Who thinks im a DICK

Am I a dickhead, a little dickhead, a very tiny dickhead, so much of a dick

  • Yes completely

    Votes: 2,147,483,648 10,737,418,240.0%
  • Can't make my mind up

    Votes: 4 20.0%
  • No

    Votes: 8 40.0%

  • Total voters
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Well-Known Member
well like kant said, WHEN Im baked I can type just fine..........

Oh and ps. there IS a spell check in the top right hand corner of the message box.

Love ya,


Well-Known Member
im stoned and trying to read all this........:shock:

all i see is..BLAH,BLAH,BLAH,BLAH

damn red eyes !!!!!!!!!!!!!


Too many brownies
Now that you fixed that fix the results....I wouldnt call the name calling and warnings i recieved from skunk power abusing but the whole poll thing definitely is.

Glad you two are having fun.


New Member
So I've heard but no I think you are a really nice guy Mr. W
You are just very different and opinionated but then so am I.
BUT Mr. W ; lets keep it real here. If you are gonna post a thread asking people if you think you are a dick of course they are gonna say yes.
This site is mostly men and from the stories my husband comes home from working with mainly men all day, they're brutal.
You don't ask this kind of thing Mr. W
You're asking to be hurt. :?
well you certainly like to show your dick hahaha:mrgreen:


Too many brownies
So I've heard but no I think you are a really nice guy Mr. W
You are just very different and opinionated but then so am I.
BUT Mr. W ; lets keep it real here. If you are gonna post a thread asking people if you think you are a dick of course they are gonna say yes.
This site is mostly men and from the stories my husband comes home from working with mainly men all day, they're brutal.
You don't ask this kind of thing Mr. W
You're asking to be hurt. :?
Honestly I love this site and i spend alot of time here. I wouldnt have done all this if it wasnt for the threat of being banned.


New Member
Please let him stay skunky! He's just young and naive.
Sorry Mr. W but stop writing ok. :-|
The warnings are in your profile, the evidence is all there. Two yellows, which should make a red... but i let you off, and then you continue to take the piss. Hence the red. really you should be banned by now.:mrgreen: But every site needs a resident fool, so i let you stay.


100% Authentic A$$Hole
you guys and gals are all crazy and dickheads for that matter, including the mods......there ya go, ban me:peace:
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