc.
a blender
1 reusable coffee filter (made from metal or plastic... not the paper filters...)
and your bud

step 1. place bud in blender
step 2. pour enough alcohol over bud to completely cover it...
step 3. blend for 45 seconds
step 4. strain through coffee filter into a big glass dish
step 5. set in safe place away from any fire or sparks or anything (iso alc is really flammable)

it should only take a few days at most to fully evap. leaving behind the red/black hash...
just scrape together, and smoke =]

i've found placing a fan on the product helps evaporate it faster... also i like putting the dish under the hood over the stove in the kitchen so that i don't have to smell rubbing alcohol all day... the only problem with that though is that i can't use the oven for a couple days while it evaps.... i don't wanna start a fire =]

that should explain it fairly well...


Well-Known Member
if you had read the start of the thread,
i wanted to know what could i do with the stuff, id fucked up, and could i save it or just throw it, i think thats why the oil thing, will be best for this stuff i have, but thanks for the link, ill add to my fav, and use it later. thanks.

Bear's Blunts

Well-Known Member
i have a pollenator and takes just the trichomes heads off so i have all this crystal and i found it hard to get formed into what resembles hash also, so this is what i did and worked great i built a press got a buddy to cut me two medal plates and a piece of hollow medal beam and bought a big c clamp so now i have a press i heated the oven to 350 put whole clamp unit in oven for five mins until real hot to the touch take it out and put kief in press and clamp down using oven mitts and towel crank hard then come back every couple mins and crank down harder and harder let totally cool and viola you got a piece of hard chunk of toast


Well-Known Member

Would Vodka work equally as well for your blender method?
Use Everclear, not vodka, if you can. You want high proof ethanol, preferably something that's close to 99%, rather than vodka which falls considerably short of that. Most vodka is around 40%. Yes, it could work, but there's a lot of water as well as other impurities added to it, so it's not necessarily desirable.

But as I said, high proof grain alcohol will work perfectly, and avoids the toxicity problems associated with denatured and isopropyl alcohol.



Active Member
I had a little trouble locating 98-99% alcohol locally.

Most of the alcohol sold at local pharmacies is only 70%. I did find some Isopropyl alcohol that was 99%... it seems to be marketed more for cleaning guns than a rubbing alcohol.

Just thought I'd share that info in case anyone had trouble finding 99%.


PS. I didn't read good and used a paper coffee filter. Is it gonna be ok or did I mess up my stuff? :roll: It still came out green looking.


I had a little trouble locating 98-99% alcohol locally.

Most of the alcohol sold at local pharmacies is only 70%. I did find some Isopropyl alcohol that was 99%... it seems to be marketed more for cleaning guns than a rubbing alcohol.

Just thought I'd share that info in case anyone had trouble finding 99%.


PS. I didn't read good and used a paper coffee filter. Is it gonna be ok or did I mess up my stuff? :roll: It still came out green looking.
the cool thing about this stuff is you can filter it mulitiple times for a finer product...

just mix some more iso into the mix, and pour through another filter...it should be more golden or reddish than green