The WHITE WIDOW club, Show off your grow


Active Member
Guys, i'm growing Nirvanas WW and would like to join the club. I'll post some pics when I can figure out how.
Quick question though. Do these plants just not like to be fed during flower? It seems that my tips turn yellow/burn with the lightest of nutes...
..dude, my widow is from clones, unknown seedbank, but they will take copious feedings!! I have used techno floras recipe for success and canna nutrients, both with outstanding results and never a burn issue, even when fed more than the recommended schedule. :joint: S.L.BAT CAVE 004.jpg

BAT CAVE 001.jpg

BAT CAVE 016.jpg

BAT CAVE 017.jpg


Well-Known Member
Growing Medium: Clay balls

Lights: 1000 HPS

Nutrients: Canna

Breeder of

Room Specifications:2m x 2m


Well-Known Member
Hi all,
This is my white widow scrog under a 400w HPS. Anyone have any suggestions for flushing a plant that can't be moved? Leaves are looking a little pale in places.



Well-Known Member
Maybe you can place a deep dish below it like a casserole one, and use a turkey baster to suck up water as you flush until done?

Heres my week 3 update. Trichomes are starting to set in. Enjoy.



Well-Known Member
Maybe you can place a deep dish below it like a casserole one, and use a turkey baster to suck up water as you flush until done?

Heres my week 3 update. Trichomes are starting to set in. Enjoy.
Lovely looking plants Dave. We're on about the same flowering time, good to see a comparison. You have a journal?
Thanks for the suggestion, I have a turkey baster and a deep dish....flushing time.


Well-Known Member
Lovely looking plants Dave.
Thanks for the suggestion, I have a turkey baster and a deep dish....flushing time.
Thanks, you too. Im glad you have all the tools already on hand :). It'll be nice seeing updates from someone else neck and neck with me. This is my first time flowering. Hope it all goes smoothly.

Joe Camel

Well-Known Member
Thanks man. And ya the clones are bad looking.
I will get it right some day.But for now I am hopeful that atleast one clone will live so I can make it my mother clone.
Just a little tip for you on your clones.

You must keep some sort of humidity dome on them
I just use sandwich baggies.

Also make sure they are not under a lot of light

and mist with water every day to 2 days.

they usually root within 2 weeks, after 2 weeks give the tug test,

Slightly tug on your stem if it has rooted then take the baggie off and put it under full strength light.
also you cuttings need to be just a tad bigger for more success.
But good luck


Active Member
250 Watt HPS, 2 WW 2 Super Skunks. Switched to flower at 12". Day 11 flower. Im not off to a slow start on my buds am I? Hoped at 7 days to see what Im seeing today at day 11, the start of my colas. Plants have stretched to about 20 inches so far, almost double.

My White Widow I LST'd just a bit to keep the same height as the SS. Think I need to do some more lower branch pruning for my SOG. Its crowded in there! Next time I'll flower at 10 inches.



Cool thread Joe :weed:

here's what I've got going:

Growing Medium: Soil (Janeco Light Mix by ATAMI)

Lights: 400w HPS

Nutrients: BioBizz (entire range), AN Phirana, No Mercy Supplies liquid bat guano, plus some blackstrap molasses

Breeder of Strain: clones from Green House Seeds mothers

Room Specifications: Homebox L w/carbon filter + extraction fan, Honeywell circulation fan, and light on "yo-yos".

They just started flowering today. The 8 at the back are WW; 7 on the front are AK-47s.



Well-Known Member
Just a little tip for you on your clones.

You must keep some sort of humidity dome on them
I just use sandwich baggies.

Also make sure they are not under a lot of light

and mist with water every day to 2 days.

they usually root within 2 weeks, after 2 weeks give the tug test,

Slightly tug on your stem if it has rooted then take the baggie off and put it under full strength light.
also you cuttings need to be just a tad bigger for more success.
But good luck
Thanks joe. I did give them the tug test tonight and they all were in good. But I can't put them under the 600w M/H till I am done flowering with my 600w HPS.
I am scared that my 3 clones that are 44 days old are not going to make it in 5" pots till transplant into 12" pots.
Put I watched "Mr. Green" growing a mother clone under a 1 warm Florescent and a 1cool florescent bulb and it worked fine. That is what I would like to have setup.

