CFL --TO--> HPS (closet grow) great results! everything seem ok??


Active Member
i dont know who has read my other posts but i came across a few problems and have all been fixed. its been a tough road for my one plant ( not enough light, root bound. some roots were rotted and many small roots were ripped during transplant) i waited forever for her to show sex but it took 2 months till she did. and started to flower all over. but the cfl's just didnt cut it. its like growth just stopped for an entire week. plant barely grew and leaves were curling from the sides (not the tips) my other 2 seedlings were doing fine. than at last i got my 400watt hps :) she has been loving it. (day 5 under new light). the buds grow every day. and new hairs keep sprouting on nodes.
also my 2 other bagseed plants that have been in 12/12 since seed have showed their sex this moring and are both female! i think its luck all 3 turned out fem! things are going well now and hope to always improve. someone told me a 400watt would burn my closet down but they were WRONG! i have no intake.outake.vents or cool tube. and it does not over heat. my friend keeps his heat turned down very low [closet is in his basement.inside his room] i blow an oscilating fan on them twice daily but always leave fan on blowing towards closet with both doors open 1 inch from the sides. i still need to buy chains to adjust the hight of the light. but its ok for now i think. pics are below. any comments/suggestions/advise is appreciated.

*Lumatek Ballast (supports hps and Mh )
*Hydro Farm Reflector and adjustable light fixture.
*Schultz 10-54-10 bloom builder for flowering
*2-part veg solution (provided by hydroponics store owner. grows pot himself. leagally)
*i give them britta filtered water

[pics were taken with my phone. not best quality]



Active Member
Thats awesome man, glad to see everything is working out better for you. Looks like your plants are nice and healthy. :weed:
yeup. thanks alot! :leaf: this is my first grow and will be my 1st harvest. i cant wait to trim and cut buds off. all hairs are still white so she may have 2-3 weeks left. its a pure sativa strain 2 and a half months old from seed. cant wait. anyone else? feel free. im always trying to improve


Active Member
no-one has input? lol well i have some updated more clear pics now and some new questions... my big (sativa bagseed) girl is about 2-3 weeks away from harvest. and doing great. a few curled leafs at the top but no big deal. im flushing now til harvest and i gave her about 1.5 tbl of white sugar cane disolved in water. the main cola bud is very flufy and needs a little filling in still but im noticing more crystals every day.. as for my other 2 plants their doin great. very fast growth 12/12 from seed [2 weeks of only blue spectrum light] they are also bagseed and both female. i couldnt be happier. the one looks normal while the other is like geneticly impaired lol it has leaf formations like ive never seen and it branched out its own stem growing along side it making it look like i topped her but didnt. im woundering if the "schultz bloom builder 10-54-10" powder mix is good to use? ive been using it on my 1 plant.. here are the pics. plz let me know what you all think


Well-Known Member
You've got at least a month left. Those are barely flowering yet. They look really healthy, though. Good luck and be patient. Sativas take FOREVER.


Well-Known Member
Looking good, would love to do a sativa but just havent got the patience to wait that long at the moment (usually 12-13 weeks flowering)

An intake and an exhaust would be beneficial to your plants and kill smell by passing it through a carbon filter - i converted two of my wardrobes to a veg room and flowering room and its working out quite nicely


Active Member
aww shit! lol i was thinking more like 2-3 weeks left. hope its worth it, im going into week 7 flowering almost. the flowers are getting much bigger with more crystals than i anticipated which is awsome. i much prefer a good strong "Sativa" high any day :leaf: anyways. we do have a good 'honeywell' fan.thin but tall. (oscilating) blowing on em. usually in one open side of the closet forcing air through and out the other. i was hoping to harvest her asap cuz its getting very crowded in there. less light hits the bottom flowers as the next plant grows bigger each day. there really isnt room to bend her. i never thought they would get that bushy lol i hope their indica. can anyone tell? i have been tricked befor


Hey man your grow looks pretty good!, When did you start using bloom builder? In flowering or veg? Im thinking about using it how is it??


Active Member
Hey man your grow looks pretty good!, When did you start using bloom builder? In flowering or veg? Im thinking about using it how is it??
im not too sure myself. thats why im asking some1 else lol i know there are better nutes but this will have to do for now. btw if your thinking of using this its a "flower cycle" only fertilizer. i have a professional 2 part liquid fertilizer for Veg.