I just want to know if 25W CFL (x36) vs 1000W HPS would have a lesser impact on the electric bill? Would appreciate it any feedback!
Hey dawg87. well first off, it doesnt matter if it is cfl or hps, a watt is a watt. so 36 25W CFL's (if i read this right) uses 900 watts. So yes, that would be less power used, but because there is less power being consumed. Now the thing to look for is light output per watt. more experienced growers may explain this better, but you want to find the lumens for the light. a 1000W HPS can put out anywhere from 140,000 lumens up to 200,000 lumens!! WOW, thats a lot. now the 25W CFL's are probably something like 1600 each. so 36 of them gives you 58,000 lumens. even if you made it an even 40 CFL's to get the 1000Watts, you still only get 65,000 lumens. So now you should look at your needs, space, amount you want to grow. i grow in a 3'x2'x2' grow box with 216W of CFL's which equal 13850 lumens. most growers would scauf at this, but it serves my purpose for my stealth personal grow. i would have a hard time cooling this space if I had an HPS. plus with all the small cfls scattered about, i can direct light under the canopy and all around for better light coverage. I am still not getting the light an HPS would give me though. So like I said before, it is all in what you want out of the grow. if you want to harvest a pound a month, your not going to do it with CFL. if you want to pull an ounce every couple months, CFLs will do it for you, and still be light on the light bill!!
Hope this helps and happy growin