Once, almost 20 years ago, me and 2 girlfriends were on our way to score when I spotted a little baggie behind this church we wer about to have a smoke behind. It had a few tiny nug fragments and a very small foil, which upon inspection happened to have some weird looking weed in it, it was all a chocolate brown, with tiny little buds on tiny thin stems. It looked very weird to us and in all honesty resembled a matchstick with dried raisins stuck on it.
So we rolled up a very very thin joint to try out, had one cautious toke each, and burst out laughing cos everything was suddenly really really funny. We continued to ramp up for about 4 hours, cruised in the stratosphere for another 4 hours, and then slowly rolled downhill for a few hours, Led Zep bringin us back to earth for a very gentle landing, and ending my first 12-hour 1-toke laughing-fit space adventure.
All we had smoked up to that point was pretty much leaf, this new chocolate raisin weed was something else entirely.
We found the guy who was selling it, got some off him and asked what it was. He said it was 'Buddha' and or 'Chocolate'.
When he disappeared, we never saw that weed again. We often talk about it and wonder what it was, where it was from, who has some seeds...
This was a long time ago, and with the benefit of hindsight and never having found anything close to it again, we decided that it was probably laced with something (opium?) and the amount we smoked we're all lucky we aren't hagged old crack whores.