I am so bad at understanding the watering of a clone.
Is it to much is it not enough. :shock: I just can't get it right. Plus in the clone room with the fans off the temp stays at about 79F to 85F.Most of the time it is at 83F. But that is the only way to keep humidity in the clone dome box. If I turn the fans on it stays at 78F but now humidity in the dome.

But I have some good looking buds forming on my 3 mothers. Look en good.:hump::joint::hump:

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
Here is an update on my WW - Hempy Grow. The 2 LST plants are starting week 4 and the 2 bushes are starting week 3.

The First WW Bush

Top View

The Second WW Bush

Top View


Top View


Top View

Hempy Bucket

Joe Camel

Well-Known Member
I am so bad at understanding the watering of a clone.
Its actually a little easier.
Never too much and never to dry.
The thing to keep in mind is you dont have a huge root mass yet.
If your clone just popped out a few roots then it only needs very little water to survive, which is also why we dont feed clones tell they are off and going. I water my clones by misting the soil every couple of days. Once you know the roots have taken then you can worry about watering the whole cup,cause now the container is full of roots-get it? This is also why its important to have humidity domes. They only serve a purpose untill the clone has rooted since it is its only source of water intake.
But if your clones have rooted, gradually work your way to full watering.

Another thing I have heard is that less watering is better for the simple fact that if your medium is saturated with water then the roots dont have to search for water.

Joe Camel

Well-Known Member
Here is an update on my WW - Hempy Grow. The 2 LST plants are starting week 3 and the 2 bushes are starting week 2.
Tommy please explain this Hempy bucket to me.
It seems like a soil-less medium. How would you compare this to soil / hydro

  1. ease
  2. results
  3. growth
  4. time consuming
  5. cost
  6. yeild?

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
Tommy please explain this Hempy bucket to me.
It seems like a soil-less medium. How would you compare this to soil / hydro

  1. ease
  2. results
  3. growth
  4. time consuming
  5. cost
  6. yeild?
1. Very Easy - by using 25% vermiculite with 75% perlite I can water/feed every 3 days.

2. I have only started this a few months ago but I love the results so far. I used to grow in soil and was intrigued at this style of grow and dived in with both feet. Once I had the research done I set a plan and went with it.

3. Growth rates are amazing. Once the roots hit that res in the bottom of the container they explode with growth. These are my first hempys in flower and so far so good.

4. Very low maintenance. Anybody can do this that knows how to read what the plant wants and mix nutrients correctly.

5. All I have invested is the containers and the grow medium and of course nutrients. As this is a modified hydro (poor man's hydro) I decided to change up nutrients and am using the Dutch Master Gold line and Open Sesame & Cha Ching & Molasses for bloom supplements.

6. As far as yield, I won't know until my first harvest which is probably 6-7 weeks away. I plan to do weekly updates until they finish.

Joe Camel

Well-Known Member
So this bucket sits in water and drained or does it stay dry.
Sounds like growing in coco, any difference in the two?

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
The bucket has a 1/2" hole drilled about 2" up from the bottom. I used silicone sealant to attach a fiberglass screen on the outside of the bucket. You water/feed until you have a little run off. This way you know the 2" reservoir at the bottom of the bucket is full. Mine need to be topped off about every 3-4 days. People use pure perlite or cocoa as a medium also but usually have to top off more often. I have a catcher under the bucket to catch the run off and have learned about how much will top it up. Then I suction up the run off with a turkey baster. It is all new to me and there are probably better ways to handle the run off but I am trying not to spend too much until I am convinced this is the way to go. I will know at first harvest. The other variable is this is my first run with genetics purchased directly from the breeder. I will keep you posted